Wednesday Words I Love

I love you much most beautiful darling more than anyone on the earth and I like you better than everything in the sky.
-E.E. Cummings

[more than you know]
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The Hailey Daily

Let me explain something super awesome.
In kindergarten I had a friend named Hailey. She moved away with her family and I never heard from her again. ...I mean, in kindergarten how are you supposed to keep in contact with people..?
A few months ago I was instagram stalking, and FOUND HAILEY! We've re-connected and have found out we have more in common than ever. Hailey has been an awesome support system to me, and she is driving down from Idaho for the wedding! A true fairytale friendship story.

She tagged me in her blog post yesterday, so I'm keeping the tradition going!

1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.
1. I love anything unicorn. And anything pink or sparkly. Yes, I said unicorn.
2. I don't drink soda, and for the whole month of February I haven't eaten any treats. No fast food, no bakery items, no sugar, nothing pre-packaged and nothing fried. Just to say I did.
3. I have over 100 pairs of shoes. Easily.
4. I am a certified Eyelash technician
5. I can touch my tongue to my nose. I discovered I could do this last year and it was a really good day.
6. I think the show wipeout is one of the funniest shows ever invented
7. I love music that makes you want to dance. In the car, getting ready for the day, out in public, anywhere.
8. I want 3 kids. I'd be really happy if my first baby is a boy.
9. I don't like large birds, they freak me out. 
10. I'm terrified of deer. (Thanks Noelle.) I pulled up in my driveway the other day and there were deer standing near my car. I had a panic attack and made my brother come outside to get me.
11. I love cowboy boots.

1. if you met someone and hated their name, would that influence if you dated them?
I guess it depends on what the name is. I'd like to say no..
and if you already have a significant other, do you like their name?
I love Spencer's name.. and I love that he is my significant other..
2. what is your proudest moment?
Receiving my Temple Recommend.  <3
3. what is your favorite way to procrastinate?
EASY- by taking a nap. Anywhere, anytime.
4. if you could only eat one kind of dessert forever what would you choose?
Texas sheet cake or red velvet cupcakes.
5. do you feel awkward talking to people who are wearing sunglasses that you can see your reflection in or is that just me?
That's just you. :)
6. do you love anything striped right now?
I love everything striped right now. Especially Summery clothing items. LOVE.
7. do you write in a journal and blog? why?
I write for both. My New Years resolution was to document my life more. I love going back through my journal and seeing how things change.
8. what is your unrealistic fantasy career?
A personal assistant/shopper. Owning my own salon, designing clothing... there's a few..
9. what is the most awkward situation you can think of?
Answering my house phone "Thank you for calling the Point this is Mikell" after being at work all day. I guess if that's the most awkward thing I can think of that has ACTUALLY happened, I can consider myself pretty lucky..
10. are you an organized person?
Extremely. Everything is written in a planner I carry with me always. I have a special love for post it notes and labeling things.
11. have you ever had to tell someone that you couldn't be their friend anymore?
No, I've just let things fizzle out if they need to. I think most people get the hint.
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your fondest childhood memory?
3. If you could meet someone famous who is no longer living, who would it be?
4. What is your biggest dream in life?
5. If you won $100.00 What would you do with it? $1.000?
6. If you HAD to move to another state, what state would you choose?
7. If you could do something illegal with no consequences, what would it be?
8. If you got to pick a super power, what would it be?
9. What is your favorite song right now?
10. What are you most afraid of?
11. What is the best item on your bucket list?
Haley Mears
Elsha Rae
Emily Ferguson
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Testing my Luck!

This week I have been extremely LUCKY! it's been really weird. I'm considering buying lotto tickets.  :)
Spencer says I get so lucky on getting things, or winning things... apparently he is right..!

Last week I heard a trivia question on the radio, and the answer hit me like a ton of bricks. I KNEW IT!

QUESTION: 10% of women open their mouths to do this.
I called the radio station and GOT THROUGH! (I've never even attempted to call a radio station in my life) I gave my answer:

ANSWER: Put on mascara!


I won a $35.00 Facial Gift card and got entered into the AMC Fly away event in Vegas! WOOT WOOT!

THEN, the VERY NEXT MORNING I was listening to the radio driving to work when the "name that song" game came on. I ALWAYS know the answers when I play along in my car. Soo, just for the heck of it I called in. AND GOT THROUGH AGAIN as CONTESTANT #1!
They played the 3 second music clip AND I KNEW IT!!!
This time I won 2 concert tickets AND got entered in, AGAIN, for the AMC Fly away event in Vegas. WOOT WOOT!

THEN, the NEXT day, I got a pizza with Josh and Kiersten.
I hate getting cheated when I open the pizza box and there's some little dinky pepperoncini pepper in there. Give me a good one dang it. SO, I asked the kid at the pizza place for 2. I didn't feel like that was too much to ask.
I got to Kiersten's and opened the box and there was literally like 20 peppers in there. FOR FREEEE!
I ate all 20.

THEN, the NEXT day, I got a letter in the mail. I opened it and apparently I over-paid for a pathology lab I had done like a year ago. They so kindly sent me a check in the mail for what I had over-paid.

THEN, YESTERDAY, I handed my little grey envelope to the Bishop and he asked to meet me after church. Yup.
I officially have my temple recommend and cried like a baby.
This one isn't LUCK, but I feel so lucky..

AND I bought some killer shoes for our rehearsal dinner that are going to knock every one's socks off!

I also consider myself very LUCKY to be marrying Spencer in JUST EIGHTEEN DAYS!!! The Countdown is OFFICIALLY in the "teens!" HOLY.COW.
To say the least it has been an INTERESTING last few days! I can't wait to see what this week has in store for me!

Happy Monday everyone!

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The cover sheet of my TPS report

Well, I quit my job yesterday.

I literally took a nap after I wrote that line.

I cried when I told my mom I was thinking of quitting because I didn't even make it a full month there. But just trying to meet the physical and mental demands of the job  would have been hard enough, if they didn't run counter to every other aspect of my life.
Let's pretend you're a new recruit.  First, don't worry-you'll get two days off a week, not Saturday and Sunday, mind, but any two days off in a row if they can swing it. The other days you would go in at 10:45  have a coffee and start work at 11. You would work till 3pm, have a big lunch and come home. You are now off until 6:30 when sit down to eat and start work at 7. You're probably not hungry, but there will be no more food options until after midnight so get some protein in your belly. Work from 7 to 2 AM, at least three times a week, though on the early nights you'll be home before 1 AM.
Remember: 10 drinks, three normal cokes with no ice, two Zeros with no lemon, 2 of one kind of beer, two of another--one of those is only a demi, and the rest easy to spill remember which burger is well done, right? Is that tartar préparer or poêlé?  How many people need a sharp knife? Did you really forget to put bread down on table vingt-deux? They want the ribs, but no pomme au four, substitue frites. But just for one-- Je sais qu'elle a dit, "aparaît" mais, elle vas prendre haricots verts, supplémentaires !
You got that?
The quesadilla comes out first, but they want the soup with the meal. Wait, have three people told you yet: He wanted a large salad, but you tapped a small.
Is there really no new silverware on table trente-deux? Their second course is almost done, reclaim it! Table quarante-cinq is just drinking tap water, lots and lots of tap water. When you have a second, can you bring them  more of that? Great, the total bill comes out to cent quatre-vingts-neuf et cinquante centimes, split it four ways.
They are not tipping.

But if you've got a good sense of balance and a good mind for factorial trees, you'll rarely screw up. Don't expect anyone to care if you do your job properly, they will only notice the times you fall short of that mark. And no, you're not changing lives, you're serving lunch, so pretending that what you do ultimately has any meaning and is therefore worth stressing out about may be difficult for you. It certainly was for me.

It was also really hard for Sebastien who suddenly had to be in charge of cleaning, laundry, all the dishes ever as well as cooking for himself....which means he ate soup nearly the whole time I worked there. Sometimes he laid down to cuddle with me for my midday nap, but that was really all I saw of him.

Look, I know I have basically been on a two year vacation in France. It's made me feel pretty shitty about myself, but jumping off the deep end into extreme physical labor was not (apparently) the answer. Not while I live in a colocation with six other people who have normal day jobs and don't care that I have to work brunch on Sunday morning--because if you haven't gone to sleep yet, it's still Saturday night, and if they want to play guitar in the kitchen to impress a trio of girls at 6 am that's just what they're going to do.

I could always move out. But that means that my days off are spent looking for new places to live and then moving there....something I couldn't really put on the table as an option until I had a full contract with this company--which would only be granted to me a few months from now in the best of circumstances.

So anyway, I have a part time gig a few days a week for more money per hour than I ever made in the States. I can read and write blog posts again and take short trips on the weekends. I can cook with my partner and have a social life in the evenings. Obviously, I still feel bad about giving up...but I'm sure I'll get over it, I have a lecture to prepare..

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Swim Season!

Happy FRIDAY! I have some MAJOR spring fever today!
Beach, Swimming Pool, run-through-the-sprinkler, sunny, warm weather will NOT be here soon enough! I cannot wait for shorts and cute sunglasses- Summer is TOTALLY MY SEASON!
(Thankfully I'll be on the beach with husband in 22 days!)
Every year I allow myself to buy one (or two..) new swimming suits, which as you can imagine, has added up over the last few summers. I love them!

Here are just a few I adore, and had to share...
Thanks Pinterest!










I'm so glad swimming suit season will (hopefully) be here before we know it!

What are some of your favorite swimming suits to wear?

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Sharlie's Angels

Today's blog post is about being inspired, hopeful, blessed, and most of all, thankful.

For the last few weeks I've been closely following Sharlie's progress through her lung/heart transplant. I've been able to follow her progress through her Sharlie's Angels Facebook page which is absolutely incredible to see the support she has.

The amount of love I feel for Sharlie, someone I've maybe seen twice in my life at Ali's house, is absolutely unreal.

The progress Sharlie has made since her surgery, and the trials she has been faced with throughout her life are real life examples of true faith. With every update on facebook about her progress, she has hundreds of "likes" and comments. People from all over are cheering for Sharlie and keeping her in their prayers.

There have been multiple times in the last few weeks I find myself teary at my desk, or with my mom reading Sharlie's updates and looking at pictures of the strongest woman fighting to become healthy and strong, and feeling such a connection to someone I don't even know. As I've read through her updates I've found myself in total awe that someone going through what she has, can be such a source of strength to everyone else.
Sharlie and her family are amazing examples to me.

Today I am thankful for Faith, Prayer and wonderful examples around me every single day. I'm thankful for my friends and wonderful family who keep me grounded, and remind me about the important things in life.

Sharlie and all of her family have been in my prayers every night.
What a wonderful, wonderful woman.

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Wednesday: Words I Love!

Last week at lunch I grabbed a fortune cookie. (DELICIOUS!)
I cracked it in the package, ate half and read my fortune..

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."

I loved this because it's so true.

How often in life do we feel we are constantly on the go, too busy, don't have time for the things we love, or people we love? How often do we feel like we get caught up in the rush of the world, and forget how blessed and happy we really are? How often do we "hope" or "wish" for better things or better days, when the day and the moment we are in are really so beautiful?

"Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day."

Take some time today to just be happy! Be thankful and content. Tell your friends and family how much you love them.

[Breathe, and just be happy.]
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That's right ladies and gentlemen. This week with Spencer was our LAST week together as an "un-married" couple. The next time he'll be back in town, will be the week of the wedding. SO CRAZY!
More now than ever, I've been thankful for my obsessive organizing skills. Planning the wedding has been a BREEZE and totally NOT stressful- just the way it should be.

This week together we were able to:
1. Watch the Bachelor together. (Spencer is the best sport EVER!)
2. Celebrate Valentine's day together- TOTAL SURPRISE!
3. Go on a date to the Natural History Museum. Super cool place.
4. Get our Marriage License and send off wedding invitations! We also figured out details on dinner, a head count for the reception & got Spencer's suit tailored!
5. Spencer had surgery and we were all entertained by the video my dad took of him waking up at the hospital. Good times!
6. Spent time with Josh, Kiersten and Tyler B. for Kiki's Birthday! Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory!
7. I found the PERFECT Dresses for our Rehearsal dinner and the Temple!
8. We ate Costa Vida and Visited Papa at the care center
9. Went on a Double Date with my parents and ate dinner at Wingers
10. Went to church together and watched the Walking Dead!
11. Slept in and went out to breakfast with the family
12. Visited Sherry, Nate and the kids in Provo. We attempted to make homemade lotion (we're going to perfect the recipe!) And we ate at the Awful Waffle. Delish!
13. Spencer was an AWESOME sport again last night, and watched the FULL two hours of The Bachelor with me after we ate Orange Leaf with Josh and Kiersten!

To say the least, our week was PACKED. We had so much fun though with our friends and family and we accomplished a whole list of to-do items! As much as I hate it when Spencer leaves to go back to work, I have something MAJOR to look forward to when he is back in 2 weeks! Married in just 24 Days!

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The BIRTHDAY girl!


Today's post is recognizing one of the most awesome girls I know. I've known Kierst since 7th grade, and we did NOT like each other. BUT. We quickly became best of friends. We've had SO many fun adventures together that I wouldn't trade for anything..

INCLUDING: driving to ridiculous places to do ridiculous things, spending hours on end in the sun, creating a "summer mix cd", driving around in my car with the top down no matter what month it was- (this includes getting drive through ice cream cones in the snow..), pancake runs at 4:00 am, multiple (illegal) activities, taco time runs, going to First Night New Years Eve celebrations every year, skipping class together, creating our own dance videos, chalking people's driveways, dollar chicken sandwiches and chocolate scoops from Carl's Jr., multiple trips to the zoo-(where we picked up our nicknames "mookie" and "tino") me cutting or coloring kiersten's hair and sneaking into neighbors pools. Fully clothed I might add. Literally. With jeans on..

..Hangin out at home, long nights at First Night...

Drivin (probably to get food) and hanging out at the pool!

..finally graduation day rolled around..

...We have even dressed up stupid Katie the cat...

Kiki had THE CUTEST preg belly I have ever seen!
(And now has the CUTEST baby..)

..We've gone to Utes Football games together..

This is us after she and Josh got sealed! (YAAA!)

We rang in the new year 2012 with some party hats and crazy dancing..

To say the least we've had some good times together. I'm so happy our "husbands" are best friends because it guarantees double dates EVERY time Spencer is in town and I love our date nights. Kiki I'm so glad we're friends and I'm also glad we have an online support system together while we're at work! haha
 I hope you have the BEST birthday and the perfect day today! I can't wait for our plans tonight (and for you to open your present!) Thanks for always being a good support, a good friend, a good shopping partner and a GOOD TIME! I Love ya so so much! (and thanks for rockin' the lipstick with me!!)

I'd say after 11 years of being friends and causing more trouble than necessary, we've turned out pretty alright <3


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What a fool believes

So a few things about things,  my favorite  convocation, I've been a wicked may-jah losah about commenting on all my friends blogs lately--even though I've been reading them in bits and snippets when I can. Frankly I've been working like a skinny tie, 80's upstart with an expensive drug habit. Or a mom with 10 children that are never going to college, if you like.  (One of them really should though, there is good money in that.)
I was very tempted to post and highlight the difference between my teaching resume and and my service/sales resume, but, for the sake of brevity, I will say instead that writing a curriculum vitae is all about constructing a narrative you can sell...
So anyway, I'm waitressing.
I have to balance plates on my hands and my arms, and I'm just learning to trust myself as I navigate the dining-rooms.
 The staff I work with is fluid and flexible and are all totally unafraid to put me in my place--which sometimes made me want to cry, but ultimately, is making me better.

The other night when I returned for my second shift, the back dining room was set up for a cocktail party. Upon inquiring with one of the old timers behind the bar, I was told the space had been rented by"Some theater thing, some--I don't know, film--we had them here last year too." He waved his hand dismissively and impressed me yet again with another perfect pour.
I was like, ok it's Paris, people are putting on little film things all the time, whatever. We closed the whole place down at 10 to the regular customers , who, while being forced to leave, were  whispering to me about how there were famous people in the next room and they wished they could get their autograph.  I was like, lol, the French. Them and their little icons whom no one else has heard of because they're not making films in English. Lolzorz. Lol. Sofunnyahahah.
Ignorant American?
Yes, I believe that passport needs a stamp.

So, the party gets going and my arms are totally loving their workout. I'm moving around the room collecting glasses and giving out finger foods. It's almost midnight, but I'm wide awake and  feeling pretty nostalgic reflecting back on that the idyllic Cape Cod summer my best friend and I catered for the company my sister was managing. The clip on ties and the Doobie Brothers all the time. Some Dj's never change, we were dancing till September everyday...
Atanyrate, being as disconnected with the world as I am, I had no idea who that good looking guy was or what other films he was in. So when I proffered a tray of sweets and pulled it away a few times il a'dit, "vous etes une blaggeur, non?"
"Pas trop" was my response.
Nothing more than that. But I googled the movie and the guy when I got home and realized belatedly that that guy was Jean Dujardin. This is why I don't have a bucket list, because how could you ever arrange to tease a famous actor who's up for an oscar?!

Anyway, in the name of balance, I was horribly sick the next day, my day off, and our anniversary. Sebastien is such a good, good man. His gift to me was a living document of the memories he could remember about our relationship in it's early years. We've only been together six, which makes me chuckle a little about what an old man Sebastien has always been.  It's a good read. It obviously made me cry and I would post it for you, but some of it is pretty naughty. There totally came a point where I said, 'Oh my, we must never let our children see this!'

He's better than I deserve, but I made him chocolate covered chips and Boeuf Bourguignon. We spent all of my tips from that shift on high quality ingredients and were not disappointed. I wanted to break out the champaign and try out some new cocktails but I'm generally not in favor of drinking when I am sick. And when I say genrally, I mean totally.
I had a fever for part of this sick-show and two of our friends came over because they didn't see my cancellation email. They had never seen me in my PJs either, or so near tears as when Sebastien accidentally bumped my arm.
It was two single dudes, too. I'm sure they left greatly impressed upon.
Oh, speaking of my friends, Aude defended her dissertation on whether localizing circuits would increase pattern coherence of electrons in low-temperature environments would lead to, yeah I stopped reading too...
Whatevski--she did it! We so proud!

And if you're feeling mathy, and I know some of you are,  please check out my other friend's post doctoral project, Micro GP. He and his team have  developed an evolutionary algorithm to solve hard problems. It's open source and free, so use it and share it and see if you can give it something truly masterful  to consider. That is your homework. Well, that and this:

Yeah, he's one of those. But we don't hug, we french kiss. ;P
Don't worry about me, friends--haven't died, you and I are still cool. Even if you're not the sort of friend who will tell me when I've got something stuck in my teeth,  that means, at least, that I will never fart in front of you...
I fail to see how this is in any way a downside for you, I've been eating steak tartar.
It's time for sleeps, my peeps.  Hasta luego.
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All your life..

I just LOVE this song. That's all.
The video is a little strange, but I dig it.
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Wednesday: Words I Love

"Makeup is simply an extension of the personality. It takes skills to know how to enhance your own beauty, creativity to play with colors and confidence to express yourself. It's a real thing."

Monday afternoon I spent some SERIOUS time in Sephora. A funky girl's heaven. I walked in  and the bright, fun colors of eyeshadow, lipstick and nail polish are almost overwhelming. My WANT switch flipped on real quick.
I've had so many people in the last few months mention how they want me to teach them how to do their make up. I am NO professional here, let's be honest. I do love to play around with new make up items and fun colors though. If there's a new make up product, I probably have it.

(This post is all about what I consider to be the "staples" in MY makeup bag. Everything from Face, to eyes, to lips.) <3



Product 1: Super Stay Foundation. 24 Hour wear. This foundation is the best. It's not oily, it lasts all day and it NEVER looks "cakey" -Find it HERE (I like to buy mine at Target.)
**TIP: I get my foundation sponge damp before applying foundation. It helps it stay smooth**
Product 2: NARS liquid illuminator. I buy this in shade LAGUNA for a liquid bronzer. This goes on evenly and doesn't look orange like a lot of bronzers do. I use this all over my face and neck right after I apply my foundation. There's minimum shimmer in this which reflects the perfect amount of light. It's pricey, but it will usually last me a few months with me using it on a daily basis. Find it HERE.



Product 1 Blush: I use this Josie Maran Argan Color Stick. This is almost like a fun giant crayon for your face. It's a sheer color that adds a "natural flush" to cheeks. Plus this product is all-natural and infused with all sorts of beneficial ingredients. I don't like the dry feeling of a powder blush (or foundation) so this is perfect and hydrating. This is also a bit pricey for blush (can also be used on lips..) BUT it has lasted me a few months so far and I haven't used even a quarter of the stick yet. Find it HERE
Product 2: This is Benefit's High Beam Luminescent liquid. It's in a bottle just like fingernail polish with a brush. I bought this on Monday and I love it. It's used like a highlighter. It's pretty thick, so LITTLE dabs on cheekbones go a LONNGGG way. This will seriously last forever. You can find it HERE


Product 1: This little purple tube works wonders. It's Urban Decay Shadow Primer. If you put a little bit of this on eyelids before any shadow, it will literally last all day.
That means No shadow creases! (yay!) Find it HERE
Product 2:  I think the key to eyeshadow is finding colors you like in a palette. The multi-colors in a palate really create a dimension one color does not. Matte, shimmer, bold, pastels... Switch it up and don't be afraid to try new things! I saw this shadow palette at Sephora and was SO excited. I love the natural/earth tones in this. They can be dressy, classy or funky with different colored eyeliners. My eye shadows seriously last forever, I have yet to replace ANY. Find this Moonshadow Baked Palette HERE.



Product 1: After putting on eyeshadow I use Maybelline eyeliner, I like mine to be black by upper lashes. I do NOT like the pencil eyeliners that have to be sharpened. I think they are harsh on your eyelids and I don't feel like they last as long.
**after I use eyeliner and before I put mascara on, I apply a single coat of clear gel mascara and let it sit for a minute before I curl my lashes. You will be HOOKED on buying clear mascara. (pictured below..) I also use it to keep my eyebrows in place. No one likes stray eyebrow hairs! Applying a clear coat of mascara gives black mascara a sticky base and helps it last longer, and look more fresh!**
Product 2: Mascara is my comfort blanket. I love Mascara. I am SUPER picky with my mascara. I hate trying new mascara products- if I try it once and don't like it, it gets trashed. Maybelline Falsies Volume Mascara is AWESOME! It doesn't clump, it glides on, and it makes my lashes look nice and long. Who doesn't want that! I especially like the "black drama" version, (not pictured) I will buy this as long as they make it. Find it HERE
Product 3: I usually like to use a different color of eyeliner under my bottom lashes. These gel-like eyeliners from Sephora are amazing. They glide on and the color stays vibrant. Play around with different colors! Find the many funky colors HERE
Product 4: Last of all, I use liquid eyeliner on TOP of the pencil liner- but ONLY on top lashes. If you ask me, using liquid liner on the bottom is asking for disaster. Liquid liner alone looks too harsh on me, so I like to line on top of pencil liner. I think it's a nice happy medium. Find this waterproof liquid liner HERE If you are brave you can also get funky with the liquid eyeliner. .Adele status.



Product 1: This is TARTE brand eyebrow pencil. I haven't always been a fan of penciled-in eyebrows, but this has absolutely changed my mind. It's the PERFECT shade, has the brow brush at the end AND it's got the all-natural stamp of approval! Find it HERE
Product 2: Here is the clear mascara I talked about above. Maybelline has another version of clear mascara, but the want isn't as big, and it's straight rather than the curled version Covergirl has. Use this as a base to your black mascara or use it after penciling eyebrows for an all-day hold. Find this clear mascara HERE



Product 1: Eyelash Curler. I'm SO picky with these as well. I found this Revlon one, and will buy it as long as I live. Find it HERE. There are so many different versions of an eyelash curler. Sephora even has a heated one that I've tried. It was interesting..
*Tip: turn your hair dryer on and hold your eyelash curler at the end to heat it up. ONLY hold it there 2-3 seconds on low or you'll scorch your eyelids with the hot metal of the eyelash curler. NOT fun I PROMISE. This will curl your lashes to the EXTREME and they will hold ALL DAY!**
Product 2: Eyelash/Eyebrow brush. This tool is AWESOME for separating eyelashes and making them stand out. This will remove any mascara clumps you have with ease! Find this perfect little tool HERE

I didn't list a LIPS section here because I will use ALMOST everything on my lips. I DO love "Udder Stick" chapstick, when and if I find it I will buy a few of them. I love lipstick but I do not have a favorite brand or color, anything funky and bold! Anything that's not TOO sticky for a lipgloss is perfect. Lip stains are good if you want a matte looking all day color. I also like the cheap Sally Hansen clear pure glitter gloss to glam up a casual outfit.

At the end of the day...


Product 1: Neutrogena Make Up Remover Wipes. These are awesome for waterproof makeup, it comes off really easily. These are not good if you have oily skin.
Product 2: Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes. These have a fresh citrus scent and exfoliation beads on them for a gentle scrub. I recommend these, hands down. (There's also another version of Pond's face wipes without the scrubbies. Those have a fresh soapy scent- those are awesome too!)

I think the most important thing to remember when putting on or trying new makeup, is to have fun and don't be afraid to experiment with new products! If you don't like something, use makeup remover and start over!

What are some of your favorite beauty products?
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