A Ginger-rific Birthday!

Today is my 100th blog post!!
Which is a celebration alone!
Happy my 100th blog post is about Fatalie!

I'm pretty sure everyone probably knows Natalie by know.
[AKA: Fatalie]
You can find my blog post on Fatalie HERE

Today is this little Ginger's 19th Birthday!!!!
19 years ago this flaming red head came out of the womb looking like a smurf child.. All blue and baby ugly with a red hair. Demon child? Probably
My mom tried to convince herself she birthed an Angel and dressed Fatalie up in an angel costume for baby pictures. Unfortunately for ya'll I couldn't find a picture.

To honor ginger-face, I thought I'd post some pictures she doesn't know I have.

For those of you who grew up in the 90's know the TV show that was on after school.. ZOOM.
This was a recipe she followed from ZOOM one day. I'm not sure, but I THINK they're cookies..

Here she is with prune fingers looking all innocent..
You should have seen her little ginger fro when her hair was that short and dry!
She was a total water weenie growing up! IF she wasn't in the pool, she was laying naked in the bathtub with her underwear pulled up around her chest and my dads big tee shirt wrapped around her legs pretending to be a mermaid.
Good times I tell ya..

This picture is PROBABLY one of my favorites. When Fatalie was little she would wish for more freckles so they would all blend together and she would just look tan. Like one giant walking freckle. You can see on her cheeks she was doing a good job..

Now this next picture is for those with children who are a little on the crazy side. If this doesn't give you hope, I don't know what will....

See.. Even if your child decides it's really funny to take the curly red hairs out of her hair brush to make it look like chest hair... There's still potential she MIGHT grow up normal.
In this case, I think We lucked out with Fatalie..

Natalie is someone who I KNOW I will have a good time with.
[see below]

SURPRISINGLY, not EVERY picture I have of Fatalie is ugly..

AND, on occasion we like to be normal together.

We will always share a love for using strange voices for each other, name calling (to one another, gory zombie movies & looking at awkward family photos. [Of other people.]
 We will never get sick of laughing about the time we went to family dinner at Robintino's when dad was REALLY moody, and I shot a spit wad right at his forehead.
Sometimes you just need a good ice-breaker!

This little ginger is growing right up- 19 years old today.
BUT no matter how old we both get, she'll always be my best friend.
Some of my favorite times have been with Fatalie.


-your (little) big sister!

Peach Cobbler

I like to cook. I really do.
Spencer wouldn't say so.. BUT. I would.

With Spencer previously working at Halliburton and not being home very often, when he WAS home our schedules were usually jam-packed with plans. Family, friends, date nights..
A home cooked meal was NEVER on our menu.
Now that he's home and going to school I've been trying harder to cook..
We are never at home for breakfast or lunch, and two days a week we aren't home together for dinner either.
SO whether I'm making cookies, dinners, side dishes.. whatever.. I'm attempting.
[Spencer, by the way, is a fabulous cook.]

Last night I decided to make Peach Cobbler. with FRESH peaches.
We love this time of year- peach season.

I invited my mom over to have some of our cobbler.
My recipe was passed down for who knows how long, but I know that my pink grandma, mom, and Aunt Diane used to make it together. Every time I make Peach Cobbler I can't help but think of the three of them in the kitchen enjoying their treat together.

Unfortunately mom wasn't able to make it down to our place SO
we each ate a bowl of heaven just the two of us.

[Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of the cobbler after. I was too busy eating it!]

I decided to take the almost empty garbage out only because there were peach skins in it and we've had a problem with those pesky little fruit flies.
[The very thought of them makes me cringe!]
Just as I opened our front door the missionaries were talking to our neighbor across the hall!
We invited the Elders in for Peach Cobbler but it was 9:00pm already so we loaded up two paper plates and sent them on their way. As they left they turned around and said, "WE OWE YOU!"

Sharing my Peach Cobbler with the missionaries was my good deed for the day.


Getting Dirty!

So this past Saturday was the Kiss Me Dirty Salt Lake City race series supporting Gynecological Cancer Research at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Since I typically don't have the opportunity to roll around in mud AND I would be supporting my place of work.. I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

Kiersten and I did some pep talking and got ready to get DIRTY!
(with custom made tanks by yours truly I might add..)
Our team name: Some like it dirty.

When the first few waves were finishing before we had even started, we were a little skeptical about how NONE of them were muddy..?! 
This my friends, would not be the case for us.
I mean really..? Who signs up for a MUD RUN and doesn't get muddy?

We were 7th wave of this run and started at 9:30 am. Considering the fact Kierst is a total gym nut and I'm COMPLETELY out of shape, I think I kept up with her pretty well. She would probably say otherwise, but that's cool too. When we started passing girls from wave 6- I was feelin GOOD! 

Here are some pics from our adventure!
Here's our BEFORE picture.
[Nice & Clean.]

My Husband is a total sweetheart and came to cheer us on.
[& take a few pics]
..as you can see we are no longer squeaky clean..

Spencer showed up towards the last part of the race. We passed through huge muddy pipes, muddy tires, practically swam in mud water, and here and there threw a few mud chunks at each other.
The finish line was running through a HUGE cloud pillow of bubbles.
That's what is all over our legs.
Our KMD Swag!
Our shoes totally trashed. The shoes lined up are all of the pairs that were donated by the runners. Each pair earned 75 cents to go towards research. They pay a company to come in and clean all of the shoes up, then they are donated to a third world country.
I went home barefoot!
Pretty funny!
but I like mine caged.
Spencer was totally grossed out at the thought I would try to hug him.
Hence the reason he's keeping his small distance.

Driving home was an adventure. Totally CAKED in mud.
I thought ahead thankfully and brought two garbage bags we carefully sat on to head home.
[Clean car a success!]
Totally loved doing this.
Spencer NEVER thought I'd enjoy playing in the mud.
[Don't let the blonde hair and shiny lips fool you.]
This race isn't called "Kiss Me Dirty" for nothin!
Here's our lovely Before/After pictures.
[Getting Dirty a Success!!]

..If you don't believe this was a total success..
My bathwater will prove you wrong.
Totally Disgusting? Yep!

Will this be a new tradition?


Kelli's Baby Shower

Earlier this month I threw a baby shower for my friend Kelli-
due September 9th with baby Charlie!
From day 1 I have watched Kelli's little belly grow and grow, felt Charlie kick & every Monday with Kelli read updates on Charlie's growth for the week.

Here are some pictures from the baby shower!
The party favors were nail polish all in the colors of baby Charlie's Nursery!

Everyone wrote their wishes for Charlie..

The build your own fruit pizza bar was a HIT!

I told everyone to bring a baby picture to hang up

We played a game called "My water broke"
There were little plastic babies in the ice cubes- the first one to have their baby break from their ice cube got a prize!
Everyone got a clothespin to hook on their clothes when they came in the door. If you said "BABY" the first person to catch you got to steal your clothespin. Kelli had quite a collection going on..

Baby Charlie was born!
I cannot wait to meet Charlie and see mama Kelli
I ALSO cannot WAIT to take his newborn pictures!!


Busy Busy

August has been such a busy month I feel like I have hardly had time to blog about anything. Over the next week my blog will be flooded with update posts on what's been going on!

I have stayed SO busy at work. Our previous cashier put her two weeks in, and luckily for me my SISTER got the job! She has been so awesome and everyone LOVES her!
This was a picture from her first day at work.
I think she passed!
Working with Fatalie has been so fun, and such a blessing for me helping me out at work. We get to be together everyday which I'm super happy about considering she is moving to Hawaii in December!
I've been busy with Lash Extensions which is awesome! 
I enjoy doing them and it's decent money on the side.
I've also started taking newborn pictures and have absolutely fallen in love with working so closely with babies and their moms. A special thanks to my friends for having beautiful babies that make this job so fun!
This is baby Jace.. here is a Mini preview of his baby pictures..
Spencer started school this week and his first day seemed to go pretty well.. I'm hoping his English class doesn't get too overwhelming he has a written paper due every Tuesday and Thursday.

As you can see things around here have been busy.
Busy but good.
LOTS of updates to come this week!