I'm SOo excited to say that I'm OFFICIALLY enrolled in school to get my Master Esthetics License!
I'm starting April 16th with an intense part-time schedule along with my full time job. I've wanted to get my Esthetics License since high school & I've had a long list of why I couldn't, why I shouldn't or why I should wait.
I'm done waiting.
To the long nights ahead, sleepy days & lots of studying..
I've been waiting for you for 6 years.
All of my friends in the SLC area I'm going to need you to practice on!

5 Types of Annoying People

 When I was driving to work the other day I heard this segment on the radio:

*keep in mind these come from a stat on the radio- not me*

1. Loud Neighbors.
Example: Our neighbors that yell at their kids all day long.
How to deal with them: Knock on their door and tell them they are being loud. Most of the time they don't even realize how loud they really are being!
2. Friends that are always Late.
Example: You made plans two hours ago and you're STILL waiting..  
How to deal with them: Kindly let them know they are the friend you're always waiting on. Tell them to meet you earlier.
3. Overbearing Family Members
Example: A family member that tells you how to raise a child
How to deal with them: Set clear boundaries with them.
4. People that LOVE an argument.
Example: No matter what you say, they'll come back with a contradicting statement.
(Even when they know they are wrong)
How to deal with them: Try to avoid arguing all together- you'll never be right
(even if you really are!)
5. People who cut in line.
Example: When I'm ready to order food and someone walks right up and orders away.
How to deal with them: Try not to get angry, let it go, or nicely tap them on the shoulder to let them know there is actually a line..
Okay , a lot of these I agree with & can think of a person or a situation to fit every single category. BUT if I were to write my own list, it would go something like this...
1. People who don't mind their business.
Example: Guess what I heard about so-and-so
What I'd like to say: Say, "Ooooh I didn't realize that was any of your business!"
2. People who butt into a conversation.
Example: This happened to me this morning.
What I did say: "Oooh like, I'm sorry, was I talking to you??"
3. People who drive like idiots.
Example: They are clearly not paying attention.
What I'd like do: Lay on the horn and throw my hands up like "DUHHH..!!"

4. Adults who chew with their mouths open.
Example: you can hear their food.
What I'd like to say: "Excuse me, are you a human or an animal?"
5. People who are oblivious to those around them.
Example: people at the grocery store who take up an entire aisle with their cart.
What I'd like to say: "Yeah, you're right.. you're the only one at the grocery store.."
6. People who don't know what's appropriate or not.
Example: Comments on facebook that are rude, annoying or immature.
What I'd like to say: "How in the H*** have you made it this far in life??"
*Disclaimer: Notice how I only listed facebook. I feel people have the right to say whatever they'd like on any social media sites- instagram, twitter, blogs etc. (facebook included) But facebook annoys me the most.*
To be completely honest the list of things people do that completely irritate me goes on and on and on. But I've decided to not get too specific, so I kept my list at a short 5.
What would be on your list of things that TOTALLY ANNOY you?!

Invisible Eyebrows

I've had a few people ask me lately if my eyebrows are tattooed on.
The answer is no. As much as that would help my morning make up routine- I probably won't have dark hair forever & when/if I'm blonde again- my almost-black eyebrows wouldn't look so hot anymore.
Today I'm going to show you what a HUGE difference penciling/powdering/(tattooing) your eyebrows can make!
As you can see here, my blonde eyebrows are practically invisible. We'll fix that!
  •  I REALLY like this brow powder made by Anastasia. It has two tones in it for blending & comes in shades for every hair color. Although it may be tiny, it lasts FOREVER! You can find it in stores at Sephora, or online HERE!
  • One of the KEY tools you'll need if you are going to use a powder is an angled eyebrow brush. You can also find this in stores at Sephora, or online HERE!
  • My favorite clear mascara is from Covergirl. I usually buy mine at Target! Buy online HERE

As you can see this powder has two different shades- Use this to your advantage- blend, mix & try different colors to see what looks best on you!
The brush is angled for a reason! It should help to create the start of your brow. I used these pictures side by side so you can see how you should place the brush on each side.
Create a fine line to start your brow. I usually use the lighter shade in the brow powder so it's not too dark! (The inner corners is where I have the LEAST definition.)
Turn your brush so you can easily start to fill in the rest of your brow. THIS is the fun part because you can shape your brows how you want them. Sometimes I make them arch a little more than usual for a more dramatic look
When filling in your eyebrows you can use your angled brush to "check them"
  • When you hold your brush directly at the side of your nose, it indicates where your brows should start!
  • If you hold your brush from the tip of your nose directly across your pupil at an angle, that should be the highest part of your arch!
  • If you hold your brush from your nose to the outer corner of your eye, it should indicate where the tip of your brow should be!

Lightly brush a coat of clear mascara over your brows for an all day finish!
Compare brows to no brows- it makes a huuuge difference!
Have fun trying different shapes & shades for more dramatic looks!

Celeb Gossip 2

Before we start our Celeb Gossip, I have to vent about today's weather.
SO MUCH for my SPRING post yesterday- it's freaking snowing today!
..Utah weather at it's FINEST!
Last week we talked about how excited I was that Miley and Liam broke up.
Boy did I have another thing coming to me!
Miley tweeted this horrendous/hideous/awful picture of her in a onsie showing her MASSIVE engagement ring from Liam back on her finger. She claims her ring was "at the jeweler." I claim "you're dumb."
..Here's a closer look at her ring..
..Here's a hilarious picture just for good measure. I can see the resemblance..
BUT.. as much as I claim to hate Miley, I can still admit she can look pretty hot if she chooses to. If she's going to have short hair it should look like this all the time. I love it.
In other related hollywood heartbreak news,
I can report a few days late that Julianne Hough & Ryan Seacrest BROKE UP!
If I had to guess I'd say it PROBABLY had to do with the $100,000.00 worth of Jewelry that Jules LEFT IN HER CAR that ended up getting stolen.
Sorry Jules, that was the LAST STRAW!
....Now I'm seriously waiting for Ryan's confession.....
Again, a little late.. BUT..
(thanks for the ugly photo TMZ!)
this past Monday the awful train-wreck AKA Lindsey Lohan had a court date. She was supposed to be booked into jail and I was sitting at the edge of my seat all morning waiting for the big news. Well Lindsey got off easy YET AGAIN with only a 90 day Rehab visit.
REALLY JUDGE JUDY!? I thought we learned rehab for Lindsey does NOTHING..?
She's gotten away with everything but murder.
Send her to jail already- and make her stay there!
I promise, it would benefit the rest of the world.
Bobby Brown turned himself in for his jail sentence (55 days for his THIRD DUI)
No surprise that he was only booked for a short 9 hours because "the jail was so full.."
Instead he got a 4 year probation & some alcohol classes.
All I know is that if I'm ever in some serious trouble, I'm calling Lindsey for some pointers on how to be a weasel & I'm getting in contact with Bobby Brown's attorneys.
I'd pass anything with flying colors!
Kim Kardashian has finally accepted the fact that she's pregnant.
(And getting larger by the minute.)
Here she is cradling her belly in some weird outfit that Kanye probably picked out for her. It has been reported that Kim talks about how Kanye picks her clothes for her. Which is probably the reason she's been wearing lots of leather lately. (Kanye's favorite.. see below..)
Good 'ol Kanye.. hardly keepin it classy in the man-leather.
(Speaking of Kanye, he wants to name their baby North. NORTH?! REALLY?! So you're naming your baby North West.. SOOOO STUPIIIIDDDD!)
Considering Kim is still married to Chris Humphries, I think she cut bangs trying to distract everyone from the fact that she is legally married to Chris but having a baby with Kanye..
At least the bangs look cute!!
In other disappointing news..
Heidi Klum is the new spokesperson for Carl's Junior. Which means she just put herself in the same disgusting category as Audrina Patridge And Kim K.
I thought you were better than this Heidi!!
Holly Madison had her first baby on March 5th and didn't waste any time before doing an interview with In-Touch Magazine- she posed with her kid 7 days later to debut the pics and name of her baby.
Okay everyone.. think of the STUPIDEST name you can possibly think of...
..Got it?
Okay.. if you guessed Rainbow Aurora you guessed CORRECTLY!!
Honestly, did we expect any better names from former playmate Holly Madison?
Probably not.
That's all for Celebrity Gossip 2nd Edition!

Happy Spring!

It's OFFICIALLY the FIRST day of Spring today!
And THAT, folks, makes me super happy.
But this time of the year can also get super frustrating to me.
One day you're in shorts and a tee- the next day it could be a jeans & a jacket kind of day.
It's tricky. Sunny, then rainy.
But ya know what.. bring on the rain because I'm tired of seeing the remains of dirty snow..
Quite honestly it grosses me out.
And what the heck is this about Easter is only 11 days away!!
SOO looking forward to seeing some flowers starting to bloom!
And Obviously Spring means baby animals..

I'm definately looking forward to a trip to the petting zoo as well.

Happy Birthday Mommy!


I looked up the definition of a Super Mom on UD & this is what it says:
1.Super Mom

Fun, energetic Moms who love parenting. Not the stereotype of the women who wear pearls and greet their mate at the door with a casserole in hand, these moms have thrown off the pearls and donned jeans and t-shirts instead. The habitat they are most likely to be found in is the playground, the grocery store in the organic produce section, the closest library or participating with their kids in any fun activity you can think of.

Not to be confused with Moms who think they are wearing proverbial capes and can "do it all". Super Moms are just having super fun!
"She's a super mom, she really cares about her kids and is always doing fun things with them!"
My mom's duties:
 -runs my dad's business
-runs the house
-loves my dad (if any of you know my dad he's wonderful but he can also be a big baby!)
-does all the grocery shopping
-takes care of all the bills
-has 3 children who have all turned out great (well.. Natalie I'm not so sure about.. but the other two of us are fine..)
-Takes care of the puppies
-mows the lawn & does the yard work
 and somehow manages to be the best mom and my best friend.
All of her wonderful qualities she got from a mom who loved & cared for her!
(Good Job Pink Gma!)
She is the definition of a super mom!
My mom is hilarious & can joke around with all of us kids which is super awesome because most moms are sticks in the mud. But not my mom!
She's got the best "that's what she said" jokes out of all of us..

My sweet mom is someone I can always count on.. even though she's late for most occasions.
(She did NOT get that from pink Gma..)
She is so sweet to everyone & taught me through example at a young age how to serve others and love others.
My mom is a really good listener & problem solver. She's always willing to listen to me vent, cry or complain and offers good advice. Or sometimes just holds me, which means even more!
There are some genes my mom did not pass down to me
*hint: see the picture above of her in the blue shirt.....*
But I CAN say that I can give my mom credit for the good qualities I do have!
Except for the eyelashes. those are straight up from dad.

Dear Mom,
Thank you so much for always being so supportive, loving and caring.
I am so thankful for you every single day & I'm so thankful I live close enough to stop by to see you whenever I want! You are the best mom a girl could ask for.. I wouldn't have picked anyone else!!
You are amazing.


Happy Birthday Mama
Happy Birthay Mom

Happy Birthday Mema
Happy Birthday Mamadre
Happy Birthday Maaaam
Happy Birthday Lois!