'Prancercise' By Joanna Rohrback

This video posted last year on YouTube has just gone viral, reaching (at time of posting) over 1 millon views.

Ladies (and gents!), it's a whole new way to workout. Watch, and share... not sure about the white, clingy pants though:

The video description - by the woman behind it Joanna Rohrback - says:

"This video shows the 4 modes of Prancercise® .You can visit me at www.prancercise.com where you can learn more about Prancercise®: "A springy,rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse's gait and is ideally induced by elation." copyright 1989, taken from my book Prancercise®:The Art of Physical and Spiritual Excellence, now available to the public for the first time!"

What do you think? Will you adopt this kinda workout into your fitness regime?

Olay Regenerist Revitilising Hydration Cream: Giveaway

The new and upgraded Olay Regenerist formula has just hit the shelves, and she's a beauty.

Better than ever, this baby glides on smooth and does the trick super-quick. Skin feels smoothed and yes, revitalised.

And we have 5 x Olay Regenerist Revitilising Hydration Creams for Josie's Juice readers.

Each is valued at RRP $32.49.

Here it is:

More about this new Olay gem:

Having pioneered the application of Cellular Bioenergetics science, P&G scientists discovered skin’s cellular bioenergy, like our body, slows down as we age, which is why older skin is slow to respond to anti-ageing skin care treatments.

Now having undergone a formula upgrade, Olay Regenerist’sfamous Amino Peptide Complex has been supercharged with 20 percent more anti-ageing ingredients to effectively fight against skin fatigue in aged cells. Featuring Niacinamide and Pal-KTTKS, with the addition of a new Olay ingredient Olivem, new and improved Olay Regeneristregenerates the skin faster and boosts natural skin renewal, providing immediate improvement in fine lines, pores, brightness, and an altogether more energised skin appearance.

To enter the comp, here's all you need to do:

- 'Like' the Josie's Juice Facebook page - and follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you have them, and I will follow you back!
- Share this link on your Facebook wall
- Comment in the box below on why you'd like to win this new Olay
- Email me at josiegags@optusnet.com.au with your address so I have your deets on hand in case you a winner
*Comp open to Australian residents 

'The Great Gatsby': Movie Review

Watching 'The Great Gatsby' is a visual treat.

Apart from the obvious assault on the senses - it's in 3D, and watching the kaleidoscope of madness in high def is simply glorious - it's quite simply a devastatingly beautiful film to inhale.

And take it all in I did. Every detail was noted and every prop noticed (although I'd likely have to watch it again... and again, to fully appreciate every last pearl, every single floral arrangement), and while this film is distinctly Baz Luhrmann, it has his wife Catherine Martin and her talent all over it.

Catherine is the creative brains behind 'Gatsby' and it shows.

From the Prada collaboration which resulted in impeccably-beaded frocks, to the Tiffany & Co swoon-worthy pieces, to the Waterford crystal glasses, each and every scene is a dream for the detail-obsessed.

Hardcore film critics will dissect every scene, question the authenticity of the dialogue (which, of course, comes courtesy of the F. Scott Fitzgerald book of the same name).

It doesn't matter if you haven't read the book (I did, as many did, in high school).

You can enjoy the epic adventure without knowing the storyline... you're brought up to speed pretty darn rapidly.

Indeed, the first part of the movie gets the intros out the way quick-smart, and immerses us into Jay Gatsby's world.

And what a world it is: opulent, brash, loud, colourful, mad and... an abbreviation that could have been coined for this very film: OTT!

Those who know the book, know it's a story about morality and class distinctions and being authentic. At the beginning of the film, Baz is determined to set a frenetic pace. And he does. And it just works.

The party sequences at the Gatsby residence are something to behold: think an explosion of colourful characters and a gazillion shades of spectacular.

And then there's the slew of acting talent to behold.

For me, standouts are Joel Edgerton as Tom Buchanan, and Australian relative newcomer Elizabeth Debicki as Jordan Baker, who is breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly talented. Each time both are on screen I just can't take my eyes off them.

And Leo, as Jay Gatsby: measured and in a role that is wonderfully executed, his standout scenes towards the end of the movie are something to appreciate. Carey Mulligan is all alabaster-skinned perfection, and is mesmerising to watch, especially in the scenes that require her to dig deep emotionally.

Standouts too are Isla Fisher, and a brief role for Vince Colosimo. And, Australian performer Brendan Mclean as Klipspringer. Tobey Maguire stars as Nick Carraway, and while initially he seems an odd casting, he delivers the goods as his role gets meatier and more demanding as the story progresses.

All in all, the heart and soul poured into this several-years-long project is all there on display to be appreciated by moviegoers. Every frame is an absolute masterpiece.

And then there's the soundtrack: think Jay Z, Beyonce, Lana Del Rey, Will.i.am, Gotye, Fergie, Sia, and more. The budget was obviously big also for the music.

Perhaps the biggest gripe aficionados of the book will have is how the book should be best interpreted on screen.

And there will be those who will question if the film has heart and depth, but then again... neither did the characters portrayed in the movie. They're intentionally and deliciously shallow and superficial.

A film like this has to be polarisingl I liken it to the same kind of 'confusion' Baz's earlier flick 'Romeo & Juliet caused: was it true to Shakespeare? How can a thoroughly modern take on prose so old actually work on screen?

But work it did, and has stood the test of time. You could watch 'Romeo & Juliet' today and it'd still be as edgy and elegant as it was when it was first released.

The same can be said for the modern masterpiece that is 'Gatsby': I truly believe Baz's vision will be appreciated more as time goes on, and with each watch of this epic cinematic triumph.

'The Great Gatsy' is unmissable cinema. See it now. For a tasty morsel, here is the trailer.

'The Great Gatsby' opens in Australia on May 30.


I hate it when I feel like I've abandoned the blog.
I've been completely MIA this past two weeks for a number of reasons..

I had to fill in for a friend at work which completely took me away from my desk, & then I was COMPLETELY overwhelmed with school the past two weeks also. Studying anatomy about killed me, people!
It was so refreshing to have a long weekend for Memorial Day, and a day off from school to relax for a few days. I'll get back in the swing of blogging this next week I promise! .
Here are some pics to update ya'll on what I've been up to!
1. Studying, Spencer brought me "study snacks"
2. Tip $ from school
3. Monthly Pizza party at gma and papa's house
4. Had a good laugh at this random email I received - anyone need a cat tipi?
(p.s. since when is tipi spelled t-i-p-i-?)
5 & 6. Got a pedicure with Steph!
7 & 8. Went to the cemetery with gma to visit my auntie

 9 & 10. Wore my new maxi dress to church. h&m treated me well
11. Studied for hours. This is what my 12:30 am study session looked like.
12. Made breakfast crepes
13. Played hide & seek with Winston...
14 & 15. Went to Provo to visit family & tried Jdawgs for the first time. SO GOOD. This also happen to be my 3rd hot dog within 24 hours. awesome.
16. Spencer doing what he does best
17. Me doing what I do best
18. BBQ with some friends
19 & 20. Roasted so many marshmallows my family finally cut me off..
In other news:
I've got some exciting new things coming with the blog, I got a 90% on my Anatomy test (WOOT!) & I can officially do bikini waxes at school, which I'm actually thrilled about. Esthetics is totally my thing, I love it! My sister comes in T-14 days & I can hardly wait!
If you actually made it to the end of this post, go buy yourself a treat!

Eddie McGuire: Give the guy a break, or an inexcusable gaffe? Adam Goodes, AFL and the racism debate

The topic which is being hotly debated today - and for the past few days - is the issue of racism, the AFL, Adam Goodes, Eddie McGuire and the 13 year old girl who called Adam an "ape" (gosh, that is grating to even repeat).

While I have been following the story since it began - I found myself aghast watching the powerful footage of Adam pointing out the girl at the game, subsequently having her removed from the game - the happenings of the past 24 hours are pretty hard to ignore.

A piece in Radio Today says we should leave Eddie alone. The writer, Brad March, a former CEO at the Austereo Network - says:

"With 24 hour news coverage on television and cable plus the internet delivering constant updates via news sites, search engines, Twitter, Facebook and other social media these 'gaffes' take on a life of their own and can get blown out of proportion.

"I'm sure there was no malicious 'intention' to hurt or harm anyone in both of these cases.

Anyway under the circumstances - well handled Ed."

You have to agree (well, you don't have to) that Eddie has gone to great lengths to apologise. What he said was absurd and uncalled for and yes, a racist comment. But is he a racist person? Is this a consistent 'thing' for him? He is said to have been heavily involved in raising awareness around the indigenous community in the past, and at the press conference he called yesterday, Eddie said it was a ''slip of a tongue'' and ''it burns me to the core''. He said he understood if indigenous players questioned his view on equality, but said this had been a ''hallmark of his presidency'' and it was ''a cause that I live for''.

''I am not a racist and because I have done a lot of things in the past and I will continue to fight for the cause of equality in Australia,'' he said.

In regards to calls for his resignation, he said: ''People don't resign because they make a slip of the tongue. It's as simple as that. If I stood up because I was racially vilifying somebody, not only should I be resigning, I should be sacked. I let myself down because I had a slip of the tongue. It was as simple as that but the ramifications are greater than that," added Eddie, who had spent Tuesday night at an indigenous-related event.

What upsets me most of all in this entire incident is how Adam is feeling right now. The talented, much-awarded and lauded AFL player has been subjected to insults galore in the past few days. Imagine how he is feeling? Intended or not, these insults hurt, and I don't believe any of us have the right to tell him how he should be feeling (comments like 'harden up' annoy me no end).

Another thing that upsets me - and I really examined the footage last night - is that the young girl who sparked this racial controversy in the first place was shown to be yelling out "ape" straight after her grandmother (sitting next to her) yells something out to Adam. What kind of example is this? She is a 13 year old child; a teen by defintion, but so obviously young in understanding protocol  and manners and basic etiquette. And so, she'll simply copy what she sees.

As the girl is escorted away, she throws her blanket on top of her grandma's head and leaves with security. At the risk of sounding like an oldie... geez, have some respect for those around you, girl!

What do you think of the whole thing?

Feel free to comment below.

Here are some news and radio clips:

Photo: abc.net.au

'Paper Giants: Magazine Wars' on ABC1. Plus, real-life story by Kasey Drayton

The highly anticipated TV series 'Paper Giants: Magazine Wars' will be starting this Sunday June 2 on ABC1. It stars Rachel Griffiths as Dulcie Boling and Mandy McElhinney as Nene King, below:

It tells the story of the golden years of the glossies, of the publishing 'battle' waged by Nene King and Dulcie Boling to make their publication the number one seller in Australia.

The year was 1987, so expect lots of fabulous '80s referencing in the two-part series like big, teased hair and massive shoulder pads. The Royals were still together and only showed hints of the dysfunction to come.

It was a time of publishing drama, as flamboyant deputy editor Nene King storms out of New Idea magazine to become editor of rival Woman's Day magazine, and is determined to overthrow the so-called 'queen of women's magazines', Dulcie Boling. 

The public start to lap up the excesses and flamboyant exclusives, and celebrities start to really know how to play the game, learning to exploit the magazines they claim to despise (this sneaky little practice continues today, of course, with stars staging paparazzi shots for their benefit). Soon, even the once untouchable topic of the Royals - Charles and Diana, Fergie and Andrew -  are devoured by a hungry media and curious public,and nothing is sacred anymore.

Here is the trailer:

My good friend Kasey Drayton who worked at photo agency BIG Pictures for 15 years tells of her interactions with Nene King, as she reflects fondly about the good ol' days in publishing.

"Nene had a chart on her door with an arrow. It was a "come in, stay away, don't fucking think about it" mood indicator. It was very funny. Most of the time it varied from 'come in', to 'don't fucking think about it.' Nene was very loud, and very much a presence in the office," says Kasey. "I really like Nene - she was always so lovely to me."

"The Woman's Day picture desk was next door to her office, and I used to go in once or twice into see the girls there. We had hard copy photos and trannies (transparencies) we lugged into the magazine offices."

Yes, that's right... the ol' trannies instead of jpegs we're used to today! I recall working with bromides when I started at Cumberland Newspapers in 1994... a story for another time.

Continues Kasey: "One day, I was telling them how I had colonics and Nene overheard. She yelled out from her office, "Hey you, come here and tell me all about colonics!"

"So I did… after that I was called the "colonic girl". She was truly one of a kind. She really was a whirlwind in the office - a real presence and everyone I dealt with loved her."

When Kasey started in journalism and picture editing, they had... TYPEWRITERS! In fact, when Kasey and her co-workers got their first computers, Kasey managed to delete the entire hard drive on hers. And yes, it was the era of smoking in the office, and non-smokers were bunched in with puffers and overflowing ashtrays, and it was deemed completely acceptable.

The series will show all the cut-throat madness of that era and will no doubt have others who lived through it, just as Kasey did, reminiscing about how it all used to be.

Paper Giants: Magazine Wars premieres Sunday June 2 at 8.30pm on ABC1 and is a two-part series.
Actors playing Kerry Packer and Nene King, Dulcie Boling and Rupert Murdoch

The real Nene King:

And the real Dulcie Boling:

Photo: Picasa

Sweatbands at the ready...on my mark

Serious times, serious measures.  When I think about how I plan to spend the month of June, I always imagine one of those montages from an 80's film in which the lead is doing aerobic exercises in a a sleeveless sweatshirt cut off at the midriff.  I've already been practicing my fist pumps and, believe me, I plan to layout my day better than they do in Bottle Rocket.
It's been a lovely summer so far:
Mondo amounts of cookouts and we even broke out the s'mores last night. I got a little bit exaggeraty when I went ingredient shopping. We picked up cinnamon Graham crackers, Butterfinger and Crunch bars for our Frankensteinian fare but S'mores a l'ancienne make me feel like I'm ten and that summer camp is just as relevant as Ghost Busters the Video Game.
I ain't afraid a'no roast
The Road Trip to West Virginia was memorable. I only drove for about two and a half hours, and only that long because of road work and Memorial day weekend traffic. I don't know how all you blooded veterans do it--I had to stretch for like five minutes when we finally switched. But You would have been proud of how I wore my false annoyance of stop-and-go traffic as I chewed my gum and tapped my steering wheel. We even made a mixtape:

Visiting Seb's sister, (she who shall not be named), at the Mountain Institute in the Monongahela National Forest has been a goal of mine since she started working there back in 2006. She and I are so similar and always have so much fun ganging up on Sebastien together. He and I slept in the main Yert on the top of Spruce Knob with only a wood stove, our sleeping bags and every piece of clothing we brought to keep us warm. His sister slept in a down jacket and four seasons bag in her small unheated Yert, on the pound. It snowed on the mountain the day before we got there...suffice to say, I left my shorts at home.
The staff members we partied with on Friday night are totally the type of people that are missing from my life. I like to smell like campfires and dress in layers! These people get that.
 (she who shall not be named)  was so proud to take us up to the boulder field, where Seb and her went looking for hand-holds on rocks. She has so many stories to tell about her life as a wilderness guide. She loves the part of herself that has become West Virginian and I was happy to walk behind them both as Sebastien posed the kind of questions she was excited to answer. I didn't feel left out or anything--honestly, it was nice to see them connecting. It made me wonder if I could find some way to peak into my own siblings' lives and let them share with me what matters most to them.
We went caving too. Obvs, I didn't bring my camera for that. It was super cool though. A bit damp, really. We saw some bats, slid down rock faces and let our limbs be licked by cave slime. I was a little miffed because I haven't chaned the batteries on my headlamp since I bought it 6 summers ago and I was mostly walking blind. But the three of us really shared a moment at the reflecting pool and I committed the view to memory.

West Virginia has a lot of history and is a current battle ground for Energy Legislation where mountaintop removal and "clean coal" are concerned. But the slash and burn method put West Virginia on the environmental radar long before Brazil had a chance to clear cut.
In fact, Seb and I learned  that until the invention of the band saw and the Shad Locomotive, West Virgina was virgin forest with trees to rival the ancient Sequoias.  At peak logging in 1909 the 83 mills were each clearing 17 acres a day. Being that West Virginia is the source of the Potomac Water shed, this had serious repercussions downstream; ergo, DC was occasionally and dramatically flooded.
Although West Virginia is firmly in the South in terms of geography and culture, WV was never a slave-holding state.  Interestingly enough, the  Sinks of Gandy  cave we went in was used intermittently by both sides of the civil war as a hospital.

I hope all of my short vacations are this educational, but I did have an exceptional guide. ;)
Sebastien and I just got word that we'll be flying to San Francisco for our state side staging point with the Peace Corps at the end of June. Neither of us has ever been to SF but we know tons of people in Cali so I'm hoping we'll have a some time to hang out and see some friends. We'll also be stopping in Tokyo and Bangkok.

Somebody hand me my hammer pants....

L'Oreal Cannes 2013 Beauty Wrap-Up

If you love movies and makeup, THIS is your post!

L'Oreal have produced a wrap-up video from the Cannes Film Festival for 2013.

Featuring brand ambassadors including Eva Longoria, Jane Fonda, Isabeli Fontana, Doutzen Kroes and many more, it gives quick tips and how-tos, and reveals the L'Oreal products they used.


Here are just some of the beautiful face charts L'Oreal has produced to help you emulate the look of their brand ambassadors:

Josie's Juice Blog Copyright 2013

'World War Z' - Sydney Destruction

This is freaky stuff...

JUST in, the movie poster for 'World War Z', starring Brad Pitt, showing Sydney under seige. Our beloved Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, in flames.

The movie trailer is below. Brad Pitt will be jetting into Sydney for the premiere:

'Kath & Kimderella The Movie' DVD - Giveaway

'Kath & Kimderella' is finally available on DVD - from May 29 - for those who loved the 'fillum' at the flicks.

It's now yours to own... simply enter the comp below.

First, a backgrounder on this distinctly Aussie madness.

Here's the trailer. Here's the Josie's Juice DVD review. And here's how you can learn some of the dance moves, as shown by Jason Coleman. Here's a pic:

Photo: JohnTsiavis

Want to know more about your fave Kath & Kim characters - click here for more.

And now, how to enter the comp to win one of two copies:

- 'Like' the Josie's Juice blog page (click at the top right of this page)
- Share this link on your Facebook page
- Comment below on why you'd like to win this DVD, full of over one hour of 'ritzy extras' (it's the GLITZY edition, after all).
*Competition open to Australian residents only

Josie's Juice Blog Copyright 2013

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu And Delta Goodrem Perform Bayini: 'The Voice' Australia

This could be the most beautiful song I have seen and heard on 'The Voice' Australia... ever.

The duet last night - the song was called 'Bayini' - sung by Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu and Delta Goodrem was sublime, haunting, beautiful.


The song was performed to mark Reconciliation Week, and I thought it was a fitting and incredibly moving tribute.

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu is an exceptional human being with an incredible talent. Born blind, he have never learned Braille, and goes through life unassisted (no guide dog or cane). He speaks only a few words of English, although he sings stories of his land in both languages (Gälpu, Gumatj or Djambarrpuynu, all Yolŋu Matha) and English. He was formerly with ARIA award winning band Yothu Yindi, and he is now with Saltwater Band.

He plays drums, keyboards, guitar and didgeridoo, but it's his singing voice that is pure heaven, and has critics raving. He is in Sydney now performing at the Vivid Sydney festival.

UPDATED: this ethereal, beautiful song is now available on i-Tunes. Click here to buy.

Money from each sale of the single will be donated to the wonderful work of the Gurrumul Yunupingu Foundation.

Josie's Juice Blog Copyright 2013

Photo: The Voice Australia

'What Would Ryan Lochte Do': Ryan's Interview With Josie's Juice

Do you know who Ryan Lochte is?

Australians, you're about to find out!

In this new reality show called 'What Would Ryan Lochte Do'?, Ryan stars as himself... and who is he, exactly?

Well, he is an Olympian swimmer and medallist... who has now been signed up to his own E! channel show.

Here is Ryan (You. Are. Welcome).

Here, Ryan Lochte answers some questions just for Josie's Juice.

Josie's Juice: Okay, so how does an Olympian score a reality show? How did the whole process come about?

Ryan Lochte: Well, during the London Games, swimming was hugely popular – more so than other other sport uit seems. But when the Olympics are over, people lose interest in the sport. I knew I wanted to make swimming bigger than it is, so when I was approached about a reality show, I thought, what better way to highlight the sport?!

Josie's Juice: Tell me what the series will show you doing – what are some of the things viewers can look forward to?

Ryan Lochte: Of course training for Rio is a huge part of the show and the biggest reason why I wanted to do a reality show, but swimming does not define me. So you will see me going out on dates, partying with my friends, and spending time with my crazy, amazing family. The first day of shooting, something crazy happened and I had forgotten the camera was there so I looked at the producer and said, “Did you just see that!?!” and I wanted to start over. He was like, “No, no, keep going.” Ultimately, I want to bring swimming into everyone’s living rooms, on more than just a “once every four years” basis. It’s the most-watched sport in the Summer Games, yet we only get it once every four years. What’s up with that? Why can’t it be like the NFL, NBA, MLB?

Did you get used to cameras following you around? What was the weirdest situation you found yourself in while they were filming?

Ryan Lochte: My favourite moment on the show was when I was able to give my mother a car; that takes the cake! She’s the best, and deserves everything. So that was really cool for me.

Josie's Juice: Do you see yourself having a continuing career in TV?

Ryan Lochte: I hadn’t thought about having my own reality show until recently so who knows. It’s a great way to increase swimming’s profile in general!

Are you single? If so, are you dating and who is your dream girl? And who is your celebrity crush?

Ryan Lochte: You see me dating on the show. My ideal woman is someone who isn’t afraid to be herself. I like girls who really don’t care what other people are thinking, girls who are a little goofy. I think that’s sexy. Turn-offs: smokers. Celebrity crush: Jennifer Lawrence. I was watching “Silver Linings Playbook” and was like, “Damn, she’s sexy!”

Where to now for your swimming career – what’s next on the agenda?

Ryan Lochte: There are so many possibilities out there that I can’t wait to look into, but for now I am focused on the next Olympic Games.

After winning swimming Olympic medals at the 2012 London Games, Ryan became known as party boy, and went on to design his own line of over-the-top sneakers. This new E! six-part series gives viewers an exclusive look into the superstar athlete’s life as he prepares for the Rio games in 2016 while building his fashion line, making media appearances, dealing with his unconventional family and, always on the hunt for "the one."

Twenty eight year old Lochte proves that there is lots he would do for the camera, and often punctuates it with his signature phrase, “Jeah!”

While swimming is his first passion, the swimmer’s design aspirations and his huge collection of shoes – 150 pairs of sneakers to be exact - comes a close second.

"Lochteisms" have become 'legend' in the US, and he elicits laughter... often, he doesn't even know they're having a playful dig, though he doesn't seem to mind at all.

“What Would Ryan Lochte Do?” premieres Tuesday, May 28th at 9pm only on E! Look for repeats each week on E!, available in Australia on Foxtel.

Josie's Juice Blog Copyright 2013

Cat Beards: PHOTOS


The new internet craze, the cat beard.

Here are some examples:

For more, click here.

Infomercial Fails: VIDEO

Oh, how I love this! Those infomercials where - in order to prove how much you really, truly need this innovative product - they show you just how you're getting it wrong. Terribly, clumsily, ridic-wrong. Watch:

Poor sods! They cannot do the simplest of things! Klutzes...

 For more of these hilariously absurb GIFs, click here.