Sea glass and ashes

Sorry I haven't been writing love letters to you, my dearest internet.
I've been pretty busy editing wikipedia. No that's silly, I've just been practicing my mantra. Just kidding, I've been indulging in a most engaging tryst.
Or, visiting family--which-ev.
Back to trysts though, I am really good at making out, just the other night I said, "One person in this bed thinks I kiss spectacularly, lets see if we can't make that two..." AND WE DID.
My fortune cookie tonight said, Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing.
It's an extended metaphor people, roll with it.

We are traveling around the Midwest and New England until the 19th. I expect to meet up with a lot of folks back east but won't go into where or with whom because I don't want to regret it if it doesn't happen or over hype what would be cool. I am not totally against making plans, I let everyone know my dates of arrival and departure, even set up some rendezs, but pinning my hopes to my sleeves can leave me shirtless and cold.

We bought our plane tickets for France, we leave on December 1st. I'm on the last leg of my collection of books in english. Tragic how I am unable to reduce their volume without being a douchbag with a Kindle. Also, and you can be helpful here, I have no idea which clothes or boots to take.
Do I play up....

My prodrobe                 
My brodrobe 
                                                                                                                           My snowdrobe

There can be only one highlander. Choose wisely.

Sebastien and I have been working very well as a team and visiting his parents always feels like a honeymoon for me. Tonight the power went out. Talk about first world problems I kept reaching for the desk lamp as I noodled on the piano. I hope everything goes smoothly in Mass and things wrap up in DC as best they can. I will be 28 on Friday, a nice even number. I appreciate balance, unlike some people.

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