Karaoke Cum Swap

 Remember when you first got into cum swapping and it was all you wanted to do? Well that's how I feel about this monthly Karaoke Blog swap we have going over on 20 something Bloggers, you can find my video montage and horrible song choice over here on Bianca's Blog: Bianca and the B-sides. Seriously, who doesn't love B-sides?

Speaking of things to love, we've got our swapper to introduce. She hails from San Fran and her blog is hella rad and innovative because she shares it with her partner and they both give their versions of events. (Kinda like the Vampire episode of the X-files) So go ahead and check out How to Survive Love: The Whole Truth, when you get a chance! 

Thanks, Erin! And thanks to all of Erin's devoted followers that are going to take the time to listen to me sing the last song you will ever hear until you decide you've had enough and want to rip off your ears. 

Well, I hope it's not that bad. You may, however, get that same feeling of motion sickness that you got when you watched Paranormal Activity. I was only trying to show you my gadgets and gizmos a-plenty, but I may have spun around too many times. I should probably explain what you are about to watch. 

I began this week with the full intent of singing I Can Hear the Bells from Hairspray. I even rehearsed and practiced it a few times. However, right before I was about to record the video, a light bulb of amazing went off when I realized The Little Mermaid was my true calling. My eyes widened, I jumped up, gave a shriek of excitement and began dancing and singing to Part of Your World. This was the song of my life childhood. I LOVE this movie. Oh, Ariel. I wanted to be her. I wanted her hair! I would sing this song in the shower and act it out. Yes, I really did that. Don't dare say this isn't a show tune! It's a
Broadway musical now, and that's all the justification I needed. So here it is...with an added bonus clip to show you how nervous that I was to begin the karaoke process. And if you want to check out December's blogger of the month, the real Mandy Moore gettin' her sing-on, hop on over to my blog.
If your interested in participating in next month's Swap let our favorite cussy hussy know.  Try not to mention that she looks like a trucker lesbian in her video...she's kind of sensitive...

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