various ridiculus things

At the partial behest of my lover boy I packed waayyyyyy more then could ever be considered helpful, useful, savvy, and or intelligent for our move to France..

A short list of the ridiculous
  • 10 pairs of shoes (just for me and 6 pairs are boots!)
  • 42 books. Yes, really. 42 books, in English to read before bed.
  • 200 miniatures, many as yet unpainted
  • 2 charlie cards for access onto the Boston T (Metro)
  • 10 belts...only two of which are his
  • 3 purses and 3 backpacks
  • 2 sets of swimming goggles. 
  • 1 pizza cutter
I said I would make it a short list so I'll stop there. But those are the things that came with us to Paris among our two hundred pounds of luggage. I am sure I brought at least twenty above the knee skirts which are wonderfully useful when it's SNOWING.  Paris in the sister thinks it so romantic. I'm like, the only thing romantic about us being in Paris so far is that neither one wishes the other dead.

This has been just another one of those times that show us what a strong match we are. We packed our stuff up, our entire apartment--mind, loaded it on to a truck and drove it to storage. In the morning, after having slept on the floor for 3 hours we unpacked the truck and loaded it all into a 15 by 5 storage space. We then caught a taxi cab for our international flight and got on the plane while they were doing their final boarding call. How many bags did we check? Well, as it turns out, the german air carrier we thought we were using was really being handled by United airlines. And as such, our weight limit expectation was different. (Lufthansa said 66 United, 50.) So now we have to redistribute all of our things to fit into three bags, pay BY CHECK 25 dollars for their crap bag and 50 dollars to have it on the air craft, which was better then 200 dollars per over-weight bag. Another bonus to almost missing our flight was that if your bags go on the plane last, they come off first!

So now we're here in Savigny-sur-Orges, just outside of Paris. We're staying with friend's of Sebastien's papa. They insisted we unpack all of our things until we find an apartment, which we now have done...which I am now weary of.. Comfort equals stagnation. It's been mathematically proven.

Now all that is to be done is work finding and habitat acquisition. Maybe dinner. I don't know if you know this but fat gained in France is not fat at all, just culturally sensitive.  

New Video Karaoke Blog swap coming up. I really think you're going to want to see this one so check minez out. The theme is show tunes, if you still want in contact Sara.
Ok party peoples I need some dinns.

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