March the Month for Nerds (and others)

I have just today come to the realization that March is the best of all the merry months. True, I wasn't born in March, so it loses points there, but it also isn't a big spendy gift fest. There are three decent holidays though, one math related, one literary-related, and one drinking-related.
Obviously I'm talking about Pi day, the Ides of March and Cinco de Mayo. Jay-kayin, that's not until October.
Atanyrate,  it's six pm and Sebastien and I just got back from an afternoon laid across a blanket in park and a short shopping trip at our favorite covered market. We bought some radishes which the french like to eat raw with salt and butter. (I'm thinking hummus.)
Last night we celebrated Pi day, probably my best one so far. For those of you who don't know, or whom may not use the American rendering of dates yesterday was Pi Day because the date is 3.14.  The cool thing about that that, which I only just noticed yesterday, is come 2015, Pi day is going to be the most epic it ever could be within our lifetime. Because, of course, as this handy chart illustrates, pi goes on to say 3.1415.... Super cool right? I know.
I usually have a small party with my students, eat and measure our pizza, and play pi related large group activities and rotate through different small group math centers all day.  But as I no longer have to give most of my life over to correcting paper work and parenting, I celebrated this year by watching Darren Aronofsky's film, Pi,  eating lardon and goat cheese pizza, and enjoying a raspberry tarte that Sebastien made while I was at a lesson.  Such a great day!
But wouldn't you know it, (yes, the soothsayer would) today, on that fated moment, the Ides of March I read this article and watched a video on which threatens to usurp my new favorite nation holiday, Pi day. (Made so in 2009) 
Check out the vid:

Tau Empire strikes back!
FUCK YOU followers of Tau! Using Tau to calculate the area of the circle, or Pi R squared would be harder then using that very simple equation because you'd have to half tau (given that it's twice pi)
 This is a very, 'it's not you, it's me," moment... I think you should be taught in schools because it does make certain functions more elegant. I will even celebrate your day too, ok? But don't go around comparing Pi to Christopher Columbus, one is a douche and the other never raped the New World. And hey, sometimes when a math class sucks, it is the teacher's fault!
So the second holiday is today, the ides of March. Things are suppost to go poorly for persons who are both heroic and have a single fatel flaw. But me, I just walk around saying stuff like "et tu ______?" or "A dish fit for the gods" and the like  But not even these things are reason enough for March to be my favorite month.
This brings us of course to Saint Patrick's Day. Ok, once, in college--I celebrated St Patrick's Day Week.  But I really would rather celebrate Cinco de Mayo, even if it wasn't a decisive battle and even if no one in Mexico is into it. It's just cooler because their beer is better. No listen. I went to Ireland and didn't have one single Guinness. Don't hate! I'm just not a dark beer person. Stout belongs in a Black and Tan, the end. move on.
Mexico,  by contrast, has great beers. My band used to play in this one bar in Tijuana all the time and I became very well acquainted with the cervezas and the tequilas that took their names from their regions, like a fine wine. The only mexican beer I will turn my nose up at is Pacifico. It might as well be Bud. For truth, the best thing about St Patty's day is that it's the one day when I can post this vid:

Ok, well it's the only time it's as topical.
The rest of March should be more of the same, picnics, bike trips and bar excusions, laughter, sunlight and cash in cafes.
My black eye now looks like raw, rotting chicken. So gross. (I think I lost a follower on Twitter, saying that.)
Oh and did I tell you? I actually waited in line to get into a club last friday...never did that before. The doormen were totally diggin my leather pants and pumps get up. I was too scared to try and work that angle and get us in. I have such little practice being a hot girl.  I'm just glad I didn't need to pee.
Well, it's just about dinner time. I hope the warming warms you as well. Everybody loves new. Even if it is just something shiny from a store. Maybe it isn't so much March that I like, but the excitement at the turning of another season--the end of the chilly under my collar, and the lightening of the mood.  Great video blog post coming up for you. Should have that done by monday.
What are some of your favorite spring time activities, I would love to know?
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