Cloud cover over all that you do

And so, my fine, feathered friends I have come at last to roost.
I know you're as involved with my ongoings as I am so I shall share them with you forthwith!.
I've been busy. As earth shattering as it is surprising, I know.
Well, I did the introduce myself v-log and another one for the KROD and my travel and work plans have been in a state of perpetual flux.
I was going to go to Munich last weekend but my friend decided to take a train instead of driving. I just couldn't drop that kind of dinero on a ticket to voyage to a place I could walk to in a weeks time. Less, if I'm feeling skippy. Plus, if Germany is anything like I imagine it, it's totally dark there 24/7.

I almost went back to the District WILLINGLY to teach summer school but I didn't want to have to cancel my trip to Tunisia. I told them I would, but judging from their lack of response, they wanted to hear yes the first time.
It's a good sum of money to have to pass up. But what's cash to a Gypsy Rover? (I'll just whistle and sing till the green woods ring)
I went on a job interview with Sebastien for a language school and we were both told he'd let us know by Wednesday. Their website is spunky and the chief seemed to enjoy my zest.  But I really have a lot to learn if I'm going to be a better teacher. (Those vagaries speak to my wanting to gouge my eyes out with a grammar spoon.) But I'm willing to try. (Read as: I am so tired of being broke.) It's exhausting.

My cash cow (such as it is) is gone for the summer as all three of my children students are going to go out of town for holiday. If things work out and I'm still here in the fall, we will allegedly pick up where we left off.  But I am not terribly optimistic at this point since they texted me this morning to cancel our final meeting before we call it quits. No ice cream for the kid-oz. Dez-o-lay.
That's just two of them though, the other is a high school student who doesn't want to learn english. She is pretty much the worst to work with ever. But I get a lot of reading done to and from her apartment.

Speaking of which, I'm rereading Angle of Repose. The framing story is just as interesting as the actual narrative--a fact which I feel speaks to the rarity of Stegner's capacities. Honestly, the first read through I was convinced it was autobiographical--but that's how dope he is.
Basically it's about a historian confined to a wheel chair, living in the souther california durring the sixties. Obviously he's a curmudgeon who doesn't understand these long hair freaky people.  And yet, he spins quite a tale of the west when it was still young and muddy based on grandmother's correspondences, art, and interviews.
You've heard me mention Edward Abbey, a few times, if you've been paying attention. Wallace Stegner was a major influence on his writing. (He was, in fact, his professor) So if you like engineering, ecology, art, displaced New England intellectuals, building shit, or letter writing, this is a great book for you.

I've been cleaning like a mad villain because Seba's parents are coming into Paris for three days starting tomorrow. I think they'll be bringing me that good, good floss, so I owe them.
Two of my coloc are moving out on Friday. We are thusly having a party for them that night. It's funny because one of my coloc has this long list of things which he keeps emailing us about and updating. I'm like, no one is surprised you're taking your own things.  You don't have to keep emailing me about it!
Anyway, it's made things a little sillier around here. You have to admit, it's kind of hilarious that he's telling us how many spoons are his. I personally can't decide if he was feeling vindictive or just wanted to practice writing in French. Neither would surprise me.
Sebastien teaching me the fundamentals of how best read in French. 
I am also going to be meeting up with a blogger friend, Matt, from, normally, I wouldn't say this but.. And he's going to be crashing at our place with a friend of his for the weekend. Check out his trip blog here.

I have two more classes to teach on Friday, and after that just one more week slash chance to save money for my trip to Africa before I am off. It is entirely possible that I won't be able to reenter France from Tunisia. But I'm still planing to try, and I'm hoping for the best.  I have a layover in Italy, which is pretty cool because I've never been there.

July should hold some upcoming fun for me. I want to go camping in the Alps and visiting in Germany. (Hey, it could happen). I wanna do more bike trips and tons more cook outs. I'll also visit la sud because I have important people to see in Nice and in Bordeaux. And they have pools.
J't'ai cassé !

I've never read Game of Thrones but I am totally digging the series. In all seriousness, I by no means go for long hair dudes. But it must be said: HBO is the best place to go for high production soft core porn. And Game of Thrones even throws in English accents! (Yes, I know; Rome) Well, think of it as part two. With less red and gold more snow and black.

Sebastien and I have started a second edition D and D game with some peeps and it's going pretty sweet.  It was weird at first, since we're not 45 or whatever they are. But I'm bubbly as a mo-fo when I'm nervous, so we soon won them over.
In game, I'm a spell caster. It's great when your conjurations always work. Makes you feel like you didn't just waste your action. Take that 4th edition!

Also, I tried donkey meat this weekend. I'm gunna be that guy who says it tastes like chicken. Cuz it does. But to be fair, it looked like turkey.
Gotta say, I love eating with the French. I'm all the time like, 'Oui, I will have a different alcohol with every course. I'm pretty sure it makes me more fluent in your language!' Doesn't do shit for my enunciation, though.

I am Erin's complete lack of enunciation.
Ah well, I guess a lot of those rotten tomatos I made mention of in my last post are still up in the air, but even if they break on me, I bet I'll enjoy slipping around in the mess. That's just how I roll. (As in around in a mess) YUP.

Hey, you can check out my tumblr if you feel like it. I started it so I could post pictures and basically just be an ass. It's working out pretty well so far.

Sebastien's b day is coming up...but what do you get for the guy who already has me?

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