KROD forever. (For ever eva? )

It's the ring of death time once again. You can head over to Sara's page to check out my entry and also to see the master list. (It's a daddy thing.)
I'm hosting Kandace from One Red Wall. This is a nice little treat for me because I had my video posted over on her page back for an earlier KROD. I absolutely loved her post because she captures on camera that moment when you and your friend realize you're on stage to do Karaoke and between the both of you, you only...
Well, watch the whole thing and see. It's priceless. Take it away, lady!

Hey there! I'm Kandace from One Red Wall. First, I need to start out with my sincere apologies to Erin for the video she had to host. And to all of you for what you are about to hear and see.
I have noticed that karaoke days are bad days for me. Last time we had a hazmat scare at work. This time I had gone to the gym, done yard work, and then got a call telling me not to go in to work  again ever. I was laid off starting immediately. Not fun. Rather than being stressed and pissed I said fuck it. We weren't going to wait for showers or trying to look nice. We decided to just have fun and forget the whole dirty & cranky bit. That meant we needed a fun song.
This song was one we all heard if we turned on the radio back in the day. This was from the summer between junior & senior years for me. Not sure if it was the same stateside, but I was overseas so I checked top played songs from 2001 and we had to do this one. It was fun and we hadn't heard it in years. Plus I figured I'd have a better chance of my baby sister not trying to hump me on video. Cause she's weird and does that.
The downside to this song it's that I am not sure if I every knew more than the chorus and a few random lines. My sister says she didn't even know a few. So we have lots of blank stares (me) and weird dancing (her) as we try to figure it out.
Again, I apologize for this. I'm sorry Erin. I'm sorry viewers. And I'm sorry Ms Jackson.

I loved that post. I am for real. To all you Red Wall readers, thanks for stopping by! To anyone interested in participating next month, make sure you have a little sit down with Sara. You shall know her by her snuggy. 

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