Super Mom

This last weekend was SO fun and eventful!
Friday night we drove to Provo to see Spencer's Sister Sherry, her husband Nate and their 5 kids. Spencer and I try to visit every time he is here catching a break from work. I LOVE our Provo visits and every time I'm reminded what an awesome family I'm marrying. This post is all about our Friday night visit!
First we usually stop at Rocky Mountain Diner for some of the greatest fries, and a huge shake that we can never finish. They recently put up pictures of my lady, Marilyn Monroe! (NOTICE how Spencer is catching onto my OCD habits of not eating fry ends...)

Here Claire and Hazel are lovin on Quinn who is one of the three triplets! Claire has the cutest blonde curly hair I've ever seen on a 3 year old. Hazel is 4 and has the most energy I've ever seen in a 4 year old. I love it..
Here is Wilson and James. The other two of the triplets. Wilson is the cutest old man baby I have ever seen, and James is a little confused about Spencer's hat on his head. James has QUITE the head of hair which you'll see in a few pictures..

The triplets are 10 Months old and I'm extremely proud I got a picture of the three of them together <3

Spencer's sister Sherry is the absolute true definition of a SUPER MOM. Sherry is such a good mom to all 5 kids- (all under the age of 4) I stole this picture from her blog- but I think this does a good job explaining why I think she is SUPER MOM. Feeding all 3 babies WITH a spare hand. Amazing.

Keeping up with her blog is so insightful and so much fun to read. It's titled LIMO MOM... this is why...

This is their Lincoln town car stretch Limo. One word sums it up: LEGIT!
You try fitting 2 toddler seats and 5 baby carriers into a car...!

This is all the kids in the Limo, plus myself and Spencer STILL with plenty of room to spare. What an awesome ride, all the way down to the crystal..

We all hopped into the limo and headed out for dinner- a night out on the town. I felt like a movie star with everyone wondering who was going to pop out of the stretch limo. People were mobbing the car as we parked with their pens and scratch papers just waiting for our autographs.

Not really. But how awesome.

We ate at this cute pizza place in Provo called Malawi's Pizza that had Gluten Free options for Sherry and Spencer. Malawi's also had the most awesome bathroom sinks I'v ever seen.
 If any of you ever go there to eat, make sure you don't use the bathroom before you leave your house so you can be sure to check out their sinks. Seriously. Quinny Quinn, James (also known on Sherry's blog as Tupee), and Wilson ate pizza for the first time. YUM.

Look at Quinny's smile! How can you see that and not just adore her. Then there's James who is totally fine just chillin in his carrier. NOTICE how much hair he has! Spencer hangin out with Wilson for some quality dude time. Wilson liked watching the sports that were playing on the big screen while everyone was eating!

After dinner we played Candy Land with Hazel and Claire. What a way to top off the night, considering I'm 22 years old and Candy Land is still one of my favorite games.

Sherry had the most BRILLIANT idea for the day of the wedding. Using their limo for transportation to Wheeler Farm for the reception.
Spencer is going to need some convincing. But I'm working on it.
The wedding day wouldn't be complete without the stretch limo!

Grandma's Advice

The other day my Pink Grandma told me the ABC's for this month.
I didn't know we did ABC's for each month, but I liked what she said anyways.
(From the January Ensign) With my own additions..

A- is for Attitude, and having a good one.
Attitude has such a power to effect our lives for the positive or for the negative.

Bis for Believe.
Believing in ourselves, believing in our plans, believing in our dreams and believing in those around us. If we believe we have a base for the next step, which is...

C- is for Courage to do what is right.
This goes hand in hand with setting a good example for others.

To sum things up my grandma is a genius. How simple are these three things? These ideas may be so simple, but doing them may not be as easy. I know I have struggled with all three at some point or another.
And I KNOW you have too...
I'm grateful life is about living, learning and working on being better.
I'm also thankful that I have THE cutest grandma in the world cheering me on everyday.. 

Happy Friday everyone!

Happy Birthday Luke!!

Today is baby Luke's 1st Birthday!
YAY for slobbery babies!!

Luke is so so cute, and his little laugh is hilarious. I just adore him and Spencer thinks Luke is the greatest!

Here are some pictures of one of the cutest babies I know!!

This is me and baby Luke hanging out while Kiki and Josh were at the Temple!
This is Luke taggin' along for dinner at Rumbi!

This is Luke with his two fathers..

Luke is one of the most patient babies I know....

How can you not love this little guy with a smile like that!!

These are some of my favorite people- Josh, Kiersten and Luke Shoemaker!
 LOOK at Luke's huge smile!!


Wednesday: Words I Love..

For Wednesday's Words I Love, I found this quote..

This saying will be hanging up somehwere that I will see often for a simple reminder to count my blessings and constantly show love. 
I think every statement listed here is genuine and powerful!
Marriage is such a blessing and I cannot wait to be married to my best friend in just 51 Days!

Happy Wednesday!

The Multiverse: An Erinistic Approach

Yes friends, the multiverse, or how I came to think of it last saturday night:
"The Quantum Physicist's Spirituality."
What's this? Oh, this is  just a feature of the regular universe. Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiing.
I attended a party la samedi dernier. A fun little social affair where we made our own pizza and mixed fruity drinks. All the lights were on and the music never got above an audible whisper. There were even cats there, and we all took turns holding them.
In short, a far cry from the Friday night gig chez nous for which the cops were called and the shit shut down at 5 Am. People stayed until first metro, 45 mins later, but I had my heels off and my slippers on by then.
This shindig was much different.
There were only 12 of us, 5 of whom were quantum physicists, nbd. Sebastien and I were the only Americans and a German and I were the only ones for whom French was not our first language.
I mention Friday's party by way of explaining, I was beyond exhausted. I had to get up at 10 to proctor an online speaking class Saturday morning and Sebastien was up at 8 to lecture a full day of Critical Reasoning. That is to say, I got about three hours of "sleep" and was definitely still tipsy when I logged on to discuss the difference between American house party culture as compared to that of France. (I'm kind of epic level on the subject, btw.)
Listening and using a foreign language is hard enough dead sober and wide awake. And even though I wasn't having a drop of anything---fruity drinks be damned, (drunks of the world, I don't know how you do it!) I was so sleepy that I had to restrain myself from randomly snuggling people standing next to me.
Does that happen to anyone else?
I can begin to feel so  fatigued that I'm willing to cuddle with any warm breather who gets within 10cms of me.
Fact is, Sebastien only dragged me away from our 4 pm nap by promising me plenty of PDA....
Ask me how I bargin. 

So this Saturday thang goes crazy late (on no sleep any time after 1 AM = crazy late) and I am eventually sick of anything anyone says to me in French.
I'm sorry, but it happens.
I go sit on a couch and try to forgive myself for not wanting to practice French in le wild by reading a magazine dans le meme lang.
Finally almost everyone leaves, just Christian (the aforementioned German) the hostest, Aude,  Seba and I. Aude lives outside of Paris and we missed the last train back in so we decide to spend the night.
She and Christian  are colleagues. I gather they work at the same atom smasher or something. Anyway Sebastien and Aude were cleaning up the kitchen and twittering in French two rooms away, whilst Christian sprawls comfortably along the length of an old leather couch and I busy myself with stacking desert plates, cups and spoons; suddenly dropping a mug.
"Is it broken?" he asks lazily.
"Thankfully, no."
"Why are you thankful, it wants to be broken."
I glance up at him quickly, trying to gauge his mood as I right the cup.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"In any closed system the level of entropy either stays the same, or it grows. And since the universe is a closed system, the objects in it want to move to a higher state of entropy. Take that piano over there. It's  particles are highly organized. Yes?"
"Yes," I respond automatically, falling under science's spell.
"Entropy is a property that wants to disorganize or randomize energy. So I never feel bad when I break a plate or a cup because, it wants to be broken."
"I should probably know this, but when I think of entropy, I think of the mac program," I say, disappointing even myself.
"Entropy is the second law of classical thermodynamics. We use it to determine the amount of energy unavailable for work."
"Oh, so that's why the highly organized want to disorganize, to free up energy for work?"
"Right. That's why, when I break a cup, I just think--that was another universe."
"We've talked about this before." I say abandoning my charge, plates and spoons making soft clanks as they impact against each other and the floor . "All the things that I've wanted to happen which haven't, HAVE, just in another universe."
"Correct, that's why I'm not afraid to die. I just think that if there is another copy of me around the multiverse somewhere, I won't be dead."
"But that won't really be you. What about your consciousness?"
"My consciousness is tied to it."
"So there is a version of me that is awesome at the piano?"
"Why not?" His smile making his eyes crinkle and glow.
"Why not just sit and do nothing then?" I say as I sit down with a shrug, "Why not wait to die and wake up in a better world?"
"Well, the longer you live, the more likely that the universe you are in is the most stable one. In theory, there is a suicide machine which you could hook yourself up to.  And the the longer you stay alive through the various iterations of the experiment, the more probable it is you should be dead."
"Wait a minute, this sounds familiar."
"Precisely, it's like the Schrodinger's cat experiment from the perspective of the cat."
"Oh...that sucks."
"Let's assume if you had a fifty percent chance of survival if you stayed hooked up to it for 10 seconds but you lived for 20 seconds that chance would decrease by...." He does all the math out to 50 second and smiles a little when my face betrays how impressed I am. Taking the ball back I time perfectly, "I guess the better question is, why would you hook yourself up to a Suicide Machine--they make terrible music."
"It's a band."
"What is?
"The Suicide Mach--look, I think what your getting at is if the multiverse is real, your consciousness would transcend this reality and you would wake up in another, um, like, meta-reality?
"Right, it's also called metaverse."
Ok, cool--you'd wake up in a different metaverse then, because you can't observe being dead, if you actually are. "
"Exactly. Exactly, I just think of all the times I should have died. Like this one time when I was changing a socket on the light fixture, and I forgot to turn off the electricity."
"Oh man."
"Yeah, everything blew out. The fuses--there was sparks--the circuitry were all just totally fried.
"And I just thought to myself, I should to be dead."
"So would you say that was a wave function--or a reality collapsing?"
"Yes, but the whole universe is a wave function. So it's not logical that it could collapse. That's another reason why the many worlds theory is real."
"Wait, I I think I need you to define wave functions and what you mean by collapse."
"There are two theories in quantum mechanics, the Copenhagen interpretation and the Multiverse or Many Worlds theory. With the Copenhagen premise, there has to be an independent observer who takes measurements, of one form or another."
"Oh, it's the same with light particles--by observing it, you cause the collaps." I say, nodding with enthusiasm.
 "Definitely. Yes. So, imagine you come to a choice--"
"Like a quest branch, from a video game." (Subtext: skyrim)
"Maybe so. Yes, like a quest branch, as soon as you make a choice, the wave function for the other choices collapses. "
"Well, that seems to be true. At least for the independent observer. And, once you've made your decision, the other realities that could have come to pass based on other choices aren't options anymore."
"Exactly- but maybe we just can't interact with the other realities. Maybe they go on independently of us."
"Hence the multiverse."
"Quite. And the wave function collaps is just a really easy algebraic equation." He explains the equation in detail. He waves his hand in front of his face, as if conducting a piece of music.
"That's an easy algebraic equation?"
"Yes, it's quite simple, I think."
"I never really applied myself to math. At the time, it felt like I was getting away with something. I kind of felt smart for it, I guess."
"You need instant gratification, maybe?"
"Yeah. I need to have a natural aptitude for anything I love. That, or a hot teacher!"
"Really?" After a pause. "Why are you smiling?"
"I'm just think about a few things that I really wanted to happen that haven't- but have, if the multiverse is real."
"Like what?
I run my hand over my face, trying to push my actual thoughts down and come  up with something small and cute that will make him laugh and force a drop of the subject.
"Uh, I can't really think of anything PG, at the moment," I report with a giggle.
"Oh, uhhh..." He reads confused, not embarrassed, so I ask
"Do you know what PG means?
"No, what is it?"
"It's a rating for films in the States. PG means acceptable for children if their parents approve."
"Ok, well--it doesn't need to be PG."He smirks, stretching his right shoulder and relaxing once again.
I look at him, dark hair cut close. Glasses. Button down shirt. Legs crossed at the ancle, hands laced behind and supporting his head. I rub my hands across my tired eyes once more and stand up.
"You look sleepy." I say, "I'm going to go see what Sebastien is up to."
"Sure, no problem."

As I move towards the light of the kitchen, I hear myself thinking how like faith or religion this experiment is. True,  the multiverse is neat-o libido for  your science fiction hardon, or indispensable for listening to a great solo and wishing you could play it, but it won't factor into how I construct my reality. It's no more apart of my choice map than heaven or destiny. The things which I can't predict, factor for, or relay on are not apart of the equation. I may not be great at math, but my Introduction to Piano teacher back at university said I was very logical.

If the multiverse is real, there is a me out there who is already awesome at French. There is one who has been to South America and can tell you the difference between mainland Portuguese  and Brazilian. One of me is in a touring band. Some of me have died. Some have taken dark paths past bullets the me right here and now has dodged. Some versions of my life would be better, some aspects would undoubtably be worse.  But why stare at the Mirror of Erised? You can't have what you see there if all you're capable of doing is desiring it.  Like heaven, if the multiverse is real, I am consoled. But I don't live for that consolation and I won't be controlled by it.
The fallibility of my own perspective has been tested and proven countless times, times ten, I therefore  concede that I may be wrong, but I still believe I took the  road less traveled, and I still content that it will make all the difference.

Recognition to my Fam Damily!

I might be Bias, but I think my family is pretty awesome.
I honestly have THE COOLEST family in the world. Today's post is some of the recognition that's well deserved.
 ..For VERY obvious reasons if you ask me..


Here is a picture of my mom and dad. Typical. My dad doesn't love pictures, and my mom doesnt take a bad picture. After seeing this picture of my dad, puzzle pieces of why we're nuts will start fitting together perfectly..


My dad recently learned how to play Mario Cart Wii. As someone that doesn't know how to operate a computer and can barely operate his own cell phone, this was a day to go down in hisory!

If you read the blog a few posts back about Spencer's birthday party, you know he had a Cowboy themed party. My dad sported the mustache with us. At dinner. In public. Awesome.


I adore my mom so so much. There's no one in the world like her. She is the definition of a Super Mom. She will also answer to Ma, mommy, mama-dre and Lois.

Like I said before, my mom doesn't take a bad picture..

This is my brother Jeff. He is really good at making ugly faces with me. He also likes Halloween as much as I do, which explains why this next picture is so awesome....


This is us teaching Papa how to be a real G. How awesome is this?

Papa still knows how to have fun in the care center. Even though he loves the dirty jokes, he's sportin' the BYU Beanie!
This old man knows how to party!! Look how happy is is to be wearing a Lei and a Happy Birthay headband at my Hawaiian themed Birthday party!!


Pink Grandma had her choice of three different sunglasses in my car. She went with the biggest ones I had because they were "awesome." And she rocked them..

Visiting grandpa in the care center, pink grandma likes to get rides in papa's wheelchair.
My grandma is also awesome because last week I called her to see if she needed anything while I was at the store. Her response was, "Heck no! I've got supplies up the yin yang!" ..WOW..



Meet my sister Natalie. She is a ginger. Obviously by this picture you can tell she's REALLY cool. She also answers to Nats, Fats, tootie, stupid&ugly, and Red. Not joking.

One day I called her to pick me up from Pink grandma's house. On the phone she told me she didn't understand why everyone was staring at her. As she pulled up the driveway in her convertible VW bug, this is what she was wearing. Thinking it was totally normal. And it is...

Natalie rocks the nerd glasses, and eats sausages like it's her last meal.

This was Super Bowl Sunday last year. Mom was mad. That's all. This picture pretty much explains how cool we are.


This puppy is peanut. She is my mom's lap dog. Just like my mom, Peanut doesn't take a bad picture. On the other hand.........

..There's Jax. He's my pups. He is also pretty awesome and likes to hang his head out the window of my car. He was yawning in this picture and looks like Satan, but he's really the most cuddly thing alive.

This pretty much sums up how awesome my family is. I wouldn't trade them for the WORLD!

This is our version of "Awkward Family Photos."

Snowy Weekend?

So I accomplished lots this weekend, minus sundance stalking. Another day..
I DID go to the bridal show though and got a pretty cool bride sticker to wear..
Here I am with my awesome Bridal Show goodie bag. Which included a bunch of crap I don't want AND a certificate for a 3 day 2 night stay somewhere awesome. (Well deserved after waiting in line for 2 hours. Alone.) I get to choose from 22 different places including Mexico, Hawaii, California and many more. Yay for me and Spencer!

(I officially finished addresing envelopes and putting together all of the invites for the wedding. It's early, but now I don't have to do it in a month. I'm so glad I have stayed on top of everything!)

As everyone knows, it freakin snowed. And if you know me at all, you know I was not very happy about it. But I was nice, and helped my dad and Jeff shovel the driveway. I documented because it probably won't happen again soon after I got roped into shoveling the neighbors driveways as well. Spencer's response to me shoveling was, "you can do manual labor?!" ...reaaallll funny.
Forgive the crappy quality of these pictures- it was dark outisde and I used my phone.
For those of you who know my dad, he is a master with the snow blower. Pro status.
This is me shoveling the steps.
I will admit I was pretty excited to wear my pink snow boots. Let's be honest- snow boots don't get much cooler than these..

For anyone that hasn't seen this youtube video of some of the idiots driving in the snow this weekend in Bountiful, here it is...

Happy Monday!