Recognition to my Fam Damily!

I might be Bias, but I think my family is pretty awesome.
I honestly have THE COOLEST family in the world. Today's post is some of the recognition that's well deserved.
 ..For VERY obvious reasons if you ask me..


Here is a picture of my mom and dad. Typical. My dad doesn't love pictures, and my mom doesnt take a bad picture. After seeing this picture of my dad, puzzle pieces of why we're nuts will start fitting together perfectly..


My dad recently learned how to play Mario Cart Wii. As someone that doesn't know how to operate a computer and can barely operate his own cell phone, this was a day to go down in hisory!

If you read the blog a few posts back about Spencer's birthday party, you know he had a Cowboy themed party. My dad sported the mustache with us. At dinner. In public. Awesome.


I adore my mom so so much. There's no one in the world like her. She is the definition of a Super Mom. She will also answer to Ma, mommy, mama-dre and Lois.

Like I said before, my mom doesn't take a bad picture..

This is my brother Jeff. He is really good at making ugly faces with me. He also likes Halloween as much as I do, which explains why this next picture is so awesome....


This is us teaching Papa how to be a real G. How awesome is this?

Papa still knows how to have fun in the care center. Even though he loves the dirty jokes, he's sportin' the BYU Beanie!
This old man knows how to party!! Look how happy is is to be wearing a Lei and a Happy Birthay headband at my Hawaiian themed Birthday party!!


Pink Grandma had her choice of three different sunglasses in my car. She went with the biggest ones I had because they were "awesome." And she rocked them..

Visiting grandpa in the care center, pink grandma likes to get rides in papa's wheelchair.
My grandma is also awesome because last week I called her to see if she needed anything while I was at the store. Her response was, "Heck no! I've got supplies up the yin yang!" ..WOW..



Meet my sister Natalie. She is a ginger. Obviously by this picture you can tell she's REALLY cool. She also answers to Nats, Fats, tootie, stupid&ugly, and Red. Not joking.

One day I called her to pick me up from Pink grandma's house. On the phone she told me she didn't understand why everyone was staring at her. As she pulled up the driveway in her convertible VW bug, this is what she was wearing. Thinking it was totally normal. And it is...

Natalie rocks the nerd glasses, and eats sausages like it's her last meal.

This was Super Bowl Sunday last year. Mom was mad. That's all. This picture pretty much explains how cool we are.


This puppy is peanut. She is my mom's lap dog. Just like my mom, Peanut doesn't take a bad picture. On the other hand.........

..There's Jax. He's my pups. He is also pretty awesome and likes to hang his head out the window of my car. He was yawning in this picture and looks like Satan, but he's really the most cuddly thing alive.

This pretty much sums up how awesome my family is. I wouldn't trade them for the WORLD!

This is our version of "Awkward Family Photos."

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