Bridal Shower!

Here is my chance to completely rave about how awesome my friends are!
 I love them all so much and I think the world of all of them. They were all so great to come to my Bridal Shower and they made it absolutely perfect for me!
Here are some of the pics!

Haley decorated EVERYTHING SO PERFECTLY! From Mason Jars to the wood frames.. I LOVED IT ALL! Everything will match our reception decor!
(you'll be seeing these things displayed there.. and in my home. Thanks Bunny!)
This is a picture of my hand. I was walking down the front steps at Haley's House before my shower and I took a MAJOR tumble. I caught the TOP stair just PERFECTLY, and face planted down an entire flight of stairs. AANDD I ruined a brand-spankin new pair of shoes. Just a minor injury. (To my shoes, not my hand.) My hand immediately swelled and turned blue. I've iced it for the last three days and it's not much better. After my mom saw it she tried to convince me to go to first med but as most of you probably know, I HATE going to the doctor, soo.. nothing happened with that.
 ANYWAYS, I'm just glad no one saw  :)

The food was awesome! My mom made these cookies which are so adorable everyone LOVED them! I woke up at like 11:30 pm the night before the shower to find my mom in the kitchen decorating these suckers. I honestly have the coolest mom around town!
We had Better Than Sex Cake, Caramel Apple Salad, Chocolate Spoons and these cute underwear cookies for dessert.
Thanks to Kierst for the AWESOME crock pot sandwiches. Best I've ever had and everyone was raving about them! AANNDD thank you for the celery sticks and carrots I've been craving for months. You guys are too good to me!

I was totally spoiled from my friends- I got the cutest gifts and almost EVERYTHING I need for my kitchen! Thanks to Everyone I love love love my gifts!!

Jenna, Fatalie, Rabunka Runk, Steph
Kristi and Kelli. Kell is doing the flowers for my wedding!
Tender moments.
Ali is going to be mad I put this picture on the blog. But everyone needs to know why I am friends with these people.
...This is reason #1.
Me and Kristi
Fatalie, me and Beckster
Me and Steph
SO excited about the flowers Kell is doing for the wedding!
Me and Ali AKA: Fatty Pants, Chunks, Chunker, Chunky Pants, Hang Dock Chow.
Thanks Haley for all you did for my shower! I absolutely Love you!
Me and Jenna- I can't wait to see her little nugget baby! #2 on the way!
What's a party without 4 puppies running around!?
The Jr. High Trio
Kierst, me and Ali <3

Thanks so much to my awesome friends that came to support me at my Shower! Planning and getting ready for the wedding has been so fun! Thank you SO much for my wonderful gifts!

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