Wednesday Words I Love

"A temple is a place in which those whom He has chosen are endowed with power from on high—a power which enables us to use our gifts and capabilities…to bring to pass our Heavenly Father's purposes in our own lives and the lives of those we love."
—David B. Haight
I love this quote.

"..a power which enables us.."
..I have been so blessed and I'm truly happy..

Today I have so many opportunities in front of me, and so many things that make me absolutely excited about my life and my choices.
How lucky am I to live so close to this beautiful Temple?
I'm even more blessed to be able to go through today to receive my own blessings..
I can't explain my excitement to go to the Temple tonight with such close family and friends!
(AND I'm really excited to use my new temple bag. My gift to myself.)

Today I also get to meet Spencer's sister Natalie- she is the closest to Spencer in age. She's the only sibling of his I haven't met, but I feel like I've known her forever and I already adore and love her. I'm SO happy she's here for the wedding, and will also be at the temple with us tonight!
Natalie lives with her family in Washington state and we'll be taking a trip up to visit them this summer to do some whale watching. I'm pretty stoked about that..

A few days ago Spencer OFFICIALLY picked up the keys to our apartment.
(Noelle- this means any stake activity we will be going to together. with Taya)
We get our furniture delivered to the apartment today and I know Spencer has been like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for this day to come. Something about a nice flat screen TV yells "Manhood" or something... not sure I quite understand....
Let boys be boys!

I cannot believe how fast time flies! It feels like just last month Spencer proposed, and we'll be going through the temple together on FRIDAY!


P.S. Kiersten. I'd like to report to you that right before I went to bed last night, I thought about what you told me to remember and I took full advantage.
 Done and Done.

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