Two ends of the spectrum

I'm Mikell. I have an undying love for gumball machines that will never fade. I am immediately drawn to anything pink or sparkly. The bold pink letters of BARBIE will be forever tattooed in my mind, and I still love flipping through the barbie magazine that I still receive in the mail. I look at toys at the store, slowly taking in all of the new toys as I pass mothers my age with kids. I'm not looking to buy things for my children like they are, I'm simply looking for myself..

Then there's the same Mikell but at the other end of the spectrum..

I have slowly been growing up all these years and didnt even know it. Situations have made me stronger, made me wiser- and when those situations have approached again I know how to handle them better. That's when I look back and sigh, and realize I've learned. But yet I'm still learning...

My 17 year old self is laughing at me this very minute because I am now beyond excited about having my own washer and dryer, and my own bathrooms to clean. I enjoy buying laundry detergent and fabric softener. I'm writing this as I'm laying on my bed in my pajamas with my hair draped over the back of my pillow with Country Living magazine opened on my lap. I love this magazine and my subscription will never expire. I'm breathing in pictures of beautiful homes that I want mine to look like too.
I smile as I hear my 17 year old self laughing again. This is the life. My life, and I couldn't ask for anything better..

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