This week has felt beyond busy and so hectic.

Spencer got home Wednesday night which made me SO happy!
I had my FIRST Etsy sale on Wednesday, met with my FIRST bride on Thursday, and got last minute details DOWN for the Farmer's Market tomorrow!
I'm feeling like everything is coming together and I'm excited!

Tonight is a BIG night with Fatalie graduating- this makes me feel so old.. my baby sister is done with High School!
(there will be a post about this to come..)

I can't believe today is the first day of JUNE! This means BBQs, Pool weather, baseball games, family time and Spencer hopefully almost being DONE with work!  

Tomorrow is the FIRST day of the Farmer's Market and I'm excited/nervous.. We'll see how it goes. It should be lots of fun! and HOT outside!

I've been trying better to keep up with my photo of the day- I've got lots of goals I'm working on.

Check out The Shattered Chandelier Blog today for Farmer's Market info!

I'm lovin all the support.
Thank YOU!

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