Fatalie's Graduation

I cannot believe that Fatalie is a High School GRADUATE!
I know I'm a little behind on all of this but I guess better late than never!

It seems like just yesterday we were outside playing together when we took this awesome gem of a picture..

Now this little Ginger is all grown up!

Mom with her younger twin, Natalie with the awesome bouquet I made her!

Nat with her boyfriend Cole.
These two are freaking weird. But I sure do love them.

Natty sitting on stage. She was chosen to speak and did a KILLER JOB!
Natty had so many treats! Dinner, flowers, a lei-
I didn't get any of that.
Probably because my parents knew I barely graduated. Apparently attendance has a part in grades. haha who knew..
Nat and Jeff are by FAR the smarty pants in the family.
Nat you may be all grown up, but we'll ALWAYS know how to have fun together.

We are all so proud of you and can't wait to hear about your adventures in HAWAII.

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