Girl Time

Today's post is about something I think is important for a healthy marriage.
Often times I read posts about how important it is to spend quality time with our Husbands.
But what about spending quality time with friends??
I am a FIRM believer that marriage, as well as serious relationships, are not about giving things up, but making compromises.
(Now this rule doesn't go for all things. Obviously we have to/need to give some things up..)
But why should friends be one of them?
Ladies, do not give up your girl time!
(And husbands do not give up your guy time!!)
I would never ask my husband to give up time with his friends.
I think healthy relationships are all about BALANCE, in all aspects.
Spencer and I have learned to balance our lives extremely well.
As most of you know, Spencer and I spent the last year of us dating, and first 4 months of marriage living in different places- hours apart. We spent about a week a month together with his work schedule.
This was clearly not your typical newlywed marriage status.
BUT we made it work. I had loads of time on my hands when Spencer was away for work. Friend time, family time.. you name it.
When Spencer was here our time was spent together, still making an effort once during that week to go on a double date and spend a night with family.
Once Spencer moved home permanently we had major adjustments to do.
We were used to spending every waking minute together since we were used to only having a week together. Soon we learned that we needed that balance & healthy time apart!
If my girlfriends call me up to do a girl's night I will still check with Spencer's schedule and try to coordinate around that, as he does with my schedule.

I've been in unhealthy relationships where I LITERALLY had NO friends. My life and time was dictated for me. Once those relationships ended and I had my friends back.. I can't explain to you the wave of relief I felt inside.
What are your opinions on having your girl time?
Whether it's a quick lunch or a weekend away!
How do you coordinate your friend time with your husbands?
I would love your input!

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