I'm Still Learning

To say the least, this week has been pretty crap-tastic.
It has consisted of complete & total frustration, lots & lots of job applications, the flu, missing finals at school, spending the last bit of money on groceries, being late to work, missing a job application meeting, stepping on Winston's toes, a few tears here & there, and losing my car/house keys. TWICE- (once they were left in the front door all night, second time they were left in the ignition all night..)
Is this real life??
Just when I've felt like nothing else could possibly go wrong, I'm shown otherwise.
I'm still learning to be patient.
I'm still learning how to be selfless.
I'm still learning what's really important.
I'm still learning I really can't do it all on my own.
I'm learning.
"She stood in the storm, & when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."
[I'm still learning how to adjust my sails.]

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