5 Things You Should NEVER do...

Yesterday when I was driving to work I heard a segment on the radio..
5 things a woman should never do in front of her husband
This was written by a woman who has been married for 10 years & she writes for Cafemom (which is a pretty sweet website.)
 You can find it HERE!
[These are ranked in order from things you shouldn't do, to things you REALLY REALLY shouldn't do..]
5. Clip your toenails
I am guilty of this. It was pedicure time ya'll..
4. Remove hair (..of any kind..)
This includes tweezing, shaving, waxing..
3. Pick your nose
I agree with this, because it's sick..
2. Pop a zit
Totally guilty of this. I love to pick...
(the 10x magnifying mirror is the best invention since sliced bread.)
1. Go #2 in front of your spouse.
#5, 4 & 2 I'm completely guilty of.
If I were to make my OWN list of things you should never do in front of your spouse, you BET all of these would be included, PLUS some..
Like farting or flossing.
Those would most definitely be added. Photobucket
Are YOU guilty of any of these?
What would be added to your list?

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