The Benefits of..

I'm going to do a few more posts about "The Benefits of...."
I've been trying out some new things & I'm excited to post about them!
When I was little I often had sleepovers at my Pink Gma's house. I was either making houses out of cardboard boxes & markers, playing with my mini Tupperware set, running in the turtle sprinkler while trying not to drink "Weber water" OR I was selling something in her driveway..
One time I decided I was going to sell Pink Gma's secret drink potion. Which isn't much of a secret at all... 
Just plain old ice water with lemon juice in it.
I am proud to say it was my most successful stand my childhood ever saw.
I made a whopping $40.00
Yes, $40.00 for Lemon Water.
Either it was really good, or people passing by pitied me.
Either way, I got $40.00.
I recently found THIS ARTICLE online about 5 major benefits of drinking Lemon Water. INCLUDING keeping your skin healthy and glowing! (My favorite reason) 

I haven't had any soda for almost 2 years now. This is a huge accomplishment considering I grew up drinking Diet Coke from baby bottles. I feel like so many drinks have empty calories so I've been trying to drink a lot more water. Adding a little lemon makes it 1,000 times easier for me to drink water!

When life gives you lemons, make lemon water!
[& have awesome skin!!]

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