Weekend in Review

This is OFFICIALLY post #200!
Too bad it's not very exciting. What better way to celebrate post #200 than with my boring Weekend Review!
Today I'm linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans!
1. I got a package from Little Sissy! Coconut Peanut Butter, Chocolate covered Macadamia Nuts & Pineapple Pancake Mix. (The life of living in Hawaii........*sigh*...)
2. I shared an apple with Winnie. (More like.. he stole some apple from my plate..)
3. Watched The Longest Yard with Winnie (& Spencer..)
4. When I got bored of the movie I made Winston a Unicorn Bunny
5. Had a killer work out at the gym- then came home and ruined it by eating Pineapple Pancakes. With extra butter. And I don't even feel bad about it.
6. Got bundled up venture out in the snow to make it to my hair appointment.
7. Before picture (my hair is not growing in gray.. that's blonde you see there..)
CLEARLY I was past due for gettin' ma hurr done..
8. After picture. My hair girl is the SHIZ. I won't feel bad if any of you want her number.
I loooveee my new hair! (Are you guys sick of my selfies yet??)
9. A fried of mine posted about an awesome app so I tried it.
Now my homepage looks like THIS. Chevron, pink & animal print. It's perfect.
10. I snap chatted with my sister all weekend.. Here is one of my better snaps with moose antlers from the giant moose behind me hanging gracefully over the dinner table at my parents house.
SOO.. as you can see it was a pretty uneventful weekend.
Sometimes I like those the best.

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