Weekend Update

Today I'm linking up with Sami's Shenanigans for a weekend update!
Since I was a little MIA this past week I'm doing two weekend updates into one.
.Here are my weekends according to my iphone.
Kierst & I went to see Ke$ha's concert at Park City Live!
.Life complete.
(Photo bombing at it's finest..)
I am literally still cleaning up glitter everywhere.
In my car, in my hair, in the cracks of my phone, all over our house, in my wallet..
Got snowed in (again) & played with Winston.
Got Sick (again..) but went to a movie (I liked it, Spencer didn't love it....)
And of course, Watched the Super Bowl with the fam & this little pup!

What is YOUR weekend update? Link up to Sami!

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