
I'm happy to say my first week of school is over! I'm loving it so much though that getting home at 11:00 pm after working a full day AND going to school doesn't seem to faze me as much as I thought it would. I'm soaking up learning & spending time with new friends. I've also learned that not having any school/homework the last 6 years has certainly effected my study habits (or the lack thereof..) Getting into the swing of studying and having homework will be an adjustment!
I spent Friday afternoon with my pink gma and papa which is always an interesting time. We ate Frosty's together and Grandpa was really enjoyable, which actually doesn't happen very often. He's even smiling in this picture..??!

Grandma and Fatalie, my sister, write each other once a week. Natalie told my gma that I sent her gma's "dino video" & I got scolded from Gma for that.
***a post with the details on this to come..***
Friday night we went to see the movie Oblivion with Jeff.
Not my favorite, but I also have a really hard time sitting still very long. Especially when I'm super tired.. All I could think about is how the stranger next to me was breathing heavily and how I just wanted to be at home. Preferably in sweat pants.

I had school all day Saturday & received my first tip! Woot woot!
After school Spencer and I had date night eating take out food at the park & then shopping for school supplies. Romantic, right? It was good to spend some time with him, I feel like I haven't seen much of him this week.

Yesterday we went to our friend's baby blessing. Babies make me happy & they smell good.
After the blessing we both had so much homework and studying to do we spent all night with our noses in our school books. Had a quick dinner at mom's house & came home to do more homework.

This weekend I felt extra love for the fuzzy animals in my life. Sometimes I think I like them more than most human beings on this earth.
I had a slight obsession with Winston's tiny mouth this weekend. He chews with his mouth open and it's so tiny and pink it's hard to not love it.
When I was at my parent's house I noticed my puppy Jax needed to have his eyes cleaned. I went to get a warm washcloth and came back to find him like this....
Sorry Jax, but I can still see your big ears!
The weekend ended on a high note when I got in bed & was still so happy that I looked done up. Every time I get my eyelashes done I wonder how I ever lived without them.

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