A LONG Time Coming..

For those of you who don't know this already..
I think it's hilarious. Especially when they get super pissed. Joy!
All I know, is this post has been A LONG TIME COMING.
I've hidden in boxes, refrigerators, behind cars, behind doors.. you name it.  
Here it is! A compilation of my many AWESOME scaring videos.

DISCLAIMER: If you don't like swear words I apologize but I REALLY scared some people. Haha I'll put a note on the videos you'll probably want to skip!

I'm not above scaring pregnant people..
Kelli was my scaring partner most of the time..

Got my boss...
then my boss helped us get my friend (work accountant)
hid in the box again to get my sister...
got my sister again in the bathroom...
Hid to get Natalie & Leah (almost got caught..) Don't mind the hideous still frame.
Got another friend at work..

Another co-worker
(Might want to skip this one..)

Except for not because it's the funniest one

Notice how this past co-worker helped us get HIS co-worker..

Becky knew it was coming. She asked "are you going to scare me?"
you can hear me reply "noo!" 
Here is the up close version of us scaring Becky..

Scared Stephanie. AGAIN.
Scared co worker Rachel..
Scared her AGAIN..
..And Again..
Then Rachel turned and scared her sister..
I'm not above sneaking into our friends homes..

..or above scaring their children..
I've hidden in my mom's office at work..
I've scared Spencer..
and scared him again..
And I've learned that Karma ALWAYS comes back for ya.. I totally deserved this..
Here are some of my major FAIL videos..

...You saw that right ladies & gentlemen. Kelli who was almost 8 months pregnant at the time just jumped out of the fridge....

As you can see, this post has been a long time coming. Considering my hair is like 3 or 4 different styles! A special thanks to my co-workers, friends, husband & family for making my life so joyous. (And for assisting me in so many scare videos)
I find sincere happiness in scaring the crap out of others.
I'm sure there will be a part 2 to this post sooooon enough!

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