'The Angelina Effect': TIME magazine cover

Whatever you think of Angelina's very personal decision to have a double masectomy, 'The Angelina Effect' is undeniable.

Indeed, here is the TIME magazine cover, just out:

The accompanying article starts:

Angelina Jolie has never lacked for influence. When she adopted a baby from Ethiopia, inquiries at U.S. adoption agencies about other Ethiopian orphans doubled. When she named other children Vivienne or Maddox, those names shot up the popularity charts for American newborns. So this week, when a woman known for her powerfully iconic beauty announced that she had undergone an elective double mastectomy to reduce her genetically high risk of breast cancer, it was a cultural and medical earthquake — a revelation so arresting it became the subject of TIME’s newest cover story (visit http://www.time.com/time/angelina/ to read the story; free for subscribers or purchase a digital pass).

For more, click here.

What do you think about 'The Angelina Effect'? Have you considered visiting your doctor to be tested for the breast-cancer-related BRCA1 gene? It was already reported yesterday - merely one day after Angelina's announcement - that Sydney hospitals had experienced a surge in enquiries on this testing procedure. Feel free to comment below.

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