Birthday Month

For me, the whole month of July is like waking up on Christmas morning for three reasons.
1. It REALLY feels like summer
2. July holidays = fireworks
3. My Birthday. July 31st or the best day of the year.
Welcome Birthday month, I have waited for you for 11 months.
Ugh & I can't believe July is almost half way over too.. where has the Summer gone?!

I've got my birthday wish list here for ya'll. With pictures. Legit.
This is one of those posts I'm really hoping my husband or mom actually decides to read haha

Plankton Masque by Dermalogica- honestly the best masque I've ever used!
If you haven't jumped on the Dermalogica bandwagon, it's about time you do.
Note to mom or Spencer: you can buy this at my school at discount!
A paraffin wax pot.
If you've never used paraffin wax, you should. Your hands will be baby soft.
Starbucks gift card since I go there way too often before school.
I blame any weight gain on Starbucks. But whatevs. It tastes good goin down.
Disneyland gift card for when I go with Sissy.
Sister Trip! Watch out California.
Gift card to the Gateway Laser Institute.
(Again, If you haven't been here you are missing out.)
Headwraps. In any color really..
I LOVE these!

The Pitch Perfect Soundtrack.
CND Shellac kit & polishes
This one is a little much, I know. Considering polishes are like $15.00 each. And my awesome husband bought me a gel nail kit last year. Which I'm also slightly obsessed with. But with Shellac I can use it at school and make some $$
BUT AGAIN, If you haven't shellac-ed yet... then bad on you.
This last little section is totally unrealistic but I'll add it anyways for good measure.
A girl can dream right??
Black Prada Baroque Round Sunglasses.
Enough said. Look at those suckers!! I die.
A dreamy pink vespa to whip around town on.
I actually plan to buy one of these babies for my own graduation present. My hair in the summer breeze (under a helmet obviously) while I can ride to the nearest snow cone shack laughing away about how I don't have to go to school anymore.
A new laptop. Preferably in pink 
A handgun. Preferably in pink.
 I'll also be accepting any form of candy or cupcakes.
Those are about as good as it gets.
Am I the only one who posts their birthday list on their blog?

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