Don't you, forget about me.

Hey everyone,
I've tried to be a blogger without a pause but ever since we left Thailand we haven't had uncensored Internet.
Tonight we set up our virtual private network so I thought I'd fill in some of the gaps instead of writing a million long messages on facebook.
I had amazing time during the six weeks I spent in the US with Sebastien's family. We also headed down to our University for the reunion and saw a lot of fresh faces and even had my two best friends over for a weekend before we headed to San Fran for our initial staging and were lucky enough to meet up with a former roommate from Paris. I also had a long talk with my big sister and generally left on a good page with the fam.
Since arriving in China we've been going through a more extensive orientation process and have begun our language training. My level in Chinese is….disappointing. I look forward to the day where I can buy my dinner without pointing at another client's plate.
We celebrated Sebastien's birthday on the second. I got him a few digital books, some root beer extract to make him deserts and a card in English and a card in French signed by his dear family and friends.
Hardest secret I've had to keep for awhile.

The Peace Corps has set up a pretty neat system where our language instructor accompanies us for lunch everyday. Like this we learn about which restaurants to eat from and practice speaking in a very controlled environment, all while enjoying traditional dishes. As you may have inferred, we're on our own for dinner. As you may not have inferred, the Peace Corps is worried about us contracting Giardia.
Whelp, I'm not going to be better at Chinese without studying so I'll leave you with this morsel until next week, when we move in with our host family and start our teacher training at Sichuan Normal University. For the curious: I miss speaking French. Not just for the relative level of success I've achieved but also how right it feels in my mouth.

However, I now eat pork buns and seaweed with rice noodles for breakfast so me and my mouth are going to call it even.


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