Apartment Adventures

Living in an apartment complex always comes hand in hand with having adventures.
I think we've had more adventures in our apartment complex than most people.
To say the least, we've got some INTERESTING neighbors. The cops get called more often than normal & you hear yelling quite a bit.But that's a whole other blog post.

This week I was getting ready to leave for work. Gathering my purse, looking for my keys, trying to distract bunny with bribery carrots.. the usual.
I heard this HUGE BANG!!
It sounded like a gun but I have enough faith in my neighbors to not be THAT psycho..
Just to be safe though I turned off the lights and ran to the blinds to scope out the walk to my car before I left my apartment.
I look out to see GIANT flames coming out of the dumpster.
Ya know, the one that our cars are parked RIGHT next to.
I frantically barged into the bedroom and woke up Spencer by (dramatically) yelling, "YOU'VE GOTTA GET UP NOW TO MOVE YOUR CAR- THE DUMPSTER IS ON FIRE!"
Obviously startled and half dressed, Spencer was trying to process what I just said and get dressed at the same time. Then he asked if I called 911.
No?? So I got to dial 911 for the first time in all of my 23 years of life.
My adrenaline was pumping and I was so excited.
....yes, over a dumpster fire...  
Spencer got in his car to move it away from the fire.... and moved it ONE STALL over..
haha not exactly what I had in mind, but whatever.
Then we opened the fenced gates so the fire didn't melt them.
At this point, I should have left for work 30 minutes ago.
But obviously I wanted to watch the fire department come and fuss over my discovered dumpster fire.
Eventually we couldn't see flames anymore but the front of the metal dumpster started to bubble and smoke. Then we heard the sirens.

Pretty adventurous right?

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