Birthday Celebrations

Around my house we have three birthday categories.
Birthday Month, Birthday Week & BirthDAY.
I certainly celebrated all month, all weekend & I had the best birthday yesterday!
Here are some pics from Birthday WEEK!

Shockingly enough.. we did not plan our outfits..

 I'm not quite sure when my mom became Master Photo bomber....??

I've been a little bitter most of the month that I had work AND school on my birthday. (insert your comment about growing up here) 
 I usually don't mind working, but I was more than peeved to have to go straight to school after a full day of work. Spencer was so cute and I could hear his groggy voice singing Happy Birthday from the other room.. he woke up super early to let me open my present!
Cannot WAIT for my CCW to come in the mail..
The drive to work was a joke and I ended up being late and was NOT in the mood.. trying to avoid anyone I walked straight to my office. I flipped the lights on and found all of this
Banners, Balloons, Confetti, Cupcakes & Candles!
I was SO happy & suddenly didn't care at all that I was late to work. I have THE BEST co-workers in the world! Roula's Cafe was up for lunch and they gave me a birthday brownie and my favorite Greek salad & then we ate cupcakes.
In the middle of my work day I got a phone call from an out of area number- I answered it and my aunt and uncle from AZ were singing Happy Birthday. I haven't heard from them in almost 4 years.. I was blown away with how thoughtful they were to call me!

(cute new birthday shirt from my mama.. Thanks mom!)
At school I went to check the schedule and I had my mom coming in, one of my best friends Stephanie annd... SPENCER?? Total surprise.. I was so happy I had awesome appointments!
The girls at school brought me cupcakes, another brought me bags of candy & bottled water (they know me so well..!) And then they handed me a little gift bag. I opened it and saw the Dermalogica PLANKTON MASK I've wanted SO BAD. That stuff is NOT cheap.
I couldn't believe it.. they all pitched in money to buy it for me. Then I saw the Lira Lip Factor in there too and was SO Overwhelmed. I totally cried like a big baby!
My mom surprised me with Donuts for the girls at school, a dirty Diet Coke & my bag of licorice from my daddy. He's bought a big bag of licorice for my birthday for as long as I can remember! Then she handed me a card from the mail that my cutest friend Hailey sent all the way from Idaho. Again, so overwhelmed..

My Appointments were so much fun & Spencer was so cute when he came in. He brought me my favorite drink from Starbucks!

I was walking into my apartment after school and looked down at all my treasures. I had cupcakes, a box of donuts, licorice from dad, two cards, gifts from girls at school & loads of candy and felt SO LOVED..
Words cannot express how much every one's notes, texts, messages, phone calls, decorations, cards, gifts, hugs and sweet words meant to me yesterday. I was honestly so overwhelmed with the amount of love I felt from family, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers!

Y'all really know how to make a girl feel special..

24 is going to be a good one, I can tell.

...and just like that.. it's August.

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