The Driving Look

This morning
on my lovely commute to work in the SLC I happen to get behind that ONE CAR... Ya know, the drive where you think, "Wow! You my friend, are a horrible driver."
I'm really good at giving other drivers THE LOOK.
The one that says "Wow! You my friend, are a horrible driver."
As I approached the side of this car with the driver that couldn't signal, didn't know how to stay in their own lane, & was going 10 mph below the speed limit, I prepared to give them THE LOOK.
I got my face all angry like and ready, and when I approached the car and looked through their passenger side window, LO AND BEHOLD, there's a member..
...of the Quorum of the 12 apostles...
haha and I'm not going to tell you which one!
Thankfully he didn't see me..
I guess I'll think twice before giving someone "The Driving Look"
The end.

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