Jenny McCarthy 'The View' debut: twerk video

Jenny McCarthy has just made her debut as full-time 'The View' co-host, and here is a clip of her first minutes on the show... she gives her twerking demo. Watch clip below:

According to this article, Jenny "proved why she is a necessary addition to the long-running morning program, which lost co-hosts Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Joy Behar at the end of last season."

They add: 

"McCarthy is an interesting hybrid of Hasselbeck and Behar’s best attributes—and least when speaking in terms of “good TV.” She’s brassy and unfiltered, like Behar was, but whereas Behar’s quips were of the “One Night Only in Reno” stand-up variety, McCarthy’s dry humor ages the show back down to the Twitter age. (Proving her value as a co-host early on, McCarthy explained to Goldberg what a hashtag is.)

She also brings, as Hasselbeck did, passionate opinions. Just like Hasselbeck’s alone-on-a-limb political stances proved polarizing, McCarthy’s anti-vaccination stances have led critics like The Daily Beast’s Tricia Romano to call her hiring onThe View “dangerous.”
Read more of this excellent show overview here.
What do you think? How do you think Jenny will go on the show?
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