Weekend Shenanigans

It's been a while since I've done the Weekend Shenanigans with Sami's Shenanigans blog & since this was a big one, I figured I'd do the link up today!

Sami's Shenanigans

I went on a field trip with my school to The Young Living Farm in Mona, Utah.
I had never even heard of Mona until this field trip.
The Young Living Farm is a GIANT distillery for essential oils. It was so awesome to see the distillery process and get to test them out, and obviously buy some as well.
(that's lavender ice cream.. SO GOOD!) and obviously a lovely view from Mona!

We also went on a double date night to Cheesecake Factory which is ALWAYS the best choice. I also bought the most glorious foundation I've ever tried at Sephora. That's a whole separate blog post though.

Then I spent the rest of the night making Happy Birthday posters for my seester.

This happens to be my personal favorite day of the weekend. I didn't have school (praise) and I woke up early to drive to the airport with my mama to pick up my favorite little freckle faced petunia bum. She has been at BYU Hawaii and is coming home for school!

I was SO happy and relieved to see her running down the stairs at the airport.
AND on her BIRTHDAY! My baby sister is 20 years old!
We opened presents, went to breakfast, went to Target & the mall, got giant snow cones, dyed her eyebrows & got them waxed.. she was all sorts of pampered!

We also went to dinner  at Rio Grande for Nat's birthday!

I started my first week in Primary. I wanted to cry.
We went to mom's for Sunday dinner & made homemade ice cream for Nat's Birthday cake! We watched Insidious (meh..) and stayed up LATE together!
Sunday I celebrated having Winston for 1 year!
My favorite little fuzzy guy in the whole world. So glad he's my fur baby!

We woke up early late and went to breakfast at The Park Cafe across from Liberty Park. SO GOOD! It's tiny in there and it was so loud and packed and served the best food.. I loved it. Jeff wanted to go to Tracy Aviary after so we did which ended up being really cool.
The pink flamingos were sweet & I spent all my quarters on duck food.

We spent the rest of the afternoon running errands and looking around in the Halloween Store! (Can I get a hallelujah for the Halloween Store?!)
We had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings which is ALWAYS a good idea.

This weekend went by WAAAY too fast. But I have lots to look forward to the next few weekends!
AND I'm clearly really excited to have my sister home!! FOR GOOD this time!

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