California Day 3 & 4

Disneyland seriously took it out of us. We decided to walk a few blocks to Target because I wanted a pair of flip flops and they didn't have any. WTH is with stores in Cali not selling summer clothes? I get it's Fall and everything, but it was still SO WARM! Target had all of their beanies, scarves & mittens out. WEIRD!
After trudging through the neighborhood of abandoned buildings and used pregnancy tests on the ground, I finally found a pair of shoes and we walked back to the Hotel just to decide we were hungry and had to walk somewhere else. This was my verge of breaking. I'm 8 months shy of being able to get a rental car and I called my dad for help. He's always been able to get me a rental car but he didn't call me back. Spencer tried as well and it was a complete no-go. (There's ONE reason I'm looking forward to 25.)

We had paid for the Medieval Dinner already and the girl at the front desk of the hotel/motel made it clear the place was just a 5 minute walk down the street. I asked if we could take the shuttle and she said we already used our ONE TIME Shuttle use going to Disneyland. ONE TIME USE. 
We went to our room to shower and get ready for dinner. Nat was in the shower while I was putting my makeup on at the mirror when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I yelled for Natalie to look from the shower and she totally didn't buy it. I look up and see "ALICE" written on the bathroom mirror. I had to swear on my life I didn't write it.

We were super creeped out and laughed about how Alice was the one making all of the weird noises the night before. ew.

We started walking to dinner which took us 25 minutes in the blazing sun with, again, cars honking and yelling things in languages I don't understand. Maybe that's a good thing. Complain complain.
We got to dinner and we were SO EXCITED again that we were around civilization. You guys, if you haven't ever been to a Medieval Dinner place.. you are SERIOUSLY missing out. We loved it so much and the food was great! We had soup, 1/2 chicken, garlic bread, potatoes, BBQ Rib & a drink, all with NO utensils. We had a blast!


For the record, we took a cab home.

We decided we really wanted to go to the beach so we had to figure out bus routes through Orange County. We originally wanted to Santa Monica Pier but our bus route literally drove right through Inglewood & Compton. So we decided on an hour and a half bus ride to Huntington Beach instead!

 Huntington Beach was one of my favorite things. There's something so majestic about the ocean & breathing in salty air. Plus I saw a huge seal and it pretty much made my whole day. It was the PERFECT temperature & Nat was dying to get back into the water. She rented a surf board and wetsuit and rocked it on the only waves coming in. We found some AWESOME local shops & I really didn't want to leave Huntington Beach.

We headed back to the hotel/motel on the bus & got off on our stop. Which ended up not being the correct bus stop. We were totally stranded with all of our shopping bags in the middle of ghetto-ville. The next bus didn't come for another hour and a half, and the closest bus stop we needed was 2 miles away. We tried calling 3 different cab companies none of which could send a cab right away. We called the hotel for a ride, but again, we already used our ONE SHUTTLE ride to Disneyland. We walked to a burger place down the street and waited for what seemed like an eternity for a cab to finally pick up our location.
We got back safely & it was just another adventure...


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