Bad mouth, great head

If you had asked me two weeks ago, as a flatmate of mine did, what I would be doing for Valentines day, I would most likely have said "Nothing."  In fact, even though it is also our five year anniversary I would have really believed we were doing the big la nada.
Strangely enough, our anniversary/valentines/cynical blood diamond day started with pastries. Nice ones, and he used candy to write I love Erin along them. (Creative and tasty!) Next I made a secret mix tape list starting with Marvin Gaye's 'Too Busy Thinkin 'Bout My Baby' and ending with Carl Sagan's 'Glorious Dawn.' The entire list is 42 tracks long and covers all of our favorite artist who were goodly enough to write chilled-out love songs.  Then we got all shaved up and pretty and gathered the makings of a picnic by the river. Yes, it is February, yes, it was chilly, but the crazy part was, we loved it! We returned together, and when I got back online I saw that he had posted an original poem on my Facebook wall.

Hither from a distant land I hear a voice come singing,
"come with me into adversity, I find the sedentary disinteresting"
and heneforth I follow the siren's song, pursued by windmills,
my lance but rubber against their window sills,
my fey enchantress heedless of the peril,
for how can one fear board-wood with a heart so feral?
and so I follow my belove sprite
as the sun freezes and so comes the night
and wonder how her heart so thirsty for adventure
can but draw my staid limbs from their cozy endenture
Yet what would life be worth living
without my chaos beast to guide me capering
into the strange dark depths of the unknown,
her presence at my side fonder to me than any security

Well, yeah...since you asked, I do feel a little bit silly having it there on my page, but only silly enough that I saved my poetry for his ears and eyes alone. (My stanzas are like whoa.)  Honestly the internet, I don't think I've ever been so complimented in my life. That poem captures the exact aspect of my nature that I am most proud of as well as the reason why he is my most mated: like may dissolve like, but opposites attract. And on top of that, I knew he could write stupendously well, and even particularly artfully in the style of high fantasy, but this is poetry and I was muse. I tell ya, it feels pretty good to get a shot at muse. (For more of his writing, check out his blog)
Mid afternoon came and he left for a lesson. I cleaned our chamber, bought some candles and some tasties in secret, and we picked out a filet mignon ensemble. I was pretty scared spending 10£ on meat, to over cook it would be a near tragedy.
All and all, I can say this was my best Valentines day in the five years we've been together. Now, we've always cooked at home, and I go to extra lengths preparing several courses and obviously nothing there changed. But this year, I really relaxed about the oncoming event.
Normally I begin preparations many weeks in advance with a poetic card made by hand and sundry gifts piled on top of a thoughtful menu and the promise of sexual exploits sure to follow. But Sebastien was so horrible about getting me a wedding present (in August), a birthday present (in November) and even a christmas present (in Duh-cember) that I meant to stick to my teary eyed, "I am never getting you another gift ever mutha fuckin again!"  I didn't say mutha fuckin but I'm sure the rest of my soliloquy and subsequent arguments were at least that colorful.
Sebastien'll (I did that on purpose. I think it's neat) really wish he could defend himself here. So let me say for him that in an everyday way, when it comes to foot massages, oral sex, preparing food, doing the dishes and constantly telling me I'm beautiful, (not to mention putting up with my crazy bitch fits) he is amazing. He just usually gets me a gift for us, if he gets me one at all. I guess I'd rather have a stripper pole then a vacuum cleaner, if pressed. But still, I've been wanting a copy of Wild Zero for years. And I drop lots of hints around gift giving season. ($200 drawing tablet, how much do you love me...also new socks, I can forward my address..)
This year was different, I used the Sebastien method and did everything day of. The things that worked out did and the stuff that one would actually need to prepare for, didn't. I invested less so the chance of let down was diminished and by contrast the gains were doubled when things went right or worked to our favor.  It made me consider and evaluate, "it's the thought that counts" in a whole new light...
On to the photos!
I cut the beets into hearts, he made the dressing and the rest of the salad. 

I love tulips! Roses have really never been my thing...

This was meant as an apĂ©ritif, but we ate it after desert, instead

6o'clock on the swatch watch, gotta date, can't be late: the girl is gunna..

Lava cake with a dab of mint syrup and ice cream

He let me do our cheese course on the balcony. I wasn't such a big fan of the cookie crusted martinis. 
The take away here: relax, stop and smell the tulips. Also, please mail me socks, laundry day comes but once a week. And while I have your love muscles throbbing, check out some of my fave V-day Posts @Sara Swears A lot, and Late to the Party annnnnd Notes From the Underground. If you DON'T click them, you'll definitely get crotch lice...from me, in the exchange for socks(?)

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