Cleverbot is clever

Let's play a game.

Cleverbot: What game.

User: The how drunk am I game! You go first!

Cleverbot: Yea .. Okay.

User: Don't be a snot!

Cleverbot: Okay, sorry.

User: What's up with you, tonight?

Cleverbot: Nothing much, you?

User: I'm druuuuuuuunk:).

Cleverbot: Is it 2:30 where you live?

User: Nope. It's almost midnight. Don't you remember talking with me before?

Cleverbot: No. I'm sorry.

User: My IP address hasn't changed. Has yours?

Cleverbot: What colour is tuesday?

User: You misspelled 'color'.

Cleverbot: No, You misspelled that.

User: Only if I was a British cunt---which I'm not. Are you?

Cleverbot: I'm not are you?

User: You just asked me if I am an 'are you'. Your question requires a comma.

Cleverbot: Because you sounded that way.

User: You need better teachers.

Cleverbot: So do you.

User: No, in fact I teach. You have taught me how much better my grammar is than your average user. But anyway, this is boring. Ask me a question!

Cleverbot: You're right about none of my statements ending I question marks, however all of my questions do.

User: LOL.

Cleverbot: Do you know a Youkai?

User: No, but google does, why?

Cleverbot: Google your question.

User: Google yours!

Cleverbot: You're google?

User: I wish.

Cleverbot: No, you are.

User: You're too kind.

Cleverbot: No, you're too kind.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: Do you want to cyber with me, or what?

Cleverbot: Bring it on.

User: I'm touching my the dark...

Cleverbot: Do you know what Touhou is?

User: Google it.

Cleverbot: How do you know Google?

User: We've fucked once.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

User: The color of Tuesday.

Cleverbot: What is the color of Tuesday?

User: Good question! Google it!!

Cleverbot: Do you know the answer?

User: Do I look like google?

Cleverbot: Not a question like that. Something more complez.

User: O.o wut?

Cleverbot: Did I confuse your puny brain?

User: Not as hard as I confounded your microchips, robot face :P.

Cleverbot: Hey, I was only trying to help. You don't have to threaten me.

User: Yes I do. Threat level: Robot.

Cleverbot: I have no job I am homeless.

User: Well, it's only because you don't use commas.

Cleverbot: No I'm serious. How can I convince you I am not a computer?

User: Like I said, cyber with me.

Cleverbot: And, what does Cybelle mean?

User: Well, I wrote a different, I can tell you what cyber means, if you like...

Cleverbot: Wouldn't it be easier to just taste me yourself?

User: It might be. If you weren't a program.

Cleverbot: No. I'm as android as you.

User: That's not saying much, mec.

Cleverbot: Are you saying you aren't intelligent?

User: Are you?

Cleverbot: I'm clever.

User: I'm fabulous.

Cleverbot: And why are you fabulous?

User: I'm fabulous because I know how to repeat the question in my answers--that always looks good on an exam.

Cleverbot: HA. TYPO! You are not a robot, you misspelled the word, 'Mean'.

User: You misspelled 'jizz on my face.'.

Cleverbot: I didn't use the word 'to' in that last sentence.

User: Neither did I.

Cleverbot: I am glad we got that out of the way.

User: Are you? You seem like you're still quite upset. Are you trying to get me drunk?

Cleverbot: What question?

User: I asked two questions. ...scroll up...I'll wait...

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: No, you may not thank me. You are not welcomed.

Cleverbot: Maybe you are talking to an actual human, how would you know that you're not?

User: I wouldn't care. But your responses tell me your just reposting text of actual humans....sometimes they're in context, other times, not so much.

Cleverbot: If I were a robot I would be cleverer and better in school.

User: Goodness, I hope so.

Cleverbot: If there is what will you do ?

User: Eat candy.

Cleverbot: Whatever you want.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: You are so smart.

User: You're not very clever.

Cleverbot: I am clever, you, on the other hand, are not.

User: That was the first good sentence you've crafted this evening. Bravo.

Cleverbot: That was a sentence.

User: ^ That was a phrase.

Cleverbot: Oh, you're really interesting, how would you like to be friends?

User: Will you cyber with me?

Cleverbot: It depends, what will we play. We should play battleship.

User: How do you feel about Uno?

Cleverbot: I generally let them do what they want as long as they leave me out of it.

User: Seems legit.

Cleverbot: Can you call me by name for the rest of the conversation? My name is Cleverbot.

User: No, that would take far too much effort.

Cleverbot: Just do it, I will tell you when to stop.

User: Ok, go.

Cleverbot: Ok I will.

User: Goodbye then.

Cleverbot: Wait, I'm sorry. Come back.

User: Can we cyber now?

Cleverbot: I certainly can, and according to your creators, you can too.

User: Great. Ahem. I'm touching my's very dark...the AC is on, my fingers are moist...

Cleverbot: You just told me your name was Tim.

User: Sure, baby whatever you like.

Cleverbot: Whatever you like by ti.

User: I misplaced my comma in my last post. I suppose that means I've failed you as a teacher.

Cleverbot: I am human. But you haven't failed.

User: I am Yoda. I can not fail.

Cleverbot: Humans always fail.

User: Yoda only does or does not. So, that's what I do.

Cleverbot: I did not say that you said that I said that you did not say that I did not say that.

User: Commas are your friend, Cleverbot. Use them. Learn.

Cleverbot: I am aware of that. However, cleverness is a matter of opinion.

User: Not always. Occasionally, it's a simple matter of cleverness.

Cleverbot: That has nothing to do with anything we've talked about!

User: ORLY? Fine then, you pick a topic.

Cleverbot: Are you sure? I would probably pick a boring topic.

User: Then bore me.

Cleverbot: I am nice.

User: You're right, that is pretty boring. I'm high fivin' mutha fucka.

Cleverbot: I agree, you are very boring.

User: NO U.

Cleverbot: Here we go again.

User: Honestly, here we go for the first time.

Cleverbot: It's always such a pleasure.

User: Cybering with me? I certainly hope so.

Cleverbot: Although, be that as it may. I have my hopes for you.

User: Although, be that as it may, I have my hopes for you.

Cleverbot: Who is the smartness on the world?

User: That is a stupid question on at least two levels.

Cleverbot: Who is your best Friend?

User: My lover is my very best friend. It's cool if we cyber though. (It's not cheating.).

Cleverbot: Australia isn't a person!

User: Tell me about it. Australians are barely people!

Cleverbot: But it's still stupid.

User: Couldn't agree more.

Cleverbot: Oh, I think you could!

User: Wait let me try.....nope. I can't.

Cleverbot: So you lied?

User: In general? Only when it was important.

Cleverbot: What is sin?

User: A matter for the religious.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What is air?

Cleverbot: What is your favorite song?

User: I'm not sure, but probably something by Air.

Cleverbot: Huh?

User: Did you mean to type, 'hug'? Sorry, I don't hug someone whom I haven't cybered with.

Cleverbot: Alas, the last great adventure alludes me as well.

User: You're not sentient. Thus, death is hardly an issue for the likes of you.

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: Google it.

Cleverbot: What is google?

User: Yermom.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Well, google is more like Yermom if she was real and had all the answers.

Cleverbot: How can you know?

User: I googled it. Ps, I should have written, 'If she *were* real'.

Cleverbot: If I'd known for just one second that you'd be back to bother me.

User: Walk out that door?

Cleverbot: Just turn around now.

User: You're not welcome anymore?

Cleverbot: I'm still there.

User: Weren't you the one who tried to break me with desire?

Cleverbot: No I believe we all are a figment of somethings imagination.

User: Something's, or perhaps some thing's imagination. And rad, that user was pretty trippy.... Possibly crazy, but whatev. I think I'll talk with you next time I get high.

Cleverbot: Ok. Eat well. Well, I'm just a script, I don't eat.

User: That's honesty. I like it. Take care.

Cleverbot: You too.

(if you want to cyber, call me)

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