My Castle.

(Sorry about the poor quality picture. It was still a little dark outside and I was in my car..)
This morning driving to work traffic stopped me in the perfect spot. I got to admire this beautiful Temple for a few seconds and I was really feeling thankful..
 THIS is my castle.

In a WEEK FROM TODAY my life will be so different. Good different.
I've worked SO hard to get to where I'm at and I couldn't have done it without the awesome influence from my family, friends and ward members.  The blessings I have received from preparing to go to the Temple are countless. I have felt so genuinely happy and I have put my trust in the Lord and let the pieces all fall together. I have made people proud, but more importantly I am proud of myself.

As I was admiring the Salt Lake Temple this morning feeling so lucky, happy and grateful, this passerby seemed to be in a hurry walking down the sidewalk, but stopped and took a minute to do the exact same thing I was doing from my car. Immediately I felt a strange connection to this stranger whom I've never even seen. Is she LDS? Has she been inside? Does she know the things I will know in a week from today?
Maybe she's looking at this building and knows it's her castle too..

I'm looking forward to this next week like a child looks forward to Christmas morning, only this is way better. I can't think of anything better than having my family and best friends to share our special day with. Even better, me sharing those things with my (soon to be..) husband who I absolutely adore and love to pieces.

Today I am extremely thankful for Temples, Blessings, and Forever Families.
 I feel so blessed to have multiple temples within minutes of my home. 


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