Sunday Dressy

Last week when I wrote THIS POST about polka dots- I added a picture of polka dot tights that I absolutely fell in LOVE with.
They were definately on my fall Must-Have list.
I found some (two diff. pairs) that are to die for, so I had to do an outfit post with this pair.
SO EXCITED that Fall=Tights!
P.S. Don't mind my eyelashes, or the lack there of.
When I wrote
THIS POST I should have put on #1 that I'm impatient.
Impatient= me picking off all of my eyelash extensions, which means picking off my eyelashes. So don't judge that it looks like I have none..
Shirt: F21 similar here
Skirt: F21 (a few years old)
Shoes: Jessica Simpson here
tights: eBay here
A mini photo..
We all showed up to church today BASICALLY wearing the same thing!
Great minds think alike!

From Blonde to Brunette

It's taken me a while to get around to doing this post.. sorry I'm a little late! 
Two weeks ago I had ma hurr done.
From Blonde to Brunette!
Every fall I used to go a little bit darker with my hair color.
I say a little bit because the one time I went dark dark.. like.. black-ish..
I got my car taken away.
Seriously though.
Anyways, I have been really blonde for 3+ years- but before it was changed often.
I didn't mention it in THIS post, but one of my friends commented about how my hair wasn't the same color/cut in any of the pictures!
I didn't really say I was planning on going brunette JUST in case I chickened out.
I mean, this REALLY isn't a big deal.. BUT it's a little scary.
I told my sweet hair girl Katie to do whatever she thought would be best, and I LOVE the way it turned out!!
I think Spencer was a little startled when he came home and saw me sitting on the couch with brown hair.. he's never seen it anything but bright blonde.
 I think he's getting used to it though.
Seriously, if anyone needs the perfect girl to do your hair message me and I'll give you her info! You'll never go to anyone else after her!
 "Do Blondes.. do they like, really have more fun..?"
If you can quote this movie I'll love you forever.


A Forever Kind of Love

Last week sitting at my desk I realized I had not seen my "couple friends" in a while.
This was unusual.
My Couple Friends are the sweetest old couple I've ever met in my life. I happen to meet them as two people just passing by at my work a few years ago. We got talking and I immediately felt drawn to them. My love for the elderly had a play in this, I'm sure.
After the first time I met My Couple Friends I immediately called my mom to tell her how much I adored these two people & didn't even know their names.
We actually got to know each other very well over the years. They have been with me through many large ups and downs & offered encouragement and advice. I have seen them thrilled and overjoyed about grandchildren and great grandchildren. I often treat them to lunch and their favorite cookies- white chocolate macadamia nut and snicker doodle.
When my Couple friends found out I was engaged they were both so excited. They immediately fell in love with my fiance whom they had never met, merely because I loved him. They have offered me wonderful marriage advice, and after stories of their life together 60+ years, they are still in love. They still hold hands & they still laugh with each other.
They have a forever kind of love.
My Couple Friends asked to get a wedding invite.
Months down the road, I carefully and lovingly wrote on their envelope...
Dale and Mava Russon.
A few weeks later my sweet sweet Couple Friends Dale and Mava came to visit me in my office. We talked and made a crazy connection.
When they saw my maiden name on their wedding invite, they realized they were my dad's Mission Presidents in California MANY years ago..
This was the first of many too-good-to-be-true connections I've had with the Russon's.
The Russon's were one of the first couples to show up at our wedding reception. Having them there meant more than words could express. They hugged and kissed me and let me know how proud they were of me. Dale and Mava are just like loving grandparents.
I've seen them twice since the wedding which has not been nearly enough.
Last week I had thought about them many, many times. Wondering where they've been. They have so many grandchildren and great grandchildren they must be busy with summer and family activities. Friday afternoon I felt like I should call them and check on them. I looked up their phone number, but decided not to dial.
{Last week sitting at my desk I realized I had not seen my "couple friends" in a while.
This was unusual.}
Yesterday I saw Dale's obituary in the newspaper and sobbed at my desk.
He died on Saturday, the day after I thought I should call... and didn't.
Yesterday I lost an unofficial grandpa. I loved him just like I love my own.
The advice and wise words I heard from sweet Dale mean more to me than ever.
I'm so so sad for his sweet wife Mava and for his family.
At 87 years old, he lived a beautiful fulfilling, happy life.
I'm so thankful for Eternal Families
and for a Forever Kind of Love.

Utah State Fair

I know I'm a little late posting about the State Fair since it has been over for more than a week now.. But here are some of the pictures!
State Fair Round 1
We had to try Utah's famous Green Jell-o.
This time it was fried! It was pretty good, but I wouldn't get it again..
Excited & terrified to ride Fair Rides...
Delicious treats and getting to see the piggies!!
Spencer had lacrosse practice and wasn't able to come to the fair for round 2. I went with Jeff and some of his friends.
(totally shocked Jeff rode the mechanical bull!)

I LOVE walking through and seeing the animals!!
I even paid $5.00 to take a picture with this little baby goat!
Best $5.00 I ever spent, really.
We got to see the butter sculpture!
A play on The Hunger Games- it was soo cool!
I love baby animals, burlap sack slides, good treats, rides that don't look too safe, carnies, good friends and new adventures.
State Fair 2013: I'm already looking forward to you!

The boy is mine.

It's been almost a month since I received one of the most disturbing emails of my adult life. I don't call myself an adult lightly, mind. But I think this situation has helped me see just how adult I've become. Ok, fair, I  read those lines back and I know it sounds dramatic and I'm sorry because normally I try to keep the stuff that really bothers me out of my blog--but the truth is, I don't have a lot of experience with man-related drama, and I thought that I could help myself work through it by sharing it with you.
I'd like to think that I've cultivated the kind of friendships that don't result in backstabbing. The few women I've called close friends are confident, independent ladies who are too concerned with what makes them happy to bother trampling on what I've built, just for sport.

And these patterns didn't happen by accident. Growing up, I was never the kind of girl who dated my best friend's castaways. Even just telling me you had a crush on him was enough for me to avert my gaze. I was a loyal, devoted best friend and, I can honestly say, the only one in my group who never had a crush on Matt. (It helped that he smoked cigarettes and had the same name as one of my big brothers, but still--gaze averted!)

I remember it was a Thursday--ok, I didn't actually remember, I figured it was a Tuesday but I just checked the date on the email and a Thursday it was-- or as I'll be choosing to remember it hence forth: August 30th 2012,  a turd day.
Never could get the hang of turd days. 
Never saw it coming, either.
Of all the Brutis' that had ever Judased the accent grave kid, I really thought Rhi was on my team straight on into the apocalypse. She read a poem at my wedding. Introduced me to Harry Potter. Watched all three Lord of the Rings movies with me and laughed at almost all my insinuations to the homoeroticism. She sang a Tool song for me the first time we hung out. Spent a whole summer living at my house on Cape Cod. We catered together. No, run that tape back, we literally danced until September. She would add salt to the ketchup for our fries----fuckin jeen-yus, ked. 
Every time I get back to where she's living, it's like no time has passed at all.
This is the most broken hearted I've ever been.

I mean, she has been my best friend since I was 14 years old. I met her my first day of high school out by a bunch of bushes where she was smoking a cigarette. She was a sophomore with  long auburn hair and horn-rimmed glasses, plus the camouflage tights she was wearing clashed perfectly with our catholic school girl uniform.  Granted, I made fun of her to try and impress a fellow, went exactly like this:

Anyway, we joined Art club that year and Drama club too, and as a joke, we even joined the Spirit club. Mad at her as I am, I gotta admit that Rhi was the coooooolest. She introduced me to so many great local bands and had more Nirvana shirts than even Paul. Before I knew it, I was going over her house every night after school so I could stare sidelong at her brother as he played video games next to me.
And then I played this song and felt better about myself
Sometimes she would have me dress up as Farrah Fawcett and pretend to get caught sneaking into the Grammies, but that hardly matters anymore because on turd day of this year I received this email:

You see now why our friendship is over? I have been in love with Fox Mulder since this haircut:
When he said, "I think these children have been abducted by aliens," I was ready to hear what he thought.
Scully wasn't and Rhi wasn't either. When Fox eye-banged his partner in the same episode I didn't even get jealous. I knew his intentions were pure.
For science!
I was even able to be happy for him when he almost kissed Dana that one time just before she went into anaphylactic shock. Or the other time when he kissed her, but it was in the Bermuda Triangle so it didn't count and and besides, there were nazis. Or that other, other time when he kissed her but it just so happened that he had switched quantum states with another dude and eventually they switched back....

Basically, I only stopped watching the X-files because I realized I wanted two fictional characters to kiss and love each other and make babies and also meet aliens. Which is fine thing to think quietly to yourself but not terribly wise to spew in teenage tones at your parents during commercial breaks.
She's never moving out, is she. 
I wanted Fox to be happy, and if I thought Rhi was the girl for him, I would step out of the way. I did it for Scully and I could do it again. But Rhi isn't the right girl for him. Where was Rhi when Mulder was in a room full of Canadians all pretending to be Americans?
She was making out with Paul. Yes. She has been with Paul since the year I met her  and now they're getting married.

Back in the day, I would call her all the time to see if she wanted to hangout but no, she was busy making out with Paul. Who was I making out with? None of your business. Not Paul though. And not Fox Mulder either. So it hardly seems fair that she should get both. (Also, for the record I was likely watching Pokemon.)

She should stay away from Mulder and be happy that Paul makes great sauce, drums like a beast and puts up with the fact that she's trying to gank my main jump off. Look, I get it--Paul's not perfect--he doesn't want to read Harry Potter, he won't even let you name your dogs after Lily and James (for this I am not sorry) but neither would Mulder. You're living in a fantasy world Rhi, Fox is totally not even a dog person. Face it--the boy is mine.

Weekend High..

Waking up on Friday, knowing the weekend is SO CLOSE is a good, good feeling.

Saturday was the 1 year day from when we lost a dear family member Jeni.
That sad day a year ago seems like just last week, and also so much longer than that..
Saturday morning I went to the Bountiful temple with family to be as close to Jeni as possible.
It turned out to be a lovely day full of love and accomplishment.

This is when Sunday rolls around.
I've been on a Weekend High, then Sunday night creeps up on me.
This is how my Sunday night goes..
I stay up as late as possible hoping that it means Monday morning just won't come at all..
I finally get exhausted, fall asleep & when my alarm rings at 5:30am I feel like pulling my own hair out.
THIS is when I come down from my Weekend High.
WHY do I dread Monday's SO much? Are they REALLY that awful?
Every Monday morning I feel like Alexander from the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen is not good.
I just looked out my office window and saw this gloomy day.
Kind of strange that it made me feel better. Every once in a while a gloomy day is just nice.
it makes me want to be home with this guy,
Wearing a comfy sweater like this,
Drinking something like this,
With something cuddly like this
(Winston learned how to jump on the couches. You can kind of see the pillow ramp I made for him too- this is so he doesn't bust his little spindle legs jumping off the couch.)

..and THIS on my computer screen..

The above scenario sounds like the perfect day.
Maybe a perfect Monday, if there is such a thing.

Maybe I should start treating myself to something every Monday so I have something to look forward to.
I'll be taking suggestions on what that treat should be.


Last week I got a text from my sweet Mother-in-law letting me know how much she enjoys reading the blog and getting to know me better.
My in-laws live in Beaumont Texas and we haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time with each other.
...This got me thinking...
What are some things that even those who are close to me might not know?
Here's a list of random things that you May or may not know about me!

1. I think it's pretty funny when people fall.
How can you not think that's funny? We've all been there. It's okay..

2. I don't like to buy anything at the store that's sitting at the front of the shelf, I always reach and grab the second one.
Why? Because everyone has coughed on the one in the front.

3. Spencer is my #1 go-to person. (As he should be) ..BUT..
my #2 go-to person is my pink grandma. She will still hold me and rock me when I'm having a bad day. Sometimes we'll even sing together.
Everyone likes to step out of "grown up" once in a while. For me, this is letting my sweet gma  hold & sing to me.

4. You will never see me without toenail polish.
Because I like to feel put together and polished.

5. On a rainy day, there are 3 music choices:
-Norah Jones -Jack Johnson -John Mayer
Because rainy days are relaxing.

6. I haven't had any soda since Last July. 14 months going strong baby!
If you know my family, this is a huge accomplishment.
No more headaches.

7. I once had a pet tarantula named Katinka
My mom was pissed.

8. My current dream vacation is New Orleans, Louisiana.
Best ghost tours around!

9. I start planning my Birthday in May and Halloween in July.
I'm a sucker for Holidays. YES, my birthday counts as a Holiday.

10. I look forward to Saturday Cleaning. Calming and Accomplishing.
Bring out the vacuum!

11. I think I come off pretty sweet..
BUT, I would love to be in a situation where punching someone would be appropriate. And actually do it.
Is that ever appropriate? probably not..  

12. I'm EXTREMELY confrontational.
My husband will quickly flee and act like he doesn't know me.
Sometimes people just need to hear it how it is. Just sayin..

13. I WILL be getting my Concealed Weapons Permit.
Just in case there's a zombie apocalypse.

14. At 23 years old, I probably have the most extensive Barbie Collection of anyone you know.
Barbies up the wazoo.

15. I think Unicorns are pretty awesome.
Literally or just for pretend? ..not really sure..

16. I am terrified of fish. Not your typical goldfish folks, the kind that swim around you.
And possibly bite. Ya know, the ones that travel in schools. NOPE!
Oceans? Lovely. and terrifying.

17. I think Target can fix all problems.
Even better if it's a SUPER Target. Dollar section here I come!

18. When I DID drink soda, Chocolate Diet Coke was my preference.
Don't knock it till' you've tried it.

19. When I go to Football games with Spencer I dream I'm in Friday Night Lights.
Come On Ya'll!

20. I don't go anywhere without my camera.
What if I ran into Martha Stewart and didn't have it on me!?

21. I wouldn't be upset if my paychecks came in the form of craft store gift cards. 
You can never have enough hot glue sticks.

22. Wearing lipstick makes me feel like superwoman.
Bright pink lips can accomplish anything.

23. Refer to #14 and replace "Barbies" with "Shoes"
Not enough room to store them.

24. I'm a reaaaally good secret keeper.
I'm like a vault.

25. I hate dress clothes.
I count down the minutes to church being over.
Comfy clothes or jeans are calling my name.

26. I TYPICALLY hate fall.
But boy have I been looking forward to you this year.
Nothin but a G-Thaang..

27. I've lived with and without the Church in my life.
Thank you Spencer, and so many other people for good influence.. 
Change is oh so sweet..

28. I Literally look forward to the State Fair all year long.
baby animals, carnies, rides, hot dogs, cotton candy, fried food, burlap sack slide.... on and on..

29. I think the "Bad Lip Sync" Videos on YouTube are HILARIOUS!
Have you SEEN them? You'll die.

30. I could eat Mexican Food Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.
That goes for cupcakes as well..

I LOVE getting to know people- even the funny quirky things.
If any of you post anything similar, leave a comment on my blog or email me to let me know. I'd love to read it!

Polka Dot Love

Here are just a few reasons why I think polka dots are so fabulous.

I Absolutely LOVE the polka dot tights.
Those are definitely on my fall must-have clothing list!