Weekend High..

Waking up on Friday, knowing the weekend is SO CLOSE is a good, good feeling.

Saturday was the 1 year day from when we lost a dear family member Jeni.
That sad day a year ago seems like just last week, and also so much longer than that..
Saturday morning I went to the Bountiful temple with family to be as close to Jeni as possible.
It turned out to be a lovely day full of love and accomplishment.

This is when Sunday rolls around.
I've been on a Weekend High, then Sunday night creeps up on me.
This is how my Sunday night goes..
I stay up as late as possible hoping that it means Monday morning just won't come at all..
I finally get exhausted, fall asleep & when my alarm rings at 5:30am I feel like pulling my own hair out.
THIS is when I come down from my Weekend High.
WHY do I dread Monday's SO much? Are they REALLY that awful?
Every Monday morning I feel like Alexander from the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen is not good.
I just looked out my office window and saw this gloomy day.
Kind of strange that it made me feel better. Every once in a while a gloomy day is just nice.
it makes me want to be home with this guy,
Wearing a comfy sweater like this,
Drinking something like this,
With something cuddly like this
(Winston learned how to jump on the couches. You can kind of see the pillow ramp I made for him too- this is so he doesn't bust his little spindle legs jumping off the couch.)

..and THIS on my computer screen..

The above scenario sounds like the perfect day.
Maybe a perfect Monday, if there is such a thing.

Maybe I should start treating myself to something every Monday so I have something to look forward to.
I'll be taking suggestions on what that treat should be.

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