
Last week I got a text from my sweet Mother-in-law letting me know how much she enjoys reading the blog and getting to know me better.
My in-laws live in Beaumont Texas and we haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time with each other.
...This got me thinking...
What are some things that even those who are close to me might not know?
Here's a list of random things that you May or may not know about me!

1. I think it's pretty funny when people fall.
How can you not think that's funny? We've all been there. It's okay..

2. I don't like to buy anything at the store that's sitting at the front of the shelf, I always reach and grab the second one.
Why? Because everyone has coughed on the one in the front.

3. Spencer is my #1 go-to person. (As he should be) ..BUT..
my #2 go-to person is my pink grandma. She will still hold me and rock me when I'm having a bad day. Sometimes we'll even sing together.
Everyone likes to step out of "grown up" once in a while. For me, this is letting my sweet gma  hold & sing to me.

4. You will never see me without toenail polish.
Because I like to feel put together and polished.

5. On a rainy day, there are 3 music choices:
-Norah Jones -Jack Johnson -John Mayer
Because rainy days are relaxing.

6. I haven't had any soda since Last July. 14 months going strong baby!
If you know my family, this is a huge accomplishment.
No more headaches.

7. I once had a pet tarantula named Katinka
My mom was pissed.

8. My current dream vacation is New Orleans, Louisiana.
Best ghost tours around!

9. I start planning my Birthday in May and Halloween in July.
I'm a sucker for Holidays. YES, my birthday counts as a Holiday.

10. I look forward to Saturday Cleaning. Calming and Accomplishing.
Bring out the vacuum!

11. I think I come off pretty sweet..
BUT, I would love to be in a situation where punching someone would be appropriate. And actually do it.
Is that ever appropriate? probably not..  

12. I'm EXTREMELY confrontational.
My husband will quickly flee and act like he doesn't know me.
Sometimes people just need to hear it how it is. Just sayin..

13. I WILL be getting my Concealed Weapons Permit.
Just in case there's a zombie apocalypse.

14. At 23 years old, I probably have the most extensive Barbie Collection of anyone you know.
Barbies up the wazoo.

15. I think Unicorns are pretty awesome.
Literally or just for pretend? ..not really sure..

16. I am terrified of fish. Not your typical goldfish folks, the kind that swim around you.
And possibly bite. Ya know, the ones that travel in schools. NOPE!
Oceans? Lovely. and terrifying.

17. I think Target can fix all problems.
Even better if it's a SUPER Target. Dollar section here I come!

18. When I DID drink soda, Chocolate Diet Coke was my preference.
Don't knock it till' you've tried it.

19. When I go to Football games with Spencer I dream I'm in Friday Night Lights.
Come On Ya'll!

20. I don't go anywhere without my camera.
What if I ran into Martha Stewart and didn't have it on me!?

21. I wouldn't be upset if my paychecks came in the form of craft store gift cards. 
You can never have enough hot glue sticks.

22. Wearing lipstick makes me feel like superwoman.
Bright pink lips can accomplish anything.

23. Refer to #14 and replace "Barbies" with "Shoes"
Not enough room to store them.

24. I'm a reaaaally good secret keeper.
I'm like a vault.

25. I hate dress clothes.
I count down the minutes to church being over.
Comfy clothes or jeans are calling my name.

26. I TYPICALLY hate fall.
But boy have I been looking forward to you this year.
Nothin but a G-Thaang..

27. I've lived with and without the Church in my life.
Thank you Spencer, and so many other people for good influence.. 
Change is oh so sweet..

28. I Literally look forward to the State Fair all year long.
baby animals, carnies, rides, hot dogs, cotton candy, fried food, burlap sack slide.... on and on..

29. I think the "Bad Lip Sync" Videos on YouTube are HILARIOUS!
Have you SEEN them? You'll die.

30. I could eat Mexican Food Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.
That goes for cupcakes as well..

I LOVE getting to know people- even the funny quirky things.
If any of you post anything similar, leave a comment on my blog or email me to let me know. I'd love to read it!

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