I love even more that there is no snow on the ground.
Can I get a big AMEN!?
[*this is where you say AMEEENNNN!*]
I've found so many cute things on Pinterest all Christmas related that I'm so excited to do.
I found THIS LINK with a scripture a day leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts for the true meaning.. I'm excited to start this tonight.
(p.s. the rest of the Christmas stuff on this website is AWESOME!!!)
Hopefully this weekend our tree will be up & Winston will decide not to eat it.
Things I WILL be doing in December:
-Ladies Christmas Party- SO STOKED FOR THIS!!
-Hatch Family Hot Chocolate.
-Making Snowflakes
-Christmas Crafts (Duh..)
-Gingerbread Houses
-Ice Skating
-Random Acts of Kindness
-Building a Snowman (hopefully this doesn't happen until LATER in December..)
-Kissing under the Mistletoe! *BOW CHICKA WOW WOW!*
-Send out our Christmas Cards
-Go on a Drive to see Christmas Lights
-Temple Square Nativity/Christmas Lights
-Decorate Sugar Cookies
-Make Homemade Ornaments
-Tuck my wrapped Christmas Presents under the Tree
-Make Caramel Apples
-Give Winston a Present (Duh..)
I'm sure I'm missing lots of things but that's all I can think of right now.
Through all the fun and festivities, may we not forget what this month is all about!
Happy December!!

Gym Time/Friday Letters

I got my ass handed to me at the gym.
I've been a total gym rat before.. CLEARLY not as of lately.
When the weather started to cool down I was SO excited to go to my mom's house and get all of my cute jeans out! It was a TOTAL bummer realizing NONE of them fit anymore.
The freshman 15 never applied to me, but marriage 15 sure as H does.
The sexy skinny jeans I was wearing on our HONEYMOON (8 months ago..) Will not even go up past my thighs.
I'm not one to look at a number on a scale. TO ME, it doesn't mean anything.
I'm more concerned about how I'm feeling over a number on the scale.
I'm not claiming to be fat. Don't get me wrong here..
I am claiming that my body is changing. It's reminding me that I'm not 17 anymore & can't shovel in my food like I enjoy doing oh so much.
SOO. After lots complaining about my clothes fitting funny for months, my sister finally convinced me to go to body pump with her yesterday. This is a class I used to go FAITHFULLY to every week.
In short.. I almost died.
I can't believe how little weight I put up & how sore I am today.
My Goals:
Gym at LEAST 3 times a week.
Drink TONS of water- (this one isn't too hard for me since I cut out soda & Carbonation almost 2 years ago!)
NO fried foods.
...I figured if I wrote them here for everyone to read I'm more likely to actually do them...
I'm totally taking before and after pictures for my own sake.
If the results are awesome enough, maybe one day I'll be brave enough to put them up.
It's time for this little squishy monster to get toned.
Fatalie clearly had tons of energy still, I was beat.
AND OF COURSE, we loved on Winston.
DEAR RELIEF SOCIETY ARMS,I'm stopping you before you get any worse.
You won't be here much longer.
I will be able to run to the mailbox without being winded, I promise. hahaha
I'm planning on getting rid of you first So grandpa won't comment on how large you are becoming. (....yeeep.. this really happened...)
You will be getting a lot more use. Twice in 6 months doesn't cut it.
I love and hate you all at the same time.
Happy Friday Folks!

Kickstarter Video Blog

When Gameboy joined Captain N the Gamemater's team, even I couldn't ignore that I was probably just watching a 22 minute commercial. And yet... If you didn't watch Captain N, you really missed out. Sometimes they went all the way to Hyrule to thwart King Hippo and Mother Brain.
It's not too late to catch up on your childhood.
Email me for my pay pal info ;)

I'm Still Learning

To say the least, this week has been pretty crap-tastic.
It has consisted of complete & total frustration, lots & lots of job applications, the flu, missing finals at school, spending the last bit of money on groceries, being late to work, missing a job application meeting, stepping on Winston's toes, a few tears here & there, and losing my car/house keys. TWICE- (once they were left in the front door all night, second time they were left in the ignition all night..)
Is this real life??
Just when I've felt like nothing else could possibly go wrong, I'm shown otherwise.
I'm still learning to be patient.
I'm still learning how to be selfless.
I'm still learning what's really important.
I'm still learning I really can't do it all on my own.
I'm learning.
"She stood in the storm, & when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."
[I'm still learning how to adjust my sails.]

Black Friday

I took a little break from blogging this weekend and it was kind of nice.
We had a happy little Thanksgiving at my house with immediate family- it was weird to not have the entire family over this year.
We all said something we were thankful for & spent some good quality time together
7:00 pm rolled around and we hit up Michael's craft store for some serious crafting supplies. (I'll NEVER pass up a trip to the craft store..)
My sister and I had planned to  head to Walmart at 8:00 pm to snatch up the EXCLUSIVE Walking Dead game for my brother. He decided he wanted to come, so it wasn't much of a secret. People are crazy. We couldn't find the game anywhere & workers were totally useless and no help at all. At 7:50 some crazy lady decided she wasn't waiting any longer and started ripping the wrapping off the sealed pallets.
I witnessed a lady get elbowed in the face over an xbox game, someone threw a cardboard box and gashed another lady in the face, someone threw a large drink on the ground and it spilled EVERYWHERE, another girl was climbing over the toy aisles to get around.
In the middle of the store I'm nearly having a breakdown because I can't find this game.
YOU GUYS it's the ONE THING that I KNEW Jeff would love.
I was about to give up & started walking to the front of the store.
I turn around to see little Fatalie holding the game high above her head- someone had stashed it in between two boxes and Natalie almost tripped over it.
[Finders keepers]
Black Friday was awesome- got some killer deals with my bro and we literally finished ALL of our Christmas shopping. We are pro status when it comes to shopping.
Even better.. everything is completely wrapped and ready to go.
(With the help of Winston, of course...)
I've been jamming to Christmas music all weekend, hung our stockings and put up my mini nativity scene which is beyond adorable. Baby Jesus is like the size of a pea.
Church was good, although I could hardly concentrate on anything because I was so stoked on my pony tail. Not kidding.
I'm so proud of how long its getting!!
I clearly wasn't the only one who couldn't concentrate.

Thursday Thankful

Today I am thankful for my horribly painful period.
Because it means I am not pregnant.
Today I am thankful for a painfully full belly.
Because it means i am fortunate to have food.
Today I am thankful for a day spent with family.
Because it is fatalie's last thanksgiving home.
Today I am thankful for a weekend off from work.
Because it means I have a job to go back to.
Today I am thankful for Spencer.
Because he loves me even when I'm moody.
Today I am thankful for Winston.
Because he gives me kisses and gets excited over little things.
Today I am thankful for my friends.
Because they've been there through thick and thin.
Today I am thankful for the money I owe for car repairs.
Because it means I have a car that runs.
Today I am thankful for sunshine.
Because it isn't snow.
Today I have so much to be thankful for. I am so blessed and have been so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people and lovely things.
Happy Thanksgiving & Good Luck to everyone who is Black Friday Shopping. Seriously.

Good News!!

I came into work today and pulled up Pinterest.
(Hard work today, I'm tellin ya..)
I'm hunched over as close as I can be to fetal position while still sitting in an office chair wanting to cry. Cramps from the depths of Hell.
Then I found this pin and suddenly my day is all ponies and rainbows.
you guys... It's not a baby!
This week I got real adventurous and colored my hair.
I've always avoided ANY sort of red. No red shades, not even a red hair.
I found one once and plucked that sucker right off my head.
You see my sister Natalie, AKA Fatalie is a total ginger.
Now I love her as a ginger. But even this faded brown hair color of mine- light brown.. was WAY TOO CLOSE to being ginger status for my liking. I made a hair appointment.
Then I made the mistake of going into Sephora for a $12.00 highlighter pen.
The girl checking me out had red/black hair. I can't describe how awesome it was.
Big bold eyebrows, red lipstick and killer hair.
I walked out of Sephora $125.00 poorer and had a slight interest in ugly/awesome colored hair. I went all sorts of adventurous at the hair salon.
You really can't tell what color it is.. pictures don't even do it justice!
I'd call it.. a nice shade of purpleblackredbrown.
Although it turned out MUCH more red than I would have liked.. I'm getting used to it.
I totally dig it.
I'm a ginger faker.
I've also been avoiding any contact with either one of my parents.
Or grandparents for that matter.
There was a time in high school I colored my hair SUPER dark.. verge of black.. and I got my car taken away. The weekend of girls-choice prom.
I'm married, moved out and still get mini lectures on my hair color.
Thanksgiving dinner with everyone should be fun.
If you consider your mom crawling up in fetal position and crying because of a hair color change, fun..
For some other good news, I got my first BIRCHBOX yesterday!!
It was like Christmas in my mail box!

SO Excited about my goodies & already can't wait for my box next month!
In other good news..
Winston got to play outside at my mom's yesterday!
Winston didn't know what to think at first.. and quickly got way too comfortable for my liking with his surroundings. Considering my little winkle-berry can jump up on our bed.. I thought for SURE he'd jump the doggy fence and be gone forever. So I took him inside and let him run free willy since the puppies were gone on a play date to pink gmas house.
He left two poo nuggets which I left with a note on my mom's night stand signed -Winston
Then we had an at-home mini manger scene and played the parts Mary and baby Jesus.
Things don't get much cuter than this fluff ball ladies and gentlemen.
The End.

Girl Time

Today's post is about something I think is important for a healthy marriage.
Often times I read posts about how important it is to spend quality time with our Husbands.
But what about spending quality time with friends??
I am a FIRM believer that marriage, as well as serious relationships, are not about giving things up, but making compromises.
(Now this rule doesn't go for all things. Obviously we have to/need to give some things up..)
But why should friends be one of them?
Ladies, do not give up your girl time!
(And husbands do not give up your guy time!!)
I would never ask my husband to give up time with his friends.
I think healthy relationships are all about BALANCE, in all aspects.
Spencer and I have learned to balance our lives extremely well.
As most of you know, Spencer and I spent the last year of us dating, and first 4 months of marriage living in different places- hours apart. We spent about a week a month together with his work schedule.
This was clearly not your typical newlywed marriage status.
BUT we made it work. I had loads of time on my hands when Spencer was away for work. Friend time, family time.. you name it.
When Spencer was here our time was spent together, still making an effort once during that week to go on a double date and spend a night with family.
Once Spencer moved home permanently we had major adjustments to do.
We were used to spending every waking minute together since we were used to only having a week together. Soon we learned that we needed that balance & healthy time apart!
If my girlfriends call me up to do a girl's night I will still check with Spencer's schedule and try to coordinate around that, as he does with my schedule.

I've been in unhealthy relationships where I LITERALLY had NO friends. My life and time was dictated for me. Once those relationships ended and I had my friends back.. I can't explain to you the wave of relief I felt inside.
What are your opinions on having your girl time?
Whether it's a quick lunch or a weekend away!
How do you coordinate your friend time with your husbands?
I would love your input!

Firmoo Glasses

I was totally excited
when contacted me to try a pair of their glasses!
The old opinion that glasses are only necessities for people with vision problems has already gone! Glasses are increasingly becoming a fad and fashion statement for everyone!
Firmoo has launched a First Pair Free Program to people all over. You will be excited about the variety of glasses and sunglasses they have on their website.
After all, you're paying for SHIPPING ONLY!
Firmoo will even let you refund/exchange your glasses if you are not satisfied with them.

Click here ( to get your free glasses now
They even came with a mini fixer-uper kit!
This cute little innocent peanut looks like Satan!
I thought they were a little too wide for my face, but I love the huge frames.
I thought they looked better on my sweet mom.
Overall, the quality of my glasses are awesome- they seem sturdy and they came with their own case, cleaning cloth and tool kit.
The shipping was fast and I was pleased with their customer service!
Check out the link above for your OWN FREE PAIR!
They would make a great gift with the Holidays being JUST around the corner!

My Friday Letters

DEAR HUSBAND: Happy 8 months of being married!
(I love you to the moon & back)

DEAR TWILIGHT: I'm super stoked to see you this weekend.
(You too Jacob..)
DEAR COLD MEDICINE: If you don't kick in ASAP this weekend I might die.
(25 days of being sick & counting)
DEAR CLIENTS: I'm so excited to do your lashes this weekend!
(this means girl talk)
DEAR MIKELL: Why did you volunteer to teach Relief Society on Sunday?
(Can't seem to kick the dreams where I'm totally unprepared...)
(Everyone Wish Me Luck!)
DEAR CHRISTMAS SALES: Don't you know you make Christmas shopping hard for me?
(One for you.. Two for me....)
DEAR WALKING DEAD: I can't wait to find out who is on the phone with RICK!
(I have to wait until Sunday NIGHT?!)
All I know, is that I'm excited for this weekend & I'm also excited for it to be over.

Vito's Restaurant

Those of you that know me, know I'm crazy about my food.
My family has been RAVING about Vito's in Bountiful, Utah forever. Vito's used to be a little mobile food stand on Main Street- like a taco stand for way better food.
Just recently since Bountiful's Main Street has become the newest hot spot, Vito's opened an official restaurant and it's DELICIOUS!
Vito's is on the Corner of Main Street across from Pat's Dancewear.
The prices are ABOUT $10.00 or less- (a few items more) and includes a beverage. Sandwiches include a beverage and chips!
I got the Penne Pasta with Meatballs
(you guys know I don't eat meatballs..)
SO I went out on a limb and it was incredible.
...not to mention they have the tiniest salt & pepper shakers I've ever seen they were adorable..
Dad and Spencer refused to have their pictures taken
Not only is this restaurant amazing, but I was a little shocked after I ordered..
My mom handed me a calculator and told me to add it all up.
Vito's is completely based on the honor system!!
I couldn't believe it! I added up our food- got the total, and there's a huge jar of money to put your cash in. Make your own change and all...
I was so shocked that someone, a business owner, in this day and age would trust people to be honest.
Call it stupid? I think it's TOTALLY AWESOME!
I was in total awe and my parents got laughing and asked him, "What if you get ripped off?!"
His response was, "If that's the case then I can figure they needed it more than I do and I probably would have bought their dinner anyways.."
I would 100% recommend Vito's for awesome, quick food!

Something to know in advance: it's CASH or CHECK only!
Be prepared to add up your own meals & dig in the cash jar!

Hatch Family!

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” 
-Charles M. Schulz
My lovely high school winter days consisted of many trips to Hatch Family Chocolates in the SLC Avenues. The best kind of day to venture out in the snow were the ones I was totally unsure if I was even going to make it there.
The RICH, OH-so-Lovely, steamy cup of hot chocolate fixed everything.
No matter how fattening it is.
Katie and Steve Hatch are the sweet couple who owns Hatch Family Chocolates.
Katie and Steve are little people.
You may have seen them on TLC's The Little Chocolatiers!
I loved seeing one of my favorite hang out spots on TLC. Katie and Steve are two of the nicest people I've ever met!
This past weekend my little sister Fatalie and I made a stop after work to fill up on some Chocolate. SERIOUSLY guys.. If you live in the area and haven't been.. you are TOTALLY missing out. Take my word on this!
If you head North up E street & turn LEFT on 8th Ave- you'll run right into it!
{You can also find their website HERE}
Their hot chocolate is to DIE for.
..NOT kidding..
They don't use any powder- they steam solid chocolate and mix it with heavy whipping cream... yeahhh......
Hatch Family Chocolates has been one of my favorite little shops in Salt Lake City!
If you haven't gone yet.. GO!
You won't be upset, I promise!