A Different Outfit Post

OKAY ladies and gents! I have a "controversial" blog post today.
Just kidding. But kind of not..
About a month or so, a friend of mine linked up this girl's blog post on facebook and said she agreed with most of her points. I quickly clicked the link totally interested and this is the link I found. Her blog is called "Don't quote the raven."
Since I read this article I've actually found some pretty hilarious posts on her blog.
She's pretty clever!
Once you've read that.. Here is my outfit post for this lovely Monday.
Proudly modeling my "Blogger Top Knot"
[I guess I better start with saying the day I read her blog post, I was sitting at my desk at work with a bubble necklace on, red lipstick & my hair up high. HILARIOUS.]
I guess I didn't like how she seemed to speak for all men in this post.
SO. I took my outfit post pictures- (all while my husband has no idea what I'm doing. )
After my cute sis took my pictures, I asked him a few questions.

Here are his responses:
What do you think about my hair like this?
"Indifferent? I think it looks fine."
Give me your thoughts on cardigans- Cute or Grandma?
"Meh- I don't prefer MOST of them, but the one you are wearing is fine. haha I would never wear a cardigan"
side note: in my defense Spencer has suggested hitting up the cardigan section of Target to see if I want to buy anything. Either he loves them deep down- or he's the best husband ever. If he truly does not like them he's great. Because I would NEVER direct him to the sandal with sock section..
Do you like it when I ...
he cut me off before I could even finish the question..
What do you think about my necklace?
"It's a good necklace. I prefer your hoop earrings over any of your accessories."
What do you think of this entire outfit together?
"It works! It looks good- I like your boots, jeans & I especially like your hoop earrings."

What about the Maxi Skirt I wore to church today?
"Yeah I REALLY like those.."
**He points to my bum & gives me the thumbs up!**
(haha don't mind all of the bubble necklaces hanging from my jewelry wall...)
Some of his answers didn't surprise me. Like the lipstick answer- I know Spencer hates it when I wear lipstick...
If every woman dressed "FOR MEN" we would be walking around naked all the time. REALLY THOUGH!
I bought my bubble necklace because I LIKE IT- regardless of the fact everyone and their dog owns one. Oh well! If you see a bubble necklace and think "anal beads" I'm sorry, but you probably need some sort of therapy.
OR you just hate them. Which is fine. But I do not.
I KNOW my husband hates my floral jeans-- So.. I make a point to not wear them every single day.
I will wear them once in a while though.


What do you think about my hair like this?
"I love it like that- I envy those with good high buns. Out of your face, messy & cute"
Give me your thoughts on cardigans- Cute or Grandma?
"I don't wear them because I don't like them on me, but on others it can really pull an outfit together."
Do you like Lipstick?
"UGH! NO! I don't even wear lip gloss I think lipstick is of the devil"
"I think you have to be a lucky person to rock red lipstick- you can pull it off."
What do you think about my necklace?
"I LOVE Bubble necklaces!"
"I LOVE them big- I think it's a great accessory!"
What do you think of this entire outfit together?
"I like it because it's a bunch of colors I would never think to put together. It looks really cute!"

What about the Maxi Skirt I wore to church today?
 "I LOVE maxi skirts. They are cute and comfortable"
"I think it's a quick and easy way to look elegant"
Who are we if we don't dress for ourselves? Who are we if we don't have individual style and taste?
[Whether we are talking about fashion, movies, politics.. whatever...]
The lovely thing about being an individual is the fact we can do things for ourselves. We are entitled to our opinions.. and the girl who wrote "I dress for men" clearly stated hers.
Which is lovely! You GO Raven!
Spencer has things in his closet I don't love either- But HE LIKES THEM.
So he wears them.. and that's what makes him Spencer!
Maybe the cardigan thing is a TOTAL UTAH trend..
Maybe I like my hair up in a "top knot" because it's out of my face & convenient!
Maybe I LIKE polka dots on polka dots- because it's funky and not many people dare do it.
MAYBE I'm totally out of the loop on fashion??
Who knows...
What is your opinion on her post?
What is your opinion on THIS post?
I'd love your comments & thoughts!
Happy Monday....!

p.s. Thanks to my sweet sister for taking my pics. AGAIN!


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