Today is Election Day & I'm totally PUMPED!
Sadly enough this is the first year I was even registered to Vote, so needless to say I've been following debates and I've felt pretty involved.
Typically I'm pretty annoyed with anything political which probably isn't good.
Friday I went to vote early with my mom- It was terrifying and made me sweaty.
But in the end I got an "I VOTED" sticker. Heck yes.
I try to stay away from political posts on facebook because people get so heated, but I enjoy reading everyone else's posts.
Regardless of your political views, get out & Vote today!!
Unless your voting for Obama. Then you can stay home.
...just kidding...
(but not really.)
I'm seriously excited to watch the news tonight and watch everything unfold.
I'm happy and thankful to live in a country where we are able to vote and be involved.
Happy Election Day!

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