Totally Overrated.

This weekend I was having a "nice quiet night in" and decided that it totally sucked. Whoever said the "nice quiet night in" is nice, doesn't know that it's totally overrated.
 I was so excited all week that I DIDN'T have Saturday plans. My no-plan-Saturday turned into complete boredom. Visiting my grandparents not once, but twice, two trips to the craft store, and 4 phone calls to my mom.
I also followed her to the grocery store. LAME.
As I was laying on the couch bored without Spencer home, I came up with my own OVERRATED list. Here it is.

1. Obviously, the quiet night in by myself.
I would much rather be busy, out doing things or have Spencer home. None of the above happened this weekend.

2. Driving.
Yeah, yeah.. having a driver's license is grand. Convenient, whatever. I'd rather have a driver to drive me around all day. Driving is a chore. 16 year olds, you soak up the new drivers license feeling. Cuz now it sucks.

3. Cooking for 1 person.
Cooking dinner for 1 person sucks. I tried to be all "money cautious" and bought a frozen pizza, it turned out burnt and gross because my oven sucks. Then I'm just mad. About my pizza, and that I'm cooking for one person.

4. Growing Up.
Here's the thing. When you're little all you want is to be grown up. Growing up comes with perks, sure- But what the heck happened to playing barbies all day long, playing on the swing set and playing dress up? Growing up has definitely brought me some of the greatest joys of my life. Paying bills, paying rent and having a job are not any of those joys.

5. New Cars.
Sure you're proud of your new shiny car. I bet you love that hefty car payment every month too don't you? I'll stick with my '01 with dents and scratches. I like to think of them as character traits.

6. Staying Up Late.
Staying up late was ALWAYS something I wanted to do growing up. High School were the DAYS of staying up and going out late. I'm talking staying up until 2 or 3 am watching music videos with friends, and then waking up at 4:30-5:00am to go to work- and being TOTALLY FINE. Now 9:30 pm rolls around and I'm counting down the minutes until I can go to bed. Sleep is a wonderful thing.

7. Salads for Dinner.
Salads for dinner, trying to be all healthy. No thanks. If I have a salad, you bet it's a side to a cheeseburger and fries, maybe sloppy joes. If I ate a salad for dinner, I'd be starving within an hour- then I load up on carbs, chocolate covered cadburry eggs and potato chips. Then the purpose of eating a salad for dinner goes down the drain. I'll stick to a normal dinner yo.

8. Beyonce.
Most Beautiful woman alive?? Really people?? I could list PLENTY of beautiful people without even considering putting Beyonce on my list. Just because you're married to Jay Z doesn't give you much credit. Nor does the fact you just had a baby and named the poor thing Ivy Blue. Then the rumors swirl about you wanting to Copyright the name? Sorry honey, no one likes the name Ivy Blue. You can keep it.

...I've vented...

These are the top 8 things I could come up with from the top of my head.
What are some things YOU think are totally overrated?

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Two ends of the spectrum

I'm Mikell. I have an undying love for gumball machines that will never fade. I am immediately drawn to anything pink or sparkly. The bold pink letters of BARBIE will be forever tattooed in my mind, and I still love flipping through the barbie magazine that I still receive in the mail. I look at toys at the store, slowly taking in all of the new toys as I pass mothers my age with kids. I'm not looking to buy things for my children like they are, I'm simply looking for myself..

Then there's the same Mikell but at the other end of the spectrum..

I have slowly been growing up all these years and didnt even know it. Situations have made me stronger, made me wiser- and when those situations have approached again I know how to handle them better. That's when I look back and sigh, and realize I've learned. But yet I'm still learning...

My 17 year old self is laughing at me this very minute because I am now beyond excited about having my own washer and dryer, and my own bathrooms to clean. I enjoy buying laundry detergent and fabric softener. I'm writing this as I'm laying on my bed in my pajamas with my hair draped over the back of my pillow with Country Living magazine opened on my lap. I love this magazine and my subscription will never expire. I'm breathing in pictures of beautiful homes that I want mine to look like too.
I smile as I hear my 17 year old self laughing again. This is the life. My life, and I couldn't ask for anything better..
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Pairings Party Contest Begins this Week

The Jaws special contest to win two tickets to this year's Pairings Party at The Pool begins Wednesday, May 3rd.

Check back for details and so you don't get left out, but we can tell you that you must follow @JawsGolf to be eligible for the grand prize.  So sign up at Twitter and start following Jaws.

The prize also includes a Nike goodies back with some autographed gifts and an invitation to the after party.  Here's a sample of last year's shenanigans from the Johnnie Walker Lounge featuring whisky and cigars!

Ashley Sabath, Gary Thomas, Bobby Stavola & Jason Ale
Enjoying the Cigars

Tara & Owen Murphy
Sampling the
Johnnie Walker

Amber Mixon, BJ Grady & Ashley Mixon

Outdoor Patio

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Jaws Pool Party Contest...Coming Soon!

We're less than one month from this year's tournament and Ron want's to give you a chance to rub elbows with his NFL buddies.

Next week we will be announcing a special contest where the winner gets two invitations to this year's Pairings Party along with a Nike goodies bag.

Circle Sunday, May 20th on your calendar and check back next week for the contest details.

In the meantime here are some pictures from last year's Harrah's bash to wet your appetite!

Harrah's Pool Babe

Liz Jaworski, 2010 Miss New Jersey, Ashleigh Udalovas,
Maribeth Neall & Ron Jaworski

Beautiful Harah's Pool

Maria Grasso & Stephanie Segrest
Manning the Jaws Station

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Pink Friday

Today is Friday and I couldn't be happier!

What desribes happiness better than pink?
Here are just a few reasons why PINK is my favorite color..

Pink & Floral - Pink & Stripes?? SWOON!
Eye candy!

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My 15 Things

Today I got thinking and counting many things I'm thankful for. I narrowed a few down. This is my list of the top 15 things that make me so happy right now.
1. My sweet husband.
He is beyond wonderful to me..

2. Floral print.
 Pants, blouses, shoes.. you name it.

3. Our darling apartment
I love that it's OURS.
4. My car that finally runs..
And doesn't take $85.00 to fill the gas tank like the car I was temporarily driving.

5. My crafts.
you guys just wait....

6. My wedding pictures.
I'm obsessed with every one of them.
7. The Gap- and the shorts they sell that are actually long enough.
Not to mention they come in PINK!
...And purple, and peach, and green..

8. Weather that's FINALLY warming up.
Tennis, walks to the park, convertible down, just being outside!

9. City Creek. I could spend all day there.
People watching, shopping, eating Red Iguana, buying 8 dollar chocolate covered strawberries.. you name it..

10. The fact that I live within walking distance to:
-hip and humble
-orange leaf
-costa vida.

11. When my mom texts me almost daily to say "I miss Spencer."
They spend SO much time together, and I love that my family loves him just as much as I do.

12. The Provo Farmer's market is getting closer each day.
woo hoo!!

13. The book of Mormon made easier book.
This has made my life so much easier.

14. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday when I'm in the office with Kelli.
Those days, I love my job.

15. The printable Michael's Craft Store 40% off Coupons.
Thank you Michael's.

Needless to say I'm a very happy, thankful girl.
And I love life.

"She loved life, and it loved her right back."
-from the book SHE.

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Wednesday Words I Love: This is true.

This statement is true.
and I love it. 

Who does't love a good laugh?
Who doesn't love a long sleep?

Friends or family that you can laugh with are so wonderful.

and when all else fails..
Take a nap.


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Weekends are..

..NEVER long enough.
Especially on the weeks Spencer is here!
We managed to pack our weekend with everything we wanted to do!
Here's a re-cap..

Friday we dropped my ring off at JBrooks to get it nice and sparkly again and went on a much needed date to Melting Pot. We loved it, and the s'mores desert fondue is to die for. Just sayin..

Saturday we slept in and took Papa to breakfast at Village Inn- his favorite place of all time! We cleaned up the apartment and headed to Provo to see the fam.
We had a tea party with Sherry, Nate and the girls & then read lots of books together.
After playing with the kids we moved some of Spencer's stuff out of Sherry's basement- I'm sure she's stoked to have SOME of his stuff out of the way! We went to Provo mall and got the hook up with sales at the GAP. I'm soo so excited about the cute shorts Spencer bought me. Woo Hoo!

We headed back to Bountiful to meet Josh and Kiersten for dinner to start our double date. We couldn't decide what to do so we ended up driving to the movie theater, Winegars for treats, checking the redbox machines and finally ended up at fat cats for their photobooth. Unfortunately for me they no longer have the photobooth.
We had fun playing arcade games though!
Check me out being a total creeper with my tickets in the background..

Sunday we had dinner with the family after church and went on a walk with JnK & baby Luke. The weather was SO nice I was so excited to get my shorts out!
I finally got my car back late last night and I won't lie I'll miss my mom's car, but I will not miss paying for gas in that sucker.

I hope everyone had a fun eventful weekend!!

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It's Alive!

If I replace the seat and install a white one it may officially be too pretty for my own good. As it is I'm still a little nervous to stop at red lights. Wish me luck!
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Ryan Gosling

It seems to me that I'm finding all sorts of awesome gems on the Internet this week.
From Rainbow Sponges to famous Hey Girl posters, I've had a few good laughs!

Here is one of my Favorite Ryan Gosling Hey Girl posters.
Of all time I might add.
The fact I can relate to this now is even better.

...He said it all.
Happy Friday!

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Furniture updates!

I have found a new love!
Updating Furniture.
I find this totally rewarding and fun. I love new projects, especially while Spencer is at work it gives me something to do.

Many of you have seen my first project which was my desk. AKA the sign in table at my wedding! Here are some pictures from my first project..
I bought this old ugly black desk with awful gold knobs, a few which were missing. I thought this ugly desk had plenty of potential. I was right. I went and bought a new sander at Home Depot while getting strange looks from the workers probably all wondering what the little blonde girl was doing in Home Depot. Whatever.

While we've been moving into our apartment one of the last pieces of furniture we needed was a dresser. I've had a really hard time finding one we liked enough, that would also fit in our bedroom. Impossible. Then I had a brilliant idea to paint the one I was using in my room at home..
Forgive this picture- I found it on my phone and it was the only one I had of my dresser assembled. I started painting it BRIGHT yellow with the intentions of selling it. Then I didn't finish my project. Here it is partially finished. Notice the ugly handles..
This is the dresser I've had ALL my life.
I decided to fix it up and put it in our bedroom!

Again, sorry about the crappy pictures from my phone. All of these pictures were afterthoughts..
Nothing that a little sanding, a few coats of paint and some new hardware couldn't fix!
I love this color- its not as blue as it looks in the pictures. I like the description "dusty blue"
It matches our new headboard.

If anyone has a piece of furniture they'd like to fix up.. I'm your girl!

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