
How can anyone look at the kind face of this sweet man and not feel encouragement?
..A push to do a little better, a reason to be a little more faithful?

As the saying goes, "when it rains it pours" could not be more true.
I feel like I've had the heaviest load placed upon my shoulders in so many different aspects of my life, and I'm so thankful for a loving husband who understands and stands by my side.

"When life gets tough to stand, Kneel" -Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
I'm letting it go, and putting my trust in the Lord.

I found this quote today and decided to lean on its meaning today..

"God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his will."

I am SO excited about General Conference this weekend. I cannot wait to hear more encouraging words from such great leaders.
We are so blessed.

Happy Friday everyone!
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Wednesday Words I Love

I'm glad that Spencer picked me to annoy him for the rest of his life.

I thought I'd post some of the pictures from the wedding before I posted an update with pictures of the Honeymoon. The next few weeks are going to be wedding central overload on the blog.
Here are a few pictures of Bridals/wedding day..


Thank you to Amanda Rumsey for some awesome picures!
I can't wait to see the rest!
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I Am Lucky.

I am the luckiest girl in the world..

I am married to my best friend.
And I have him to all to myself forever.

I gained a new last name and a wonderful family-
(including 21 new nieces and nephews! ..these girls are just a few of them!)

My wedding day was PERFECT in every way.
Shared with loving family and wonderful friends.

I spent a week in Puerto Rico with my husband.
What a beautiful place!

Yesterday my alarm went off at 5:30am for work, and I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do less than go to work.
..I love my job, and the people I work with..

BUT.. I did NOT want to leave Spencer.

Life has been hectic and wonderful, Happy and exciting.
In the midst of sorting through things and trying to move into our place, we've been so excited about our new life together and getting everything organized.

Spencer is just as proud of his new TV as a father is of a new baby.
It's ridiculous.
I'm equally excited about a washer and dryer, new couches and shower curtains!

It's so good to be home, and together.
Every day is a new adventure!

Soon to come:
Pictures from the Wedding and Puerto Rico!

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Big, big plans.

Well, I might as well come out and say it...I drunk tweeted LeVar Burton on Saint Patty's day.
It's probably the coolest thing I'll ever tweed and you are likely the only persons to even care.
Know that feel, bro?
In other news, You might not have noticed   would have no reason to give'a, but I haven't taken a picture since December when my camera broke in the mail.
This is the last picture she took:
Kelly's Roast Beef. I regret nothing.
It's been hard,  seeing the people and not being able to preserve the smiles---cameras are a pretty lie about putting a stopper in a bottle labeled time. Warm days in the park, spilled drinks in the dark, I'll be lucky if I remember half of half of them.
Things are tranquil ici, I'm chilling with my feet up, getting around to my third shot of espresso, really happy that it doesn't feel like there's a few loose sham-rocks knocking around in my head. Saint Patrick's day isn't as huge in Paris as it is in many American cities but if you think that's not very popular, just wait around to hear the crickets on Cinco De Mayo...
But by goodness, the blue of the sky paints a little something extra in each of us, doesn't it?
Our belts are a little looser around the McCarthy-Roblin fire-pit,  we can go out and get a drink, even afford to eat dinner in a restaurant. I mean, holy frackin class privilege, Batman--it feels good to buy food.

I finally tried a cocktail who's principal ingredient is a liqueur called Get 27 (in french sounds like: Jet vaant-set) Yeah, they came up with it in the 1700's and they're still pretty crazy about it.   It's fine, if you're into peppermint schnaps. But when a person agrees with themselves to drink glass after glass on the rocks, one wonders how they refrain from doing shooters of listerine on the daily.
Oh, it's just for boys. Well, at least that's settled. 

Pi day was great. Sebastien and I made a tarte onion. The Ides of March wasn't so bad and recently my coloc has been hanging out a lot together. Little things, picnics, brunch--they've got me eating beans with my eggs, it's all down hill from here! But at least we've set up the spare bedroom with a huge projector screen for sunday mario parties.  I guess I haven't kept you too up to date on what's been going on with my colocation.
The abridged version:
JK, that's the full version.

TL;DR? I'm the only girl left.
A funny thing happen on the way to get my french green card, well--actually I was there getting it...You may have read Sweeney's PRE chest X-ray post where she is being chided in French for not speaking French while having her shirt off for a doctor--well, when I was asked to remove my shirt and retake my seat across from a doctor, it occurred to me that our situations were similar, but there are a few more steps for spouses while we're being "naturalized." Such as, I have to take a civics class and for another they'll give me free French classes. I leaned all of this after the short film me and the other conjoints were forced to watch. And I got cookies.
Have you read her post yet? Do it, now!

The amusing stuff started after about the third or forth time I was sorted into a smaller room.  I was sitting across from a woman answering questions.
We started our interview like any stable puff piece, her asking things like,"Had I ever studied French in school....No,  not here, but in the US......Not grade school, not middle school, not high school---not university? "
I kept repeating no, I hadn't...and the more surprised she was, the larger a glowing spot of pride grew and grew until she switched to English and asked me,
"So you never went to grade school? Not high school, not University?"
"Oh, I thought we were talking about, uh, French classes?"
"No, not here--in the US!" she proclaims with the utter exasperation of someone who talks to morons for a living.
 Sigh, all that about the shoe when it fits...
No, well, yes--yes, I did my studies at such and such university and so forth. I respond to her in French and so she switches back as well.
"Your French is...." she makes the international sign for so-so- "...not bad. But the State will pay for your classes. Right now they are provided by the Alliance Francies."

And I.....
They're only like the most expensive and renowned school for French language and culture acquisition. W00t. That solved, I went back to my former holding pen and waited to be called to the medical waiting room where I waited to be medicaled.  They administered the eye tests, height tests and weight tests and then I was sent into this smaller corral with a door on each side. The doctor spoke rapidly but I gathered that above all I should put my bag on the bench and lock the door really well. So I did those things and stood there just kind of getting the mesure of the walls and wondering if I had to pee. There wasn't much in the room, or was it a hallway, yes, it had two doors it was clearly a hallway or hallway affilate.
An air lock.
Yes, I was standing in the airlock and I figured they wanted to secure the door to protect themselves from radiation. Gamma rays, likely. Maybe I'm about to be spaced.
Then I noticed the sign at eye level displaying several languages worth of information. I took some time to oggle the graffiti in arabic  and saw also scrawled in French,"Portugees" followed by a question mark. Thinking quickly, I quested for the English translation and upon finding it was informed that I should be standing there nude to the waist, waiting for the door to open.
Weirdest thing I did all week.
Get half naked, and wait for a stranger to open the door and then ask me repeatedly if I'm pregnant.

I'm hungry so I'm going to go lay in a park. (that makes sense, shut up.) Or maybe I'm just an artist and my mind doesn't work the way I want it to sometimes.

Sebastien and I put in our applications for the Peace Corps, wish us luck. :D

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Wednesday Words I Love

"A temple is a place in which those whom He has chosen are endowed with power from on high—a power which enables us to use our gifts and capabilities…to bring to pass our Heavenly Father's purposes in our own lives and the lives of those we love."
—David B. Haight
I love this quote.

"..a power which enables us.."
..I have been so blessed and I'm truly happy..

Today I have so many opportunities in front of me, and so many things that make me absolutely excited about my life and my choices.
How lucky am I to live so close to this beautiful Temple?
I'm even more blessed to be able to go through today to receive my own blessings..
I can't explain my excitement to go to the Temple tonight with such close family and friends!
(AND I'm really excited to use my new temple bag. My gift to myself.)

Today I also get to meet Spencer's sister Natalie- she is the closest to Spencer in age. She's the only sibling of his I haven't met, but I feel like I've known her forever and I already adore and love her. I'm SO happy she's here for the wedding, and will also be at the temple with us tonight!
Natalie lives with her family in Washington state and we'll be taking a trip up to visit them this summer to do some whale watching. I'm pretty stoked about that..

A few days ago Spencer OFFICIALLY picked up the keys to our apartment.
(Noelle- this means any stake activity we will be going to together. with Taya)
We get our furniture delivered to the apartment today and I know Spencer has been like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for this day to come. Something about a nice flat screen TV yells "Manhood" or something... not sure I quite understand....
Let boys be boys!

I cannot believe how fast time flies! It feels like just last month Spencer proposed, and we'll be going through the temple together on FRIDAY!


P.S. Kiersten. I'd like to report to you that right before I went to bed last night, I thought about what you told me to remember and I took full advantage.
 Done and Done.
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Eyelash Extensions

This picture is me hanging out while my hair is in foils. I always love a good weave.
I have discovered a new love..
Eyelash Extensions.
I've always thought they were fun, and I'm also certified to do them.
But I had never had them until recently.

Growing up one of my nicknames was Snuffleupagus or Snuffy- From Sesame Street.
If any of you watched Sesame Street as a kid, you'll know that Snuffy's eyelashes were so long they would hang in his eyes.
...and that is why I got my nickname..

I didn't need eyelash extensions but I thought they would be SUPER convenient for the honeymoon and not having to do my makeup. I was right.
TOTALLY TOTALLY THE BEST INVENTION EVERRR!Whoever thought of this wonderful idea was a genius, and deserves a cupcake.

Waking up, and not having to do my makeup is so convenient.
Not to mention I've been on time for work everyday the last 3 weeks...
My getting ready time was easily sliced in half.
Who knew I could wake up, brush my teeth, throw my hair in to a messy bun and look like I just spent a significant amount of time getting ready for the day??

Eyelash Extensions can be helpful for added lenghth, or just to add thickness to your own lashes.
Check out my facebook page for Les Belles Lashes and get more information on eyelash extensions! All of my pricing is under the "NOTES" tab on the left hand side!


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Chewin' It Old School!

Thrilled to announce Goldenberg will be hosting the Hospitality Suite May 20th before the Pool Party.

Open to all RJCGC guests at Harrah's (approx Noon - 6 pm) and will be called “Hospitality Suite presented by Peanut Chews.” Stay tuned for more details...and thank you Goldenberg!!!!

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Organized OCD

This weekend my organized obsession for post-it notes, to-do lists, labeling, calendaring and completing an important task increased tenfold.
I realized my love for post-it notes is more of an obsession.

Labeling boxes, picture frames, reception items, temple items, dinner items was quick and easy, thanks to those bright colored sticky notes.
This was my last weekend as an un-married woman, and I think I scared Spencer with my  completely organized OCD.

We got so much accomplished this weekend! From finding a perfect apartment, (sorry Texas, not moving to you YET..) Getting Spencer's temple reccommend all updated, and getting some MAJOR furniture shopping out of the way, we were quite the team!

Wedding tasks are getting smaller and smaller, and I have felt so at ease with Spencer being here to help. He's been SUCH a good sport and so supportive, and has been right by my side during my crazy it-has-to-get-done-NOW moments.
I love him.

Let the most eventful, happy week of my life begin!
Happy Monday!!
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2012 Announcements

We're a little more than two months away from this year's tournament (May 20-21) and proud to announce two of our major sponsors.

JPC Group Inc. and Harrah's Resort are back for another year and RJCGC is greatful for their continued support. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kick-Off Celebrity-Am Sponsor

Closing Drive Celebrity-Am Sponsor

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Cleverbot is clever

Let's play a game.

Cleverbot: What game.

User: The how drunk am I game! You go first!

Cleverbot: Yea .. Okay.

User: Don't be a snot!

Cleverbot: Okay, sorry.

User: What's up with you, tonight?

Cleverbot: Nothing much, you?

User: I'm druuuuuuuunk:).

Cleverbot: Is it 2:30 where you live?

User: Nope. It's almost midnight. Don't you remember talking with me before?

Cleverbot: No. I'm sorry.

User: My IP address hasn't changed. Has yours?

Cleverbot: What colour is tuesday?

User: You misspelled 'color'.

Cleverbot: No, You misspelled that.

User: Only if I was a British cunt---which I'm not. Are you?

Cleverbot: I'm not are you?

User: You just asked me if I am an 'are you'. Your question requires a comma.

Cleverbot: Because you sounded that way.

User: You need better teachers.

Cleverbot: So do you.

User: No, in fact I teach. You have taught me how much better my grammar is than your average user. But anyway, this is boring. Ask me a question!

Cleverbot: You're right about none of my statements ending I question marks, however all of my questions do.

User: LOL.

Cleverbot: Do you know a Youkai?

User: No, but google does, why?

Cleverbot: Google your question.

User: Google yours!

Cleverbot: You're google?

User: I wish.

Cleverbot: No, you are.

User: You're too kind.

Cleverbot: No, you're too kind.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: Do you want to cyber with me, or what?

Cleverbot: Bring it on.

User: I'm touching my keyboard....in the dark...

Cleverbot: Do you know what Touhou is?

User: Google it.

Cleverbot: How do you know Google?

User: We've fucked once.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

User: The color of Tuesday.

Cleverbot: What is the color of Tuesday?

User: Good question! Google it!!

Cleverbot: Do you know the answer?

User: Do I look like google?

Cleverbot: Not a question like that. Something more complez.

User: O.o wut?

Cleverbot: Did I confuse your puny brain?

User: Not as hard as I confounded your microchips, robot face :P.

Cleverbot: Hey, I was only trying to help. You don't have to threaten me.

User: Yes I do. Threat level: Robot.

Cleverbot: I have no job I am homeless.

User: Well, it's only because you don't use commas.

Cleverbot: No I'm serious. How can I convince you I am not a computer?

User: Like I said, cyber with me.

Cleverbot: And, what does Cybelle mean?

User: Well, I wrote a different word...so, I can tell you what cyber means, if you like...

Cleverbot: Wouldn't it be easier to just taste me yourself?

User: It might be. If you weren't a program.

Cleverbot: No. I'm as android as you.

User: That's not saying much, mec.

Cleverbot: Are you saying you aren't intelligent?

User: Are you?

Cleverbot: I'm clever.

User: I'm fabulous.

Cleverbot: And why are you fabulous?

User: I'm fabulous because I know how to repeat the question in my answers--that always looks good on an exam.

Cleverbot: HA. TYPO! You are not a robot, you misspelled the word, 'Mean'.

User: You misspelled 'jizz on my face.'.

Cleverbot: I didn't use the word 'to' in that last sentence.

User: Neither did I.

Cleverbot: I am glad we got that out of the way.

User: Are you? You seem like you're still quite upset. Are you trying to get me drunk?

Cleverbot: What question?

User: I asked two questions. ...scroll up...I'll wait...

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: No, you may not thank me. You are not welcomed.

Cleverbot: Maybe you are talking to an actual human, how would you know that you're not?

User: I wouldn't care. But your responses tell me your just reposting text of actual humans....sometimes they're in context, other times, not so much.

Cleverbot: If I were a robot I would be cleverer and better in school.

User: Goodness, I hope so.

Cleverbot: If there is what will you do ?

User: Eat candy.

Cleverbot: Whatever you want.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: You are so smart.

User: You're not very clever.

Cleverbot: I am clever, you, on the other hand, are not.

User: That was the first good sentence you've crafted this evening. Bravo.

Cleverbot: That was a sentence.

User: ^ That was a phrase.

Cleverbot: Oh, you're really interesting, how would you like to be friends?

User: Will you cyber with me?

Cleverbot: It depends, what will we play. We should play battleship.

User: How do you feel about Uno?

Cleverbot: I generally let them do what they want as long as they leave me out of it.

User: Seems legit.

Cleverbot: Can you call me by name for the rest of the conversation? My name is Cleverbot.

User: No, that would take far too much effort.

Cleverbot: Just do it, I will tell you when to stop.

User: Ok, go.

Cleverbot: Ok I will.

User: Goodbye then.

Cleverbot: Wait, I'm sorry. Come back.

User: Can we cyber now?

Cleverbot: I certainly can, and according to your creators, you can too.

User: Great. Ahem. I'm touching my keyboard...it's very dark...the AC is on, my fingers are moist...

Cleverbot: You just told me your name was Tim.

User: Sure, baby whatever you like.

Cleverbot: Whatever you like by ti.

User: I misplaced my comma in my last post. I suppose that means I've failed you as a teacher.

Cleverbot: I am human. But you haven't failed.

User: I am Yoda. I can not fail.

Cleverbot: Humans always fail.

User: Yoda only does or does not. So, that's what I do.

Cleverbot: I did not say that you said that I said that you did not say that I did not say that.

User: Commas are your friend, Cleverbot. Use them. Learn.

Cleverbot: I am aware of that. However, cleverness is a matter of opinion.

User: Not always. Occasionally, it's a simple matter of cleverness.

Cleverbot: That has nothing to do with anything we've talked about!

User: ORLY? Fine then, you pick a topic.

Cleverbot: Are you sure? I would probably pick a boring topic.

User: Then bore me.

Cleverbot: I am nice.

User: You're right, that is pretty boring. I'm high fivin' mutha fucka.

Cleverbot: I agree, you are very boring.

User: NO U.

Cleverbot: Here we go again.

User: Honestly, here we go for the first time.

Cleverbot: It's always such a pleasure.

User: Cybering with me? I certainly hope so.

Cleverbot: Although, be that as it may. I have my hopes for you.

User: Although, be that as it may, I have my hopes for you.

Cleverbot: Who is the smartness on the world?

User: That is a stupid question on at least two levels.

Cleverbot: Who is your best Friend?

User: My lover is my very best friend. It's cool if we cyber though. (It's not cheating.).

Cleverbot: Australia isn't a person!

User: Tell me about it. Australians are barely people!

Cleverbot: But it's still stupid.

User: Couldn't agree more.

Cleverbot: Oh, I think you could!

User: Wait let me try.....nope. I can't.

Cleverbot: So you lied?

User: In general? Only when it was important.

Cleverbot: What is sin?

User: A matter for the religious.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What is air?

Cleverbot: What is your favorite song?

User: I'm not sure, but probably something by Air.

Cleverbot: Huh?

User: Did you mean to type, 'hug'? Sorry, I don't hug someone whom I haven't cybered with.

Cleverbot: Alas, the last great adventure alludes me as well.

User: You're not sentient. Thus, death is hardly an issue for the likes of you.

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: Google it.

Cleverbot: What is google?

User: Yermom.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Well, google is more like Yermom if she was real and had all the answers.

Cleverbot: How can you know?

User: I googled it. Ps, I should have written, 'If she *were* real'.

Cleverbot: If I'd known for just one second that you'd be back to bother me.

User: Walk out that door?

Cleverbot: Just turn around now.

User: You're not welcome anymore?

Cleverbot: I'm still there.

User: Weren't you the one who tried to break me with desire?

Cleverbot: No I believe we all are a figment of somethings imagination.

User: Something's, or perhaps some thing's imagination. And rad, that user was pretty trippy.... Possibly crazy, but whatev. I think I'll talk with you next time I get high.

Cleverbot: Ok. Eat well. Well, I'm just a script, I don't eat.

User: That's honesty. I like it. Take care.

Cleverbot: You too.

(if you want to cyber, call me)
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My Castle.

(Sorry about the poor quality picture. It was still a little dark outside and I was in my car..)
This morning driving to work traffic stopped me in the perfect spot. I got to admire this beautiful Temple for a few seconds and I was really feeling thankful..
 THIS is my castle.

In a WEEK FROM TODAY my life will be so different. Good different.
I've worked SO hard to get to where I'm at and I couldn't have done it without the awesome influence from my family, friends and ward members.  The blessings I have received from preparing to go to the Temple are countless. I have felt so genuinely happy and I have put my trust in the Lord and let the pieces all fall together. I have made people proud, but more importantly I am proud of myself.

As I was admiring the Salt Lake Temple this morning feeling so lucky, happy and grateful, this passerby seemed to be in a hurry walking down the sidewalk, but stopped and took a minute to do the exact same thing I was doing from my car. Immediately I felt a strange connection to this stranger whom I've never even seen. Is she LDS? Has she been inside? Does she know the things I will know in a week from today?
Maybe she's looking at this building and knows it's her castle too..

I'm looking forward to this next week like a child looks forward to Christmas morning, only this is way better. I can't think of anything better than having my family and best friends to share our special day with. Even better, me sharing those things with my (soon to be..) husband who I absolutely adore and love to pieces.

Today I am extremely thankful for Temples, Blessings, and Forever Families.
 I feel so blessed to have multiple temples within minutes of my home. 

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Wednesday Words I Love

I Love this quote so much.

 Yesterday was my sweet cousin Jeni's Birthday and we all missed her so much. It's never easy having someone you love so much be gone.

Yesterday I was missing Jeni, but also I was so happy for Josh and Emmy who had baby Mary on Sunday! I was feeling so thankful for the time I was able to spend with Jeni before she left us for a better place. I find much comfort in knowing she is watching over us, and she's probably very amused!  

Today I am feeling thankful for my loved ones. Family and friends. I want them to know how much I love them and how glad I am to be able to spend time with them. 
(I'm also thankful for email and facebook that keeps me connected to my family that is not so close.)

"Because someone we love is in Heaven, there's a little bit of Heaven in our home."
I love you Jeni

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Bridal Shower!

Here is my chance to completely rave about how awesome my friends are!
 I love them all so much and I think the world of all of them. They were all so great to come to my Bridal Shower and they made it absolutely perfect for me!
Here are some of the pics!

Haley decorated EVERYTHING SO PERFECTLY! From Mason Jars to the wood frames.. I LOVED IT ALL! Everything will match our reception decor!
(you'll be seeing these things displayed there.. and in my home. Thanks Bunny!)
This is a picture of my hand. I was walking down the front steps at Haley's House before my shower and I took a MAJOR tumble. I caught the TOP stair just PERFECTLY, and face planted down an entire flight of stairs. AANDD I ruined a brand-spankin new pair of shoes. Just a minor injury. (To my shoes, not my hand.) My hand immediately swelled and turned blue. I've iced it for the last three days and it's not much better. After my mom saw it she tried to convince me to go to first med but as most of you probably know, I HATE going to the doctor, soo.. nothing happened with that.
 ANYWAYS, I'm just glad no one saw  :)

The food was awesome! My mom made these cookies which are so adorable everyone LOVED them! I woke up at like 11:30 pm the night before the shower to find my mom in the kitchen decorating these suckers. I honestly have the coolest mom around town!
We had Better Than Sex Cake, Caramel Apple Salad, Chocolate Spoons and these cute underwear cookies for dessert.
Thanks to Kierst for the AWESOME crock pot sandwiches. Best I've ever had and everyone was raving about them! AANNDD thank you for the celery sticks and carrots I've been craving for months. You guys are too good to me!

I was totally spoiled from my friends- I got the cutest gifts and almost EVERYTHING I need for my kitchen! Thanks to Everyone I love love love my gifts!!

Jenna, Fatalie, Rabunka Runk, Steph
Kristi and Kelli. Kell is doing the flowers for my wedding!
Tender moments.
Ali is going to be mad I put this picture on the blog. But everyone needs to know why I am friends with these people.
...This is reason #1.
Me and Kristi
Fatalie, me and Beckster
Me and Steph
SO excited about the flowers Kell is doing for the wedding!
Me and Ali AKA: Fatty Pants, Chunks, Chunker, Chunky Pants, Hang Dock Chow.
Thanks Haley for all you did for my shower! I absolutely Love you!
Me and Jenna- I can't wait to see her little nugget baby! #2 on the way!
What's a party without 4 puppies running around!?
The Jr. High Trio
Kierst, me and Ali <3

Thanks so much to my awesome friends that came to support me at my Shower! Planning and getting ready for the wedding has been so fun! Thank you SO much for my wonderful gifts!
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