To live is the only adventure you have left

You may not know this about me, but all my great adventures and their subsequent trails have been blazed thanks to metaphorical arrows of  reckless and ill-informed ideas, slung blindfoldedly at gas covered piles of flammable--in the dead of darkest night. For clarification, see below
Grand adventures and the circumstances which beget them:
  • Talking a lot while drunk
  • The result of an argument
  • Song lyrics
  • Passing whim    
It follows therefore that at the honest onset of adventures, and I don't mean the fun packing and dreaming part. No the honest onset folks: the tickets bought, my ass is in the air or on the train; in the back of a car, or van....nervous as hell in a gypsy cab or thanks to my friend Mr thumb, riding shotgun in Optimus Prime's face--in short, it's real. It's honest. It has just begun.
Figure B

Figure A
This is is the moment when Figure A becomes Figure B
You see, Figure A represents the time and place in the story where my hair looks sweet, and my face is that perfect shade of arrogant that makes people say, "Damn, she should really consider running in a local election." Whereas Figure B represents the instant where I realize I haven't actually thought things through. There is no thought bubble there (fittingly) but you can tell I'm thinking, "In the name of all things holy, how the fuck did I get myself into this mess?" You should try that one sometimes, it's way weightier than "Omg." 
Now, before you get all kinds of judgy mc f.u. on me, let me state for the record, that the not thinking things through is actually a failsafe, my friends. 
By doing so I have no expectations. So I get there and a van full of Italian says, "Hey you want ride up mountain?" and I'm all, "grazie" Or I've got this big heavy box and it's late and cold and this DC dude is like, "Have you two heard of Gypsy cabs?"  
         And        I        think        to        myself,        what        a        wonderful        world.

No expectations has lead to some classic moments in my life, great conversations and as of yet, resulted in exactly no deaths. I've slept under a boardwalk on the Jersey shore and even commandeered a vehicle in long-beach California. If that wasn't cool enough, I've done loads of other shit I don't even feel like bragging about. All great adventures however, have started with foolishness and not resulted in death. So I think I may be on to something here.

Take college as an example:
I was scared of college. 5 of my six older siblings were high school dropouts. One of my sisters got into college on a sports scholarship and partied her way into full time work. So my high school guidance councilor got me into a two year school. Which, as it turns out was way too easy for me if I am to be judge by my grades. I was sick of living in Boston and my favorite professor at the time made me apply to Antioch College in fuckin, east Guam Ohio--and she totally spoon fed me. All I did was write down my social, she did the whole effin thing. I don't even go to see the college they just sent me a tee shirt in the mail which matched my anti-sports bias at the time and I lazily accepted their acceptance. Naturally, the night I showed up to meet my hall advisor, who was drunk, stoned and smoking, I thought to myself, "I've made a terrible mistake." But it all worked out, like it ought. And I learned a bunch of cool shit. So I'm happy.

I'm saying all this because I have prematurely come to the figure B phase of getting married and leaving the country. Its not the married or the leaving. Its the state recognizing it as legal, the country of France recognizing it as legal, the cake, flowers, aunts, location and other stuff i never wanted to focus on. The really good parts are still really good. So many of my awesome friends are going to come here and help me overeat all over town! I love the person I have chosen as my mate, I think we're well mated and he's actually my the British sense (and the biblical).  But I also need to find work and that means that I also need to work on that. We just had a house guest for the week and I am really hoping that this next week is my week to kick things into real-time-work-ethic-mode. For now though, I think I'll go down to my favorite book store, slurp coffees and wait for Sebastien to be finished with son travail
So that we can do the things that make us feel good, when we're alone together.
And obviously, I meant sex.
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