Plaid & Comfortable

Today's outfit post is ALL about being comfortable.
I love stylish clothes- but I also love feeling comfortable. There's nothing worse than wearing clothes you can't wait to jump out of!
What else is more perfect for fall than a plaid pearl snap and boyfriend jeans?!
Here's my sweet husband pretending to do his outfit post for comfy clothes to wear to Sunday dinner.. haha
I told him this picture was going on the blog and he tried to grab the camera.
Shirt: Target, two years old
Pants: boyfriend jeans from GAP
Shoes: Gojane

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A Good Walk in the Woods

Some of you may not know this but I"ve been a white person for all of my life. It's not something I exactly had a choice in, but it has contributed significantly to why this article from, Stuff White People Like, has always made so much sense to me:
When white people aren’t working, they generally like to wear Outdoor Performance Clothes. The top suppliers of these garments and accessories include North Face,REIMountain Equipment Co-OpColumbia Sportswear, and Patagonia.
The main reason why white people like these clothes is that it allows them to believe that at any moment they could find themselves with a Thule rack on top of their car headed to a national park. It could be 4:00 p.m. on a Saturday when they might  get a call “hey man, you know what we need to do? Kayak then camping, right now. I’m on my way to get you, there is no time to change clothes.
Full Article, HERE.

You never know when the call will come and as a white person, I accept that I need to be ready. But really, the only people who wear those brands in Europe are other Americans. (I won't pretend North Face and the like are dawned by just our white brethren.)
A quick litmus test: Is that loud English I hear? Oh, look--other Americans sporting Old Navy, Old Navy--Old Navy Performance Fleece.
You sang along in your head, didn't you?

It's a total trap because you try that stuff on in the store and you're goddamned ready for a safari. It's pricey and all, but I mean, SAFARI. You need a shirt with built in sunblock and bug repellent. Plus, what if there is an avalanche and your jacket doesn't have a GPS homing signal? Do you really want to be the only chump stuck in a snow drift?
The thing is, most of that quick dry, synth-fiber, goretex junk is wicked LOUD when you move. Sure it's breathable, flexible and light but you're basically a walking onomatopoeia: Swish, swish, swish...  
All the unfriendly creatures of the forest come around to mock your feeble attempts at stealth mode.
So when I go out, I dress like the mutherfuckin Dúnedain, elf friend and rangers in the north. What this means is I rock earth shades, layers. silent shoes, a backpack stuffed with chocolate, a headlamp and bottle of water.

These things, good weather and good friends are all you really need to have good time. I used to love the fall because it meant I could be a good student. Now I'm more concerned with good cooking and a good long walk in the woods.
Check out this song, the video is pretty good.

Whelp, gotta go--having some white friends from my hometown over tonight, better get some hummus. 
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Ghost Tours

Over the last few weeks I've had some awesome chances to go on some ghost tours!

Two weeks ago Spencer and I went to Asylum 49 in Tooele, UT with my brother and sister. It's the old hospital that's so haunted they've turned it into a "spook alley" as my sweet gma would call it. We got to walk through with all of the actors scaring us and making us jumpy. The animatronics they had were AWESOME.
After we walked through the haunted house, we waited while all of the actors left and all of the animatronics were shut off. Afterwards we walked through with tour guides and went to different wings of the building.
DJ Chunga from 101.9 and Ben Hansen from the SyFy channel were there telling lots of scary stories from when the hospital was up and running, as well as stories that had personally happened to them since the hospital was abandoned.
Our first wing of the building we visited was Labor and Delivery.
We had some awesome communication experiences with spirits that were visiting this building. We heard moans, footsteps, pipes rattling and the sink turned on at one point.
We also visited the old nurses station and used Mag lights to communicate with a female spirit in the building.
Our last stop was the old ER room which was totally awesome. There was a sink dripping in there that they haven't been able to shut off for years.
We went back to the hallway by the nurses station because there seemed to be a lot of activity there. Ben Hansen hooked my middle finger up to a heart rate monitor. Resting in the hallway my heart rate was 77. After a few minutes of nothing happening I told Ben I was suddenly FREEZING. He looked down and my heart rate and jumped to 112. I was quickly warm again and my heart rate immediately went back down to 77.
Totally creepy.
They had this awesome casket at the end of our tour we laid in to take pictures.
Here I am with grim reaper standing over me. 
(This is the tour we all got SUPER sick from. I think we were all exposed to something or someone- all 4 of us were down and out all of last week- Spencer is STILL sick! It may have had something to do with the fact we didn't get HOME until almost 5:30 AM!)
Was this past Friday at the Baron Mill in Brigham City. Spencer and Natalie were still too sick to go so I ended up going with my brother Jeff and two of his friends. There's so much history in this building. It was originally owned by the LDS Church- Bought by a second party and later abandoned.
We got to walk through the building after hearing some scary stories about things that previously happened before the building was abandoned. There were lots of children in the 30's that worked in this building and one little boy was killed by a huge piece of machinery that wasn't shut off yet- that machine is still in the building.
It was totally spooky walking through here since the owners UP and LEFT.
There were literally still bags of wool laying around..
DJ Chunga had a really bad experience with something he felt was evil in this building. He told us to "STAY AWAY FROM THE BOILER ROOM" ....we still went.. but nothing bad happened.
Here are some pics!
Since the workers up and left there's quite a bit of machinery still left in the building. This was the actual machine that killed the little boy that tried to fix it!
Here's a picture of the Boiler Room we were supposed to stay out of.
I'm still not sure why there is ANY red in this picture- the Boiler had zero red coloring on it at ALL. But there's quite a bit of weird red in this picture....
We walked into this room where we found original bags of yarn from the Mill!
Our guide said there's usually quite a bit of activity in this room.
Me & Jeff
(p.s. this was the most FREEZING cold tour I've ever been on. My feet were freezing in my boots!)
Original machinery in the Wash Room
Original bag of Wool left just outside of the building
We've always been into Haunted Houses and Ghost Tours..
What's the scariest thing you've done for Halloween this year?

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My Friday Letters

DEAR SNOW I really do hate you. You are too cold and wet. But at least you make driving to work interesting. I feel like I'm flying through space in my car with my headlights on.
DEAR COLD I've had all week. You suck. And you've made me  OH so miserable.
DEAR MUCINEX COLD SYRUP I love you so much. I drank you so often, you actually started to make me gag.
DEAR PUFFS PLUS WITH LOTION Whoever invented you deserves a Popsicle. You made my runny/stuffy nose feel loved.
DEAR CABIN SOCKS There is really nothing quite as comfortable and soft for my tootsies. I will be buying more of you. Lots more of you.
DEAR ALMOND JOY CREAMER Thank you for existing. You just made my hot chocolate and my life 100 times better.
DEAR BUNNY WINSTON Thank you for being cute. Always, all the time. You made me feel better when you'd hop and run around. I made you love me while I was sick by bribing you with lots of treats. You even shared your bunny popcorn

DEAR HUSBAND Thank you for the treats you bought me when I was feeling most miserable. Medicine, soup, movies, balloons, apple sauce and treats. You made me feel so loved & cared for.
Also, thanks for not judging when you came home from work and I was on the couch with tissues stuck up my nose.

DEAR BROTHER Thank you for loving Halloween as much as I do. I'm glad you don't mind spending HOURS at Halloween City with me. Our costumes are AGAIN, going to be off the chain! woot!

DEAR RYAN, MY BOSS Thank you for making me a man-sized breakfast burrito today for breakfast. I ate ALL OF IT, an orange juice & a donut. Now I'm happy.

DEAR TAYSWIFT I love you. And your new CD.

Happy Friday!
Any fun plans for the weekend??

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Julep Maven

I was SO excited to see my little monthly surprise came!
(No, not my period.. my OTHER monthly surprise!)
...My Julep Maven box came!

(This actually came the same day I did my Bunny Sweater outfit post AND had my eyes dilated- which explains the black eyes..)
I'm glad I'm finally getting around to posting this, even if it is a week later!
I'm officially an "It Girl"
forgive me for this crap photo..
..and here are my fresh new colors...
bow chicka wow wow!
Have any of you signed up for your monthly box yet?!

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Jessica's Affirmations

It's been a WHIIILE since I've done Wednesday Words I Love.
I'm going to start doing that again..
But today, I'm going to let Jessica be my "Words I Love"

I originally saw this video years ago.
I'm sure you've all seen it.
Every once in a while I think of it and look it up..
This little girl is absolutely darling I can't even stand it.
I think this video speaks for itself.
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Three T-Shirts and the Road to Here

I just checked the date on this milk and it turns out I haven't posted a video blog since the Hollande election back in May.
Admittedly, this post is inspired by a mastercard commercial I can't find on youtube wherein an adventurous wife drags her homesick counterpart off to China but remembers his vintage tee shirt collection...pricelessness? 
I really wish I could find the original clip. If I'm not mistaken it alluded strongly to the the abject truth that Americans tower over all Chinese people.
But seriously, you didn't see the husband's face once and he was always bumping into stuff. In the analogy, I mean, even though I did drag my husband off to a strange and exotic place, (mdr) I'm also the one who packed my own clothes...much to Seb's dismay.

Atanyrate, here is a video blog post about my favorite tee shirts, with a little bit about my life when I got them and a lot about why I love music. Oh, and one last thing--I equalized the sound for this video with laptop speakers, but it honestly sounds so much better with headphones, your choice.

 Fun fact: the junior I mention in the intro was/is a real person. He actually tried to say, "Hi," to me once, but I was blowing my noes at the time.. So, after checking behind me to see who he was really talking to, I took a quick lap around the station in search of a trash can...
At least I'm cool online.
Oh, and for the last of the last, if you want to hear more of 8-bit, you can download them HERE. 
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Leiber Award!!

I'm SO EXCITED and totally flattered that Christina nominated me for the Leibster Award!
This lovely little award made me so happy! What an encouraging email to get!
WOO HOO! Thank you Christina!
What is the Liebster Blog Award?
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the “favorite blog award”
Here are 11 random facts about me:
1. I love nail polish
2. One of my nicknames was Snuffy growing up- for my long eyelashes
(Short for snuffaluffagus from Sesame Street..)
3. I've never broken any bones.
4. I'm totally addicted to instagram
5. I have at least 100 pairs of shoes. That's guessing low..
6. I hear a glorious choir of angels singing every time I walk into a Sephora.
7. I love unicorns
8. I wish I had a thick southern accent and could say "ya'll" all the time.
9. I've driven the same car since I was 16- poor thing is hammered.
10. I can crochet- pretty decent too..
11. I think scaring people is hilarious.
And the questions I was asked are:
1. Do you have any random talents?

I play the violin?

2. What is your dream life? job, house, details?
My dream life would be having my husband, kids and animal(s)? playing in our big yard with a white picket fence. We would live on a street lined with big pretty trees and have awesome neighbors. Totally Cliche! Not quite sure on the job yet.. haha
3. Where is your favorite place?
The beach. I can't pass up warm weather and sand in my toes. Everything about the beach is heavenly.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people don't listen. I think listening to others is such a vital part of having a functional friendship/relationship or even a normal conversation. If you aren't listening you aren't going anywhere..
Or when people don't cover their mouths to cough/sneeze. Gross.

5. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?

6. What is the most important thing/person in the world to you?
My Church.
My Husband.

7. Any pets? How many and what are they?
I have a chi weenie (Chihuahua wiener dog mix) named Jax
A bunny named Winston

8. How old were you for your first french kiss?
haha really??
Ask me where I was.. bahaha

9. What is your absolute favorite book and why?
I love books. Hunger Games, Twilight Series (ya ya..) Anything written by Jodi Picoult.. 

10. Are you a blood donor?
No, I haven't been able to qualify.
Even if I did, drawing blood makes me sick.

11. Why did you start blogging?
Many of our family members & friends don't live too close- I thought it would be a good way to keep everyone in the loop about what's going on. Since then the blog has turned into so many different things and ideas, it's kind of my place to get little bits of my creativity out.

(Also answer the same questions above!)
For those of you who I nominated- right click the leiber award button at the top of this post, copy and save- be sure to upload it somewhere on your blog!
Happiness Is...
 The Outfit Addiction
My Own Sweet Scoops
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
My Something New With You
come what may & love it
When Mine Became Ours
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Lia Sophia

Hey Everyone!

Last week my sweet Mom and I hosted a jewelry party for Lia Sophia at our house!
We picked an awful week with UEA and Fall Breaks for school, I know a lot of you were out of town! I thought I would post the link here for everyone to see and give you a chance to buy something awesome before we close our hostess account for this party!

Here is the link:
Click the link above and it takes you to the personal Lia Sophia of our sweet Rhonda Willden! When you go to this page you'll see a BROWSE OUR JEWELRY link at the top.
This takes you to a separate page where you can "Search your hostess"
Here is where you'll type in Marilee Brockbank- this lets you add jewelry to your cart!
Lia Sophia has awesome jewelry and some SWEET DEALS going on right now!
If you buy two regular priced items, the next FIVE items in your cart are HALF OFF!
The two regular priced items that you pay for are ALWAYS your cheapest items!
So find two cheap pairs of earrings and get your next items HALF OFF!
This is SO perfect right now because you can get some KILLER Christmas Shopping

If you're interested in hosting your own Lia Sophia party let me know- the hostess perks for doing this are unbelievable, you WON'T be mad about it!  :)

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me!
We are only leaving the link open for another day or two so jump on the opportunity to get some great deals for Christmas shopping!!

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Bunny Sweater

I found this awesome sweater and had to have it for obvious reasons.
This was kind of a last minute outfit post SO I had my sweet husband take the pictures.
Bless his heart..
Like I said, my sweet husb took my pictures for this post.
I PURPOSELY didn't crop his finger out of the bottom right corner.
His finger has become quite famous in pictures. As you can see in THIS POST , a majority of the pictures from our Honeymoon have "the finger" in them.
Bunny Sweater: F21 HERE  
Boyfriend jeans: GAP HERE
Shoes: Jessica Simpson 
Bracelet: Tiffany & Co
Watch: Nixon  
Necklace: Chanel from Vegas :)

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A Busy Week

This week was totally crammed and packed with every event we could possibly fit into our schedule! With Spencer working, going to school & Coaching Woods Cross High Lacrosse, we feel busy as is!

I had my usual laser hair removal appointment.
(The numbing process makes my arms fall asleep. I think I'm the only human being in the world that loves that tingling limb sensation.)
Which is one of the reasons I love my hair removal appointments. Other than the obvious.

I met the rest of Spencer's family.
This was totally fun and I loved them all!

We Celebrated 7 months of marriage!
(and the next day we celebrated the year date from when Spencer proposed)
Still obsessed with my flashy left hand bling.
We went to a wedding
We got to go to the Salt Lake Temple for Brad & Tanda's wedding.
Talk about a stunning bride. She had big pretty earrings on that reminded me of a Holiday Barbie. I wanted to steal them.
THIS is when the real fun started. 
Yesterday I had an eye appointment- first one EVER.
I was having some problems with my eyes for about a month straight. They were so bloodshot it looked like I was all hopped up on something good. They started to hurt and I'd wake up and couldn't even look in the mirror.
If you know me at all, you know I hate any sort of doctor's office.
The sterile smell alone makes me sweaty.
I sat in the chair and saw the mirrors in front of me tilted at just the right angle and the ugly striped wallpaper made me feel like I was in a fun house. I thought I might barf.
Thankfully this was put on my face shortly after. I was pretty amused.
The eye doctors and assistants checked my eye pressure, dilated my eyes and checked my googlers out.
My eyes are "much larger than the average adult eyeballs."
Apparently there's "more surface area that is effected by different elements"
The doctor told me to close my eyes and asked if I could see a light shining. It was pretty dang bright. I said yes, and his response was, "haha you aren't supposed to!"
MY EYELIDS don't completely cover the surface area of my eyeballs.
When my eyes were completely dilated I started to get a little claustrophobic. I've never not been able to see something up close and it made me panic about getting old.
I also took a picture  of my dilated pupils to look at later and I felt like Lady Gaga in her Bad Romance Vid.
As you can see from my collage of instagram photos I thought this was quite the event.
I was given a few different eye drops to try, if they don't work they're going to have to give me a prescription for restasis.
Hopefully they work- I like my googlers nice and lubricated.
p.s. I hate the word lubricated.
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Some Things I've Learned

I've been Employed by the same Company for 5 1/2 years.
Throughout those 5 years I've moved up, held different positions & I've certainly learned a few things along the way.
Some things in life are questionable.
These things, however, are NOT..
-If you are over 13 years old, it is not okay to wear pigtails in your hair.
The Exception: you are dressing up as daisy duke for Halloween.
In THAT case, pigtails are pretty hot.
But this isn't fantasy land people, this is REAL LIFE.
-If you spill something, you BETTER clean it up yourself.
 I am not your maid. I'm also not your mother.
The Exception: You are two years old or younger.
But my friends, If you are in my building for lunch, you are not two & if you are, you have your mother to clean up after you.
-Sandals and toe socks together are NOT okay.
you see Ladies and gentlemen, these things on their own are wonderful.
Together? Just don't do it. Please.
The Exception: There isn't one.
My husband will argue socks/sandals are okay. He is wrong.
-Sometimes it's OKAY to use common sense.
See, most of us use this on a daily basis.
I'd like to think EVERYONE uses this all the time. Unfortunately it's not true. I've come to learn there are very few people that have common sense! It's hard to come by these days. It's more of a talent now..
If you made a stop at the soda machine, got a drink & put a lid on your cup... you'll be safe assuming the straws are very near. In fact, you probably reached over the straws to grab that lid you just put on your cup.
Don't ask me where the straws are.
The Exception: You are blind and you have a cool walking stick.
-Ladies: Please conceal your ladies!
The amazing lady Mary Phelps Jacob created a little thing we call the BRA back in 1913. For this invention, I consider sweet Mary a genius.
The bra was invented for a reason- wear it.
The Exception: You were born before 1913. If this is your case and you're still living- you should be in a museum. The other exception is you are still waiting to hit puberty.

-It's best to keep your mouth shut.
I've had MORE inconsiderate people walk up to me and voice their opinion about my clothes, or my hair.. whatever.
Someone told my sister this week her sweater was "extremely tacky" ...when really it was darling. Or when my hair was pulled up into a really cute messy bun and someone randomly walks in my office and says, "UHH WOW... THAT'S QUITE THE DOO..!!"
I'm shocked at the lack of respect and tact people have- especially towards COMPLETE STRANGERS! I certainly know better than to prance into your office to tell you your jeans don't fit right, or your makeup looks crappy. BECAUSE IT'S RUDE.

The Exception: You are going to open your mouth to say something nice.

"If you can't say something nice.. keep your mouth shut"
-the great words of Mikell

-You are not entitled because you have a doctor's coat on.
If you treat me poorly because I'm "just have an office job" you've got something else coming to you. You are no better than I am, just because you went to school to become a doctor. You may be smarter, but not better. Step off your high horse.
Or jump off and break your ankle. Either way.
Regardless of your job title, keep in mind I AM a human being with feelings. I have family- just like you do! I have things I love- just like you do. I have things and people I care about- just like you do. See? We are more alike than you thought!
The Exception: you train unicorns for a living. In that case, you really are better than I am. And you have every right to feel entitled.

-if you don't have money, you don't get food.
Shocking, we see this ALL THE TIME.
I've stood at the register in complete disbelief when someone says "oh well I don't have enough money" ....okay.. then PUT SOMETHING BACK.
WOULD YOU EVER go to the grocery store and be like.. "oh. sorry. Welp.. my groceries are all bagged and I'm $14.00 dollars short so THANKS for taking care of this for me!"
If it's not okay to do at the grocery store, it's not okay to do at a restaurant.
..Or anywhere else for that matter!!

As you can see,
I'm pretty passionate about all of these things.
And all of them put me in a bad mood.
Believe it or not, this list is a mile long. But I'll stop here.

I'm glad I got to share some of the things I've learned along the way with this job of mine. Maybe by reading a few of these things you've spared yourself getting punched in the face.

Have a lovely day everyone.

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Apple Crisp

This was by far the best Apple Crisp I've ever had!
Ya'll know how much I love Martha Stewart, but I try to steer away from her recipes. They usually consist of cheeses or spices I've never even heard of. When I read those ingredients I immediately go to the next recipe.
I found this Martha Stewart Apple Crisp recipe and it was SO EASY I couldn't believe it.
You'll love it, and your house will smell DELICIOUS!
All of the ingredients you'll need are listed above!
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a large bowl, mix together flour, brown sugar, salt, & 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Cut butter into flour using pastry blender or two knives, until mixture is the texture of coarse meal. Add oats, and use your hands to toss and squeeze mixture until large moist clumps form. Transfer to freezer to chill while you prepare your apples!

**Right now Winegars has Gala apples on sale- two 3lb bags for $5.00!**

2. In another large bowl, toss apples with lemon juice, cinnamon, and remaining 1/2 cup granulated sugar. Transfer to a shallow 2-quart baking dish and sprinkle with topping mixture. Place baking dish on a rimmed baking sheet, and bake until golden and bubbling- about 55 to 65 minutes.
Let cool 10 minutes before serving.

I even went full out for the occasion and bought myself some vanilla bean ice cream.
AND ate my apple crisp and ice cream in my VS Sweats.

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The Joys Of Being Little

Have you ever looked out your window in the morning and wished you had a full day ahead to play in the sandbox rather than go to work?
Today was one of those days.
All I wanted to do this morning was sleep in late & crawl into my footie jammies (yep...) watch cartoons and eat a bowl of Lucky Charms.
...Maybe 2 or 3 bowls actually...
I wanted to call my friends over to play House.
(I call to be the mom!!)
Or we could play barbies. Or play outside in the playhouse.
If it was nice outside we could ride our bikes on the sidewalks and pretend we ACTUALLY had our driver's licenses.
We could talk in our very own language.
Which was really just pig latin.
We could have oreos and milk for lunch and red vine straws in our Sprite.
We would come inside and be filthy from sidewalk chalk and have a disgusting collection of Rolly Pollies in my purple princess treasure box.
We could have a pony party and pretend we were on unicorns.
We would go to the park and pretend the ground was lava and jump from toy to toy being totally sweaty and hot & not even caring as my hair sticks to my face.
My only stress would be which friend to play with.
I would wear tall socks with tennis shoes.
Because that was the most comfy you know..
I'd have Curly Q shoestrings- the ones you could just twist around each other and not tie.
My socks would more than likely have beads sewn onto them that clatter as I run.
We would pick the honeysuckles from the front yard and more than likely eat them.
(this really happened..)
We would pick a flower from all of the neighbors houses and make perfume water.
Then go door to door and try to sell it.
We would go to the neighbors house and ask to play in her makeup.
We would adore and awe over her bright red shades of lipstick.
This morning I wanted to do these things.
I woke up at 5:30 am and put make up on.
I brushed my teeth and did my hair.
I put on real perfume. [Not flower water..]
I put $40.00 of gas in my car and drove to work.
I opened the door to my own office and answered phone calls and emails.
I had eggs for breakfast, even though I wanted Lucky Charms.
(we didn't any or I would have eaten them.)
I checked my bank account and figured out bills.
I have grown up work shoes on.
Not socks with beads. unfortunately.
I miss being 5.
I'm also thankful & oh so blessed for:
A full time job
a car
money to pay my bills
my own office
my grown up red lipstick
my sweet husband.
our baby Winston
Healthy Lunches (with a side of Oreos)
Grown up perfume.
....the list goes on and on....
I also still love:
making red vines into straws
Lucky Charms
playing at the park
..this list is even longer...
Today I'm thankful for the things I got to experience as a kid.
I'm thankful for the things I get to experience as an adult.
I'm thankful for nieces and nephews and primary kids that remind me of how fun it was to be little.. and how a huge part of me will never grow up.

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At frist I was like...but then I was like...

Well, there are two things I really like about the internet: memes, and you.
Not everybody has as much time as your favorite post-modernist to devote to chumming the vast seas that we call the webs. So, if you ever want to know more about memes, you can go to Know your meme, Quick meme, Urban Dictionary or Reddit...the latter being the front page of the English speaking internet. You should already have an account. (Up votes for self-smuggery)

Moving on.
I ran into this meme format when on Facebook back in 2009. A friend posted this image of Ice Cube from his time with NWA and his life there after wherein he cared an aweful lot about boat safety, apparently.

You see how it works. I though I could use to to explain a few changes I've noticed along my path...

My threshold for Graphics:

French electro:

Electing a president:

Life at the Colocation:

Yay, a beach day!

And on to the last one which is the most relevant at the moment because I live in a climate with four seasons. For ecological reasons we therefore require rain.  I've never understood people who want to express to me how disconcerting a given weather pattern is for them.
Take notes, this will be on the test:

If it's uncomfortably hot for you, or too cold--or even if there hasn't been a full day of sun for a week, trust me, we've all noticed. I can guarantee that you are adding nothing to the conversation nor anyone's comfort.
Well, go ahead and say it. You'r thinking it and silences make you awkward. I've got my lines memorized--lets waste some time agreeing with each other that we wish we could have sunshine forever without killing almost all the plants. No, wait that would mean we actually considered rain had a purpose, so let's skip that step and just rephrase each other's statements.
You'll be like, "It was hard to get out of bed today."
And I'll be like, "Yeah, I know--and the sky, it's just so, like, grey. Gawd."
You: I was just going to say that!
Me: Wow, that's crazy. We're basically thought twins!
It's camaraderie plus sadness, my favorite!
/Rant; Ahem

When people complain about the weather:

And so I leave you with some listening..
But remember, ours is a world of wonder--of beauty and ugliness compounded, refracted and recycled, of truth, love and chaos, all in equal measure. It's our only planet and our only hope--some people even break the sound barrier trying to get back to it.
Yup, we that gud.
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