Bye Bye Sissy

I've known today was coming for a long time.
..But it seriously snuck up on me..
Today is the day my sister moves to Hawaii.
I'm SO BUMMED for me and SO EXCITED for her.
Last night we went to dinner as a family for our last night with Fatalie.
After dinner she came inside to say goodbye to Winston, sat down, smiled at me & started bawling. This was the first time I had seen Nat actually cry about leaving.
My mom has had the hardest time sending her away for school.
It would be different if it was inland, but it's somewhere we've never traveled to nor can we afford to visit often. Natalie has always been the glue for our family.. And she's done an awesome job at making us all laugh and get along.
Fats told us she'll see us next Christmas. A year from now.
When I think back on how much has happened in the last year, it's sad to think this year may be just as eventful.. but without my sissy by my side.
I'm sure to many of you this seems completely insignificant.
Which is just fine..
But my best friend no longer being a few streets away is something I've never experienced.
Today I'm thankful for iphones, facebook, blogs, emails and texts.
At least I know we're only a phone call away!
This little Ginger is all grown up. Fats was born a little fishy and will be right at home running around on the beach.
Fats, I'm SO absolutely proud of you.
I'm so happy & excited for you.
You will meet some awesome friends & have some amazing experiences.
I can't wait to hear all about it!

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