Self assured, dirty words.

Are you familiar with the concept of punctuated equilibrium? Well, I'm quite fond of it, as a major proponent of the theory attended my university. I'll save some of you the wiki visit and say it states that instead of a population evolving slowly through out time, the population will enjoy periods of stasis punctuated by  rapid changes made necessary by outside forces. That is to say we evolve when we need to, not slowly everyday. And of course Mr. Gould isn't talking about evolution of the individual, but I am.
And so, are you in a period of stasis or are you attempting to regain equilibrium?
For my part this surely is not equilibrium.
Nor, I suppose is it stasis.
A state of flux.
A perpetual state of flux. I may bend time at this rate. Spoons though, are still out of my league.

I went dancing this weekend with my colocs. Now, some of you may have read my short story about an eastern European disco-tech tour. Well, that never happened. Sometimes, a hotdog is just a hotdog.  -Freud,  (attributed) And leastwise, I've not yet left western Europe, and even then, although I love to dance, most of my friends do not.  So this was something of an anomaly for me.
Dane Cook pretty much has it right with this denim cock business. But all things in moderation.  I can't speak to club culture generally, but I will say that the men I was dancing with and I had a certain level of mutual respect. Yes, we molested each other like no one could see our hands, but if I ever moved his or made it clear that our dance was over, each accepted this and moved on. Did they stare at me when I danced with someone else? You bet. Did they attempt to convince me that I should dance with them again, yes sir.  Who isn't attracted to a person who knows what they want and how to go for it? Makes me wanna mix my Guinness with a Dr Pepper. 
I love big parties,  I blame my birth order. I promise you, the internet--I am most alive in a crowd of people I will never see again. In high school I confided in my chemistry teacher that I should be paid to shmooz. The way the smile fell from his face, I got the impression that he didn't expect someone who was getting an A in his class to select that as  a future destination.  Damn, he must be proud.
The cosmos is full beyond measure of elegant truths...some of them are Jim Beam
    So yes, flux: modified by the metabolic pathways of my on going cellular metaphor. The hope, homeostasis--striving for an equilibrium, my prime directive. But only so that I can knock that wall down and try, try again. Shut up Yoda, yes there is.
In fact watch us try right here:

Oh, what fun!
I really lucked out with this group. They're most definitely helping me to make a home for myself here on this lonely planet. Speaking of which,  Happy MLK day, America. <-----Lest we forget that we have laurels upon which to lean...
You have read this article Carl Segan / Dane Cook / Disco-tech / Guinness / Jay Z / Martin Luther King jr / Nirvana / Post Modern Talko / Star Wars / Stephan Jay Gould / There is no try / Wale with the title Self assured, dirty words.. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

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