Earth day, Easter and other Ease.

Greetings fellow travelers abord satellite Earth. How's it spinning?

                    As  most  none of you know, I used to indulge a reoccurring thought experiment wherein our planet abruptly comes to a full stop but everything else on Earth remains in motion and traveling at the speed we were previously, and collectively going. At those rates, because they would inevitably vary, would the concept of solid objects cease to have meaning?  Could myself and the splattered melange of fellow passengers and the bus we were riding in now be said to be two or more objects existing in the same time and place--thereby displacing matter, thereby defying the laws of physics? Would in fact the rate be so constant that we would seem to be frozen in time, or would we all be pulverized so fast that no one would have a moment to register the event?

Sometimes, when I would play in that world, I liked the idea of imagining a gazelle floating by me mid jump, maybe a palm tree and the whole half of a sky scraper as it dissolves into a harmattan of glass and steel. So yeah.. the gazelle, right, I know that's almost as illogical as the earth coming to a full stop without slowing. But as  I've already elevated this daydream to the level of "thought experiment", one should hardly be surprised that I'm basically picturing the fallout from a tornado at the LA zoo.

This is related to my life now because I observed Earth Day and I may travel to Africa.
Earth Day, wasn't my most earthy. I think I left the Christmas's lights in the kitchen on for two days and I swam at a pool. Hey, I can explain that! I went to my coloc's fitness club for a free trial. I have to admit that I've never really sat on an exercise bike before, except to escape running in gym class. I actually worked up a sweat. (Mostly because it was a veritable rainforest in there.) It was cool though, we took a free water aerobics class. That was an awesome 45 minutes, if you're the sort of spectator who want to see two girls bouncing out of their bikinis.... The instructor always seem to find his way down to our side of the pool when we were adjusting our tops. Funny that. But he had amazing thighs, so I forgive him.

As for Africa, I've been invited to go to Tunisia for a wedding.  It's in the southern region of their country and I was told I would most likely be the first american they've ever met. Obviously, funds are an issue.  I may have to delay the trip until September. But I would really hate to miss the opportunity for this cultural exchange.
More on that soon, swearz.

Don't be mad, don't be mean..
I've been reading a great book about Allen Ginsberg that has got me all but scratching myself raw with want of travel. It's by Barry Miles and although it is a scholarly account (based on letters, articles, interviews as well as personnel jornal entries of Allen himself as well as other Beats,) I find it's still a joy to read. You should read it as well!

Well, only if you dont' mind being horrendously jealous that he got to hang out with Bob Dylan, meet the Dalai Lama, speak with Castro in Cuba right after the revolution and take all kinds of wild mind altering opiates in and among Inca and Aztec ruins before skipping off to India in seach of a yogi--all whilst still effecting the American literary scene on two coasts. Naw, I'm not jealous. Who would envy a guy like that?
But it's cool, like objects suddenly springing to motion or coming to a friction filled hult, we all move at our own rates. His historical romance with life is still mine to cherish, even if it may be impossible to emulate.
Don't worry Mr Abbey, I'm still outliving the bastards.

Easter was a fun time, too. Sebastien and two of our coloc undertook to color eggs. The french girls were confused when we said we wanted to hard boil them in lieu of blowing the egg goo out one end.

Masters of compromise, we endeavored to do both. Their way makes a bit of sense as one wonders why we would make something beautiful and then smash it. But no one considers that for any length of time if they've gotten a good look at human behavior. Leastwise, the breakfast quiche we had as a result of our eggdevors, was yummy in my tummy today! And event though France only has brown eggs they turned out pretty alright.
Can you spot the egg I made for yermom?

Afterwards we went had a nice picnic with some friends by the jardin de Tuillerie. We actually encountered an American on holiday and it felt strange to be the one acting as interpreter. I guess I really have improved. And speaking of picnics, I think I've already been on ten picnics this spring and let me tell you, French cuisine was MADE for picnicking!
Ok, maybe not tartar.
Oh and I almost forgot to mention the other super cool thing we did. Well, I get all gooey for science, much in the same way that Sebastien goes all gaga for history. Nevertheless, he agreed to indulge my want of science by accompanying me to the Cité des science museum this Saturday. And as luck would have it there was  an exposition on Science fiction series!
There is real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. 
I could basically do a whole post just for this so all I'll say was that Séba was like a kid at Christmas. Every time we turned a corner he would gasp in awe. I must have kissed him about a jillion times. But that was mostly because I kept stumbling into his area-effect, cone of glee.

See that, occasionally compromise gets you more than you bargained for! I would show you photos of the orignal BTTF hoverboard and an actual full-scale Viper from Battlestar Galactica, Greedo's mask or one those evil Terminator robots, but I'm all photoed out for the time being. (I'll be back)

Anyway I'd prefer to get outside while there is still enough sunlight to work on my sunburn. Just kidding...ok, no I'm not. Hope you have a super swell week. And all my folks who still have snow on the ground, the thaw will be that much sweeter when it comes. You'll feel it in your chlorenchyma. Fret not, dreadnaught, as I always like to say. But geez, I mean, who doesn't say that, right?
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